Program of the First Russian Forum
“Current State and Prospects for Development of Russian Bunker Services Market”
Saint-Petersburg, 26-27th June 2008
Renaissance Baltic Hotel, (4 Ul. Pochtamtskaja)
26th June, Thursday
9:00 Registration
10:00 Forum opening. Introductory speech of V.A. Kovalev, President of Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers
10:10 Greeting from City Hall, Y.V. Molchanov,Vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg
Session 1. Russian bunkering services market: current situation and major trends.
10:20A. Paperny,General Director, Government Customer Administration for Marine Transport Development, FGU.
Perspectives of Russian ports:Problems, client appeal improvement.State policies in the field.
10:40I. M. Rusu, Deputy Chief of National Agency for Marine and River Transport.
Safety in Russian ports. Safety regulations and future development of legislation to ensure safety in Russian ports.
11:00 Coffee-break
Session 1, continued
11:30 A.P. Andrusenko, Chief of Azov-Don Administration of Marine and River Supervision of National Transport Surveillance Agency
Trends in maritime traffic safety regulations in Russia. Safety regulations and future development of legislation to ensure safety in Russian shipping industry.
11:50 A.Y. Karpov
Prospects of Russian transport system development in the framework of global trends.
12:10 A. L. Sobolev, Chairman of the Board of Directors, OOO “Nevsky Mazut".Technical infrastructure of the bunker company as the major competitive edge and the way to fuel cost and price optimisation.
12:30 N. Malysheva, RD Director, PortNews IA.
Russian bunkering market survey.
12:50 B.V. Borodin, Deputy Head for custom supervision of Baltic Customhouse.
Court practices, expected development of custom legislation.
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
Session 2. Economic and legal risks in bunkering.
14:30 A. V. Korsunsky, manager of Water Carriers Insurance Centre, VSK.
Insurance coverage for bunkering companies.
14:50 A.K. Erofeev, Head of Administration for Ship Owners’ Liability Insurance, VSK.
Bunkering ship owners’ liability insurance to cover third parties’ losses including liability for oil and oil products pollution. Russian and international legislation.
15:10 D.G. Tokarev, Manager for maritime risks insurance, VSK, St.-Petersburg branch.
Presentation of Strahovoy Dom, VSK, St.-Petersburg branch.
15:20 Discussion
15:30 Coffee-break
Session 2, continued
16:00 A. Kosmachevsky, lawyer, legal firm “Remedy”.
Documentation accompanying bunkering services delivery: contract, request, receipt, their status and significance.
Delivery of substandard fuel to the bunkering company and by the bunkering company to the ship owner: proof of quality, proof of losses. Failure to pay for bunkering. Debt collecting, vessel arrest based on relevant claims in different countries.
Session 3. Bunkering market: current situation and major trends
16:30 S.N. Yakushev, Director of Taman branch of “Rosmorport” FGUP
Trends in development of ports and off-shore transhipment areas in Taman.
16:50 A. Belov, Bominflot Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Bunkering operations in the Baltic Sea, growing competition among Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian ports.
17:10 A. Stakanov, trader, Transbunker.
Black Sea and Far East ports: Bunkering industry development evaluation.
17:30 A. Kalinichenko, senior trader, Bergen Bunkers.
Barents Sea: gas, oil and bunkering
End of the first day
27th June, Friday
Session 4. Bunker fleet:condition, construction, modernization
10:00 V.A. Kovalev, President of Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers.
Single hull tankers removing from service according to Rule 21 of MARPOL Annex I. Current situation, problems and perspectives.Association’s efforts to minimize adverse influence on the industry.
10:20 N.K. Konovalov, General Director, Nevsky shipyard.
Construction and modernisation of bunkering tankers at Russian shipyards. Specific features of pricing.
10.4010:40 O. I. Borisov, Deputy General Director, OOO “Transoil”.
Renovation of bunkering fleet and dual-hull vessels use.
11:00 Discussion
11.2011:20 Coffee-break
Session 5. Oil products
12:10 A.A. Yakovlev, General Director of EPN-Consulting.
Oil products available at the Russian market (for bunker fuel production):grades, specifications, manufacturers.
12:30 Smerechuk V. R., Head of North-Western Interregional Territorial Administration of National Agency for Technical Regulations and Metrology.
Bunker fuel management in the Russian Federation as stipulated by the national law “On Technical Regulations” (with amendments as on May 1, 2007)
12:50 – 14:30 Lunch
Session 5, continued. Oil Products
14:30 Speaker will be named later
Mini-refineries’ production quality, availability of fuel resources manufactured by mini-refineries for bunkering companies.Mini-refineries development perspectives.
Session 6. Quality of bunker fuel
15:00 A. S. Beday, customer service manager, DNV.
International regulation of sulphur content in marine fuel. Trends in low-sulphur fuel quality control in sulphur emission control areas (SECA).
Session 7. Bunker fuel trading: financial aspects.
15.2015:20 V.A. Vasiliev, senior Vice-President of Morskoy Bank
New financial instruments improving bunkering infrastructure.
15. 15:40 A. S. Mjatlik, Globus-Leasing.
Leasing in bunkering business
16:00 Coffee-break
Session 7, continued
16:20 S.N. Leontjev, Deputy General Director, Saint Petersburg Commodity Exchange
Strategy of oil products trading at Saint Petersburg Commodity Exchange
16:40 N. V. Litvinova, Deputy Head, Port Zones Administration, National Agency for Special Economic Zones.
Highlights of special port areas development. Geography. Timing. Advantages and problems.
End of the Forum
19:30 Gala dinner at Aquarel restaurant