All the problems that we worked out in the class. I may ask same or similar problem and questions those are highlighted (highlighted ones for final exam only).
What is a computer file system, and what are its problems?
What are the DBMS functions, and why are they important?
Describe the database environment and the different types of database systems.
What is a Database Model?
Why is database design so important?
What is data redundancy and which characteristics of the file system can lead to it?
Discuss data and structural dependence.
Describe the basic features of the relational database model and discuss their importance to the user and the designer.
Compare the file system with the five database systems discussed in this chapter in terms of data and structural independence.
What is a relational database, and how does its logical structure differ from that of the network and hierarchical databases?
What are keys? What types of keys may be found within a relational database, and what are their functions?
How is database integrity assured within the relational database environment?
What does a database expert mean when (s)he observes that a database displays both entity integrity and referential integrity?
Why would you want to have a data dictionary, and how would you use it?
What are relational operators, and what is the purpose of having them?
How are entity relationships displayed, and why is it so important to display them?
What are business rules, what is their source, and why are they crucial?
How are M:N relationships handled in the development of an ER diagram?
Name and discuss the different levels of data abstraction as defined by ANSI/SPARC.
How are database models related to the level of data abstraction?
What are the main building modules of the Entity Relationship model? Discuss each one.
Discuss the difference between a composite key and a composite attribute. How would each be indicated in an E-R diagram?
What two courses of action are available to a designer when a multivalued attribute is encountered?
What is a derived attribute? Give an example.
What is a weak entity, and how is it represented in an E-R diagram? Give an example.
How is a composite entity represented in an E-R diagram, and what is its function?
Given the following business rules, create the appropriate E-R diagram for each of the specified relationships
What three (often conflicting!) database requirements must be addressed in database design?
Briefly, but precisely, explain the difference between single-valued, multi-valued, composite and simple attributes. Give an example of each.
Why are some table structures considered to be bad and others good and how do we recognize the difference between good and bad structures?
What is normalization? Define 1NF – BCNF.
Given the dependency diagram, Identify and discuss various dependencies.
SQL: create, insert, update, delete, alter, modify, and various query commands. Be careful about syntax.
Table R3.1 The EMP_1 Table Structure Summary
Attribute (Field) Name / Data DeclarationEMP_NUM / CHAR(3)
Given a table structure and data set, write SQL code for create, update, delete, select etc.
Given relational schema, write SQL code for a plain English statement.
Five phases of SDLC, DBLC. (Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Maintenance
Design Tasks. (Conceptual design, DBMS software selection (if required), Logical design, Physical design
Translating Conceptual Model to Relational Schema.
What Is a Transaction? What are Properties of Transaction. How is it managed with SQL?
What is a Transaction log and what is its function?
What you mean by consistent state?
What is concurrency control? Why is it important? How it is done? Who does it?
Discuss different levels of locks, their advantages and disadvantages. which type is widely used?
Discuss two phase locking protocol and rules for it. How it handles deadlock?
Discuss the distinction between centralized and distributed conceptual database design.
What are problems with centralized DB? What are advantages and disadvantages of DDBMS?
What are various components of DDBMS? Explain them in short.
What are different configurations for the DDBMS? Discuss them in short.
What are different types of database operation transparencies in DDBMS?
What is Distribution transparency
? Discuss three levels of Distribution Transparency
What additional issues (w.r.t. centralized DB) are relevant to the design of a distributed database?
What is data fragmentation? Explain each type of fragmentation in short.
Explain the difference between distributed database and distributed processing. What is fully distributed database?
Questions in the book:
CH6 – 6, 7, 8, 11.
CH10 – 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.