Whangarei Girls’ High School NCEA quiz (plus answers)

“New” Info

a)If I had a class in performing arts (a mixture of dance, drama and music) could I get a single subject endorsement?

Yes – results would show in one markbook and would therefore be counted as one subject

b)How many credits do you need for a single subject endorsement at Merit?

14 at merit or excellence

c)Does it matter if all credits are Internal for single subject endorsement?

Yes – 3 must be internal, 3 external (except PE and Level 3 Visual Art)

d)Why is PE different?

Because all available credits are Internal

  1. With the alignment, how many “new” numeracy and literacy credits do I need to gain NCEA Level 1?


  1. If I don’t get the literacy credits needed for Level 1 can I get NCEA Level 2?

Yes – there is no literacy requirement for Level 2 or 3 – just Level 1 and UE

  1. Do I have to get Level 1 before I can get my Level 2 Certificate?


  1. How many numeracy credits do I need for UE?


  1. To get numeracy for UE, at what level must my numeracy credits be attained?

Level 1 or above

  1. If I am eligible for financial assistance, what do I have to do?

Get a form from the office and fill in and hand back in

  1. Under what circumstances can I get financial assistance?

Community Services card – more than 3 sitting NCEA in family

  1. How many Scholarship subjects can I enter without paying extra?


  1. What is a Record of Achievement?

Results (without any NAs)

  1. I was eligible for financial assistance last year but did not get around to paying, how much will it cost me to get my Level 1 certificate for 2009?

$125 plus GST increase

  1. If I don’t bother to get my 2009 Level 1 certificate, how many credits will I need to get to gain Level 2 in 2010?


  1. I gained 70 Level 1 credits last year and have now got another 10 credits, when will I get my Level 1 Certificate?

Beginning of next year or on application (paid fees and $15)

  1. If I only got 70 credits at Level 1, how many Level 2 credits do I need to get to gain NCEA Level 2?


  1. What does “credit inclusion” mean?

Credits from other qualseg NZIM can be counted

  1. Name one subject which has “credit inclusion” standards in our school?


  1. How do I get these credits included in my results?

Janet applies at beginning of year after results are out as only credits needed to make up to required number (80) can be included

  1. Can I get NCEA Levels 1, 2 & 3 in one year?


  1. How much does it cost per year to hook on to NZQA?
  2. $75 & GST increases
  3. How many credits can I count from Unit Standards towards NCEA Level 3?

Up to 80

  1. On my results print-out what does SNA mean?

Standard not attempted

  1. How does SNA show on my Record of Achievement?


  1. How can I gain a NCEA Level 1 endorsed with excellence?

50 excellence credits

  1. What new initiative have NZQA introduced this year?

Subject endorsements

  1. With the new Standards alignment, will students still be able to gain credits for Unit Standards?


  1. If I was not happy with the results from 3 external standards, how much would it cost me to have them reassessed?
  2. What does NSN stand for?

National student number

  1. On a result sheet, how can you tell, at a glance, which standards are Unit Standards and which are Achievement Standards?

Achievement standards start with 90

  1. I am really disappointed in that I only gained 49 credits with excellence in Level 1. Is there any way i can gain my Level 1 Certificate endorsed with excellence?

One more credit with excellence (provided Level 2 is not achieved with excellence)

  1. What is the difference between a School Results Summary and a Record of Achievement?

School results received at beginning of year show standards Not Achieved

  1. When a result is entered on the school system, how long is it until it can be seen on the NZQA website?

Next month (at beginning)

  1. If students missed out by a few credits last year on UE, is there anything I can do to help them?

We have until end of March to add credits through the website so you can get them to sit extra

  1. If students come to you at the beginning of the year with credits missing from your subject, what should you do?

See or email Mar and I will sort it out (might cost you though….)

  1. Can I get literacy in Te Reo Maori for Level 1?


  1. Can I get literacy for UE in Te Reo Maori?


  1. What is the minimum number of credits I need to get to gain UE?


  1. How must these credits be grouped together?

14 each from 2 approved subjects, 14 from no more than two domains

  1. What is an approved subject for UE?

NZQA put out a list of subjects which are approved

  1. What does NCEA stand for?

National certificate of educational achievement.