What is the AMSA International Travel Assistance Grant?

The AMSA International Travel Assistance Grant (TAG) Program provides limited travel funding to the selected two delegates in order to financially assist them with the cost associated with attending the conference (i.e. AMSC 2015 in Singapore).

What are the rules and regulations of TAG?

1.  Interested delegates should register and apply through their chapter’s appointed Regional Chairperson (RC). The RC will then decide the two most suitable applicants from their chapter and forward their names to the Secretary of Finance.

2.  An applicant can only receive TAG once.

3.  Any delegates who registered (i.e. made payment e.g. general delegates, chief delegates, regional chairpersons) for the conference (AMSC 2015 in Singapore) may apply for TAG.

a.  Please note: the delegates who have not attended conferences previously will be prioritized

4.  TAG does not cover the registration fee of AMSC

5.  TAG per candidate will be set at either the maximum of 60% of the cost of travel fares or 500 USD, depending on which is the lower option of these two

a.  The selected recipients may be required to submit the receipts for the flight tickets upon request by the Secretary of Finance of AMSA International

6.  TAG is non-transferable and will be given only to the successful applicant. In case the applicant fails to attend the AMSC conference as per the requirements, TAG will be cancelled and will be instead awarded to the applicant with the next highest selection score

7.  Successful applicants must attend at least 80% of the AMSC conference schedules. The allocated TAG will be given to the applicant in cash (USD) on the last day of the conference if the above regulations are satisfied.

8.  The recipients must submit a report about their experiences at the conference to the Secretary of Finance before the 12th of July 2015 (before the last day of the conference).

a.  Please note that the due-date is subject to change (recipients will be notified)

b.  The reports may be used as promotional material for AMSA events or publication

9.  In order to ensure that the applications are written by the applicants themselves, all applications will be checked for any duplication prior to their assessment. Any application suspected and determined to have been duplicated in part or in whole part will be disqualified.

10.  In the event that the successful TAG recipient does not fulfil all requirements to receive the TAG, the Secretary of Finance, Overall Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons have the right to refuse the transfer of the funds.

How are successful applicants of TAG decided upon?

Several factors are taken into consideration by the Selection Committee (comprised of the Overall Chairperson and the Vice Chairpersons). Such factors include what the applicants will offer AMSA International in the future, what opportunities attending the conference will provide them and how they will optimise their time at the conference. The selection panel will also consider the financial status of the country of the applicants, as determined by the tier that the chapter is in. TAG allocation priority is given to the Tier 3 chapters, however requests from other chapters will be considered as well. The maximum number of successful applicants will be two.

What do I need to do to apply?

To be considered for application, delegates must submit the following:

·  A completed application form (see below)

·  A travel and fundraising plans, detailing the flight and travel options (see below)

·  A motivation letter summarising why you deserve to receive TAG and your plans for future involvement with AMSA International (see below)

·  A reference letter from the regional chairperson (RC) of the applicant’s chapter

All these documents must be submitted by 10th of May, 2015 to Gregory (Gi Tae) Kwon (AMSA International Secretary of Finance). These can either be submitted by the regional chairperson or the applicants themselves via email: . All applications will receive a receipt email, if you have not received a receipt email within 3 working days, please ensure your email successfully sent and that you have the correct email address. No late applications will be considered.

When will I be notified if I am successful or not?

All applicants will be notified by the 31st May, 2015 via the email address provided.

Application Form

Name of applicant: ______Date of birth: ______Email address: ______

Contact phone number: ______Position/Notable position in AMSA: ______

Name of country (chapter): ______

Name of Regional Chairperson (RC): ______

Email address of RC: ______

Contact phone number of RC: ______

Gross domestic product (GDP) of country: ______

Structure of chapter (specify executive positions, including names of current position holders): ______


Number of regular members in the organisation: ______

AMSA projects/activities held in the past year: ______

How many delegates is your chapter planning on sending to this conference? ______

Preparations made for this conference: ______

Expected achievements for this conference: ______

Plans for next year: ______

Route of expected travel plans (please include dates, locations and airlines): ______

Cheapest possible cost of travel in US dollars (please note this will be used to approximate your TAG amount, receipts will need to be provided. We will also require evidence to prove that this is the lowest available airfare as well. AMSA International will conduct investigations to ensure that this is the case):


I agree to the rules and regulations listed above and confirm that all information I have provided is accurate and correct, to the best of my knowledge at the time of submission.

Signed: Date:


Fundraising Plan

Amount applicant aims to fundraise (in USD): ______Please list (if any) your plans to fundraise money: ______

Motivation Letter
