Unit 5 Exam Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Maura & Tyler
Course: / Bio 256
Instructor: / Dr. Haen and Saldanha
Date: / 4/25/18

Unit 5A

  1. Can you explain how a piece of food gets digested from the point it enters the mouth to the point it reaches the stomach using terms like peristalsis, deglutition, absorption, mastication, buccal and pharyngeal phase. Which part is mechanical digestion occurring?
  1. What are the components of saliva?
  1. What hormones/chemicals do the following cells of the stomach secrete/produce?
  1. Microvilli (increase/decrease) surface area to aid in absorption in small intestine.
  1. How do the liver and gallbladder work together? Which makes bile, and which releases it?
  1. What helps neutralize the acidic chyme entering the duodenum from the stomach?
  1. What regulates secretion of enzymes from the pancreas?
  1. 3 phases of Gastric Regulation: The ______phase occurs before food enters the stomach. Once food reaches the stomach, the ______phase occurs. The ______phase occurs when the partially digested food enters the duodenum.

Unit 5B

9.Nutrition is:

  1. What are the three major nutrients:
  2. What are three other kinds of nutrients:


10.What are some complex and simple carbohydrates? Provide some examples:

11. What happens to excess glucose?

12.What is the most abundant type of lipid?

13. What are the two types of essential fatty acids? What types of foods can be found with these fatty acids?List some of the functions of fats in your diet.

14.List some of the functions of leukotrienes and prostaglandins.

15.Cholesterol is a precursor for which two molecules?List some of the functions of cholesterol in your diet.

16.How are cholesterol and triglycerides transported?

Match the correct lipoprotein with what it is composed of and fill in the blanks for their functions

a.______: Mostly composed of triglycerides

i. Main source is the ______

ii.Transports ______to peripheral tissues

b.______: Mostly composed of cholesterol

i. Transports ______to peripheral tissues

c.______: Mostly composed of protein

i. Made by liver and______cells

ii. Transports excess ______from peripheral tissues to______and

steroid-producing organs

17.What factors increase LDL levels? What factors increase HDL levels?


18. How do complete proteins differ from incomplete proteins? Where can you find complete and incomplete proteins?

19. True or false: Only some amino acids need to be present for protein synthesis to occur

20.Rate of protein synthesis = Rate of breakdown and loss, what happens when this equation is not equal?


21.What are the two main functions of enzymes? Where/how can you obtain enzymes?

22.What are the two main types of vitamins?


23. Define metabolism:

24. ______is the synthesis of larger molecules from smaller ones, while ______is the breakdown or hydrolysis of complex molecules into simpler ones.

25. Describe the difference between the absorptive and the post absorptive states.Which would be catabolic? Anabolic?

26.______is the metabolic process where food is broken down to yield energy

27. What occurs in the absorptive state for each of these molecules

  1. Amino acids are converted into______
  2. Glycerol and fatty acids are converted into ______
  3. Glucose is stored as ______
  4. Excess amino acids are ______and are either used for energy or stored in the liver

28. What hormone controls the absorptive state? What triggers this hormone to be secreted?

29.What does this hormone enhance?

30.What is the disease where glucose becomes unavailable for most body cells? What are the two causes of this disease?

31.What occurs in the postabsorptive state for each of these molecules

  1. Proteins are broken down into ______
  2. Triglycerides are converted into ______and ______
  3. Glycogen is converted into ______
  4. In the muscle, protein is broken down into ______, and glycogen is converted into _____ and ______.
  5. In the liver, amino acids, pyruvic acid, glycogen and fat are all converted into ______, fat is also converted into keto acids to make ATP

32.What hormone controls the postabsorptive state? What does this hormone enhance?

33. Identify the caloric yield for each of the macromolecules

a. Proteins:

b. Lipids:

c. Carbohydrates:

34. How does the basal metabolic rate differ from the total metabolic rate?

Unit 5C

Male Accessory Glands

35.Which two organs contribute in the production of semen?

36.What glands produce mucus that neutralizes acidic urine in urethra?

37. Fill in the table below:

Components of Semen / Function
Prostaglandins / a.
Hormone that enhances sperm motility
Coagulates semen after ejaculation  fibrinolysin breaks it down
Antibiotic that destroys certain bacteria

38.Which nervous system stimulates the erection during sexual arousal?

39.What hormone acts as a blood vasodilator?

40.Corpus (spongiosum, cavernosa) keeps the urethra open during ejaculation, and corpus (spongiosum, cavernosa) fill with blood during an erection.

41.Which type of cells aid in spermatogenesis and form the blood-testis barrier? Where are these cells found? What types of cells produce testosterone?

42. Fill out the chart about the Brain-Testicular Axis(hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis and testicular androgen production)

Location / Hormone / Function
Hypothalamus / GnRH
Lutetinizing Hormone
Follicle Stimulating Hormone / Stimulates sertoli cells to release Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) to enhance spermatogenesis
Leydig Cells / Sperm development
Inhibin / Negative feedback mechanism for FSH

Female Reproductive System

43. What is the follicular phase? What is the beginning and ending follicle?

44.What process occurs mid-cycle? What two hormones “spike” and signify this process? What is the primary hormone that stops the two hormones from releasing?

45.What happens to an egg during ovulation?

46. What is the luteal phase?

47.Which cells enlarge to form the corpus luteum? What hormones are secreted by the corpus luteum and what are their function?

48.If a pregnancy occurs estradiol and progesterone are secreted, why?