North Dakota
>What concerns do you have about comprehensive exams in psychology that you
>would like the group to address?
How to manage the subjectivity that can go into scoring the exams. Our
comprehensive exam has both a written and oral component, and there are
times when faculty evaluations of each vary substantially.
>What concerns do you have about preliminary exams in counseling psychology
>that you would like the group to address?
Similar concern as expressed above.
>Do you require written comprehensive examinations in psychology(or
>alternative project) in your program? If yes, specify the following
>1. length, and setting of the exam.
The written portion of the comprehensive is a Specialty paper, on a topic
identifed by the student, but which must include theory, reseach, ethics,
and professional issues of psychology & counseling psychology. As such,
the length, setting and time period vary greatly.
>2. when the exam is typically completed by students
During the second year, or very early in the third year (post-MA).
>3. content areas typically covered in the exam.
Research, Theory, Practical Application, and Ethics.
>4. whether reading lists are provided to students and, if yes, who
>provides the list. NO
>5. grading system and who grades the exam
The Faculty Advisory Committee (working on developing a new grading rubric)
>6. proportion who fail
This is a new system for us. We've had 2 students who have had to do
>7. consequences of failing
See attached description.
>Do you require oral comprehensive examinations in your program? If yes,
>specify the following information if it is different from the written exam:
>1. length, and setting of the exam.
app 1.5 hours, in meeting with the Faculty Advisory Committee
>2. when the exam is typically completed by students
end of second year or beginning of third year, post-MA
>3. content areas typically covered in the exam.
Theory, research, application, ethics, professional identity.
>4. whether reading lists are provided to students and, if yes, who
>provides the list.
>5. grading system and who grades the exam
Faculty Advisory Committee, by concensus
>6. proportion who fail
This is a new system. No one has failed, a couple of students have had to
provide additional information to the committee in order to be certifed as
>7. consequences of failing
See attached.
>Do you require written preliminary examinations in counseling psychology
>(or alternative project) in your program? If yes, specify the following
>1. length, and setting of the exam.
1 week to work on set of essay questions
>2. when the exam is typically completed by students
Immediately before beginning of the second year.
>3. content areas typically covered in the exam.
Theory & Practic, Career Theory, Ethics/Professional Issues, Research.
>4. whether reading lists are provided to students and, if yes, who
>provides the list.
The faculty updates a list and submits it to each new cohort of students.
>5. grading system and who grades the exam
Each faculty member evaluates the question(s) he/she writes, and each exam
is also evaluted in its entirety by another faculty member. When faculty
members disagree, a third evalutor reviews it.
>6. proportion who fail
>7. consequences of failing
See attached >
>Do you require oral preliminary examinations in counseling psychology in
>your program? If yes, specify the following information if it is
>different from the written preliminary examination: No
>1. length, and setting of the exam.
>2. when the exam is typically completed by students
>3. content areas typically covered in the exam.
>4. whether reading lists are provided to students and, if yes, who
>provides the list.
>5. grading system and who grades the exam
>6. proportion who fail
>7. consequences of failing