July ‘12 / St. Hedda’s R.C.Primary School
SummerTerm Newsletter - 33
What a hectic half term at St. Hedda’s! We are now ready for the summer holidays and hope we see the sun!!
This half term we have looked at ‘Differences’ which focused on friendship, which was particularly relevant to Year 6 as they move on to their new school and make new friends.
Postgate Rally
This half term the annual Postgate Rally was held at Ugthorpe. We thank Eleanor and Hannah for reading the bidding prayers.
Olympic Torch Relay
On Monday 18thJune the Olympic Torch Relay came to our area. We were all very excited at St. Hedda’s as Mrs Hegarty had been chosen to be one of the 8000 Olympic Torchbearers. The infants were joined by their parents cheering on Mrs Hegarty in her leg of the relay from Chubb Hill to Bagdale. Mrs Hegarty would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement during her leg of the relay. “It was a real honour and privilege and a wonderful and amazing experience which I shall never forget, thank you”
The juniors were lucky to be invited by NYMR to join the Olympic Torch on its steam journey from Whitby to Pickering.
Mrs Hegarty returned to school with her torch which we were all able to see close up and be pictured with.
The following Monday the Esk Valley Schools Cluster had their own Olympic Torch Relay starting at Goathland, then heading to Egton, St. Hedda’s, Glaisdale, Lealholm, Danby and finishing at Castleton. We shared our leg of the relay on the Toll Road with Egton. It was made even more special by using the real torch. All children were supported by SSCO Pete Woolley and his sports leaders from WCC.
Y6 MFL Day at Eskdale
Year 6 were invited to go to their chosen secondary school to take part in an MFL day. They took part in a variety of team building and language activities. This was also a chance to get to know the children who they will be meeting again in September!
Y5/6 trip to Crucial Crew
Children from Years 5 and 6 were invited to go to Crucial Crew which is held annually at the TA Barracks at Scarborough. Children are able to tour round and take part in emergency services real life scenarios.
“Game for Life”
Children from Class 2 took part in an activity day “Game for Life” delivered by Simon Carson. As the name suggests it introduced children to everyday life skills and preparing for the big outside world!
Children took on job roles for which they received wages, however, like real life, they also had houses and cars to buy and bills to pay! The person who accumulated the most money by the end of the day was Lucy.
Sports Day
This year our annual Sports Day was held on Tuesday 26th June, after a poor summer we actually had a fine afternoon!!As ever there was an excellent crowd of support from both families and friends.
The scores remained close throughout the afternoon, culminating in a vital last race to see who would become this year’s champions.
Final scores were Kestrels 99, Lapwings 93, Kingfishers 87 and Barn Owls 87. Mr. V. McLaughlan presented the trophy to the winning house, “Lapwings”, Eve, Reece, Lydia, Eleanor, Lucy, Billy, Charlie, Matty and Greg.
A big thank you to the PTA who provided a welcome ice cream for everyone.
Olympian – Danny Nightingale
Prior to our Olympic event we were visited by a local Olympian, Danny Nightingale. He was a gold medal Pentathlon winner at the Montreal Olympics in 1976.
He talked to us about being a sportsperson and answered lots of our questions. We were also allowed to look closely and handle some of his sports kit and equipment.
Olympic Day
On Thursday 5th August we took part in the Esk Valley Cluster Olympic Day at Danby Moors Centre. After weeks of organisation/preparation we were blessed with a sunny day!! Over 230 children took part on the day participating in an uplifting and inspiring opening ceremony comprising of an opening speech by the school’s sports ambassadors,Y3/4 drumming, Y5/6 and Infant dancing. A speech and official opening was then given by Danny Nightingale former Gold Medalist – Montreal 1976.
This was followed by a range of fun events and a picnic lunch of world foods prepared by our schools cooks and assisted by members of NY County Caterers that fed over 550 people. In the afternoon ‘The Olympics’ took place with all the children competing in mixed teams representing 12 countries from around the world for which they wore different coloured t-shirts which were kindly sponsored by the Rotary Club of Whitby Endeavour.
Our closing ceremony was filled with song and more dance as well as a spectacular fencing display from some up and coming pentathletes. Gold, silver and bronze medals were presented to the winning teams by Danny Nightingale,
All children received a medal for taking part, all in all a wonderful event, enjoyed by everyone!!
Farewell Year 6
Year 6 all enjoyed an exciting day atFlamingoLand for their final trip.
We said farewell to Cameron, Eve, Maeve and Stephen at the end of term assembly. We wish them success and happiness as they start the next stage of their education at Eskdale. Good Luck Y6. We’ll miss you!
We would also to thank their parents for all the help and support they have given to the school.
New Pupils
We look forward to welcoming Isobel, Sophia, Sophie, Amy, Rhys, Charlie, Max, Poppy, Joshua and Ethan to our Reception class in September. They have all enjoyed their visits to school this term.
House Points
The half term totals are: Lapwings – 141, Barn Owls – 131, Kingfishers – 125, Kestrels – 108. Congratulations to the team members of Lapwings; Eve, Lydia, Reece, Eleanor, Lucy, Billy, Charlie, Matty and Greg.
This half term the following pupils had 100% attendance –Lydia, Carla, Daniel, Kelsey, Caitlin, Gerard, Matty, Hannah and Greg.Also many congratulations to Carla who has had 100% attendance for the whole school year, for the third consecutive year, a wonderful achievement.
We were delighted to receive a new school football strip. We are very grateful to Ingham Play Park for sponsoring it and give a special thank you to Mrs Elder who organised it for us.
Year 6 modelling our new strip!
2011/2012 “Look Back” CD
This CD was shown at the Leavers’ Assembly, if you would like a copy of this they are available to order from School at a cost of £1.50.
Shopping Vouchers
Thank you to EVERYONE who contributed with any Tesco and Sainsburys shopping vouchers. All orders have been sent off and we await our goods being delivered in the autumn term.
Our next Bags2School collection will be on Wednesday 28th September, all contributions will be gratefully received.
Training Days:Mon 3rd September
Return:Tues 4thSeptember
Half Term:29th Oct – 2nd Nov
Break up:21st December
We print this newsletter in a booklet format for ease of printing/collating. If you would like it in A4 format, please visit the school website, where it will be available to download.