Beehive Overview Sub-Committee

Minutes of the meeting of the Beehive Overview Sub-Committee held at The Beehive, Dowell Street, Honiton on Monday 21st December 2015at 11.30am.


Cllr Caroline Kolek (Honiton Town Council (HTC))

Cllr Jackie Wadsworth (Honiton Town Council (HTC))

Cllr Peter Halse (Honiton Town Council (HTC))

Barry Simmonds (acting Chairman Honiton Community Complex (HCC))

Cllr David Perkins (HTC representative on HCC)

Vernon Whitlock (HTC representative on HCC)

In attendance

Chetna Jones(Town Clerk)

15/11To receive apologies for absence

No apologies were received

15/12To review the current snagging items

It was confirmed that the drainage work had been completed and there did not seem to be any issues since the work was completed.

The contractor has been made aware of the following:

Repair to very minor crack in roof (above meeting room)

Seating system – it was agreed that HCC will arrange for a letter to be sent from the seating suppliers to the contractor clarifying the problem.

Curtain Track – It was agreed that HCC will provide a quote in order to repair the track. The Town Council will pass on this quote to the contract administrator.

Projector Door

15/13To review the status of the Solar Panel arrangement

The diagram sent by ECOE detailing the proposed plans for the solar panels will need to be sent to the designers to ensure that the roof structure was sufficient. HCC requested that they also be asked if it was possible to install satellite equipment.

15/14To review maintenance schedule

It was noted that HCC will proceed with carrying out general maintenance without prior approval from HTC and that this was in line with the lease arrangement.

It was also noted that the colour schemes may need to change in order to enhance or lighten a dark room; that dido rails will need to be fitted to prevent scuffing and that the flooring in the Tirard room will need to be changed to a hardwood flooring to give greater flexibility.

Storage space was severely lacking and it was agreed that the Town Council review whether the changing places room or the disabled toilet/shower room can be converted into storage areas by checking with the planning authority and building regulations. If this is not feasible then this group will need to consider alternative storage solutions.

15/15To receive an update from Honiton Community Complex

The use of the centre was expanding and was due to the recognition being given of the venue due to the quality of events and improved communication via leaflets and newsletters.

The board has successfully obtained £13,000 in grants and were putting together a priority list for capital projects which will be used to make further grant applications.

Over 25 charity members will be in place by the end of the year and 2 members will be elected in January 2016 for a position on the board.

Beehive Friends will be launched early next year and Friends of Beehive will be disbanded.

Plans were in place to set up an events planning committee in order to review the activities taking place at the Beehive to ensure a correct balance was achieved and to fulfil the mission statement.

The new Operations and Customer Service Manager, Mr Ian Brown was now in post and was helping towards improving communication and efficiency.

15/16To review the status of service charge

Service charge cost to the Town Council with a breakdown detailing how the cost has been calculated will be supplied to the Town Council.

15/17To review health and Safety Policies along with evidencing of regular checks

HCC confirmed that all policies were in place and regularly reviewed. Training for all staff and volunteers was carried out regularly and a full service schedule was in place (excluding changing places). Risk assessments were regularly carried for all eventsas well as all regulatory checks. Terms and conditions for hiring stipulated that risk assessments were the responsibility of the hirer.

15/18To review the level of community use and community charge

Community use was very high (approximately 45% of total use).

Christmas Day lunch was being provided to people who have recently been bereaved and people on their own over the Christmas period. The venue and lunch was being provided completely free of charge and both Mrs ohlsen and Mrs Hislop are to be acknowledged.

The previously mentioned community Charity Support fund was available and discounts have been offered to various local organisations.

15/19Use of Car Park and Interim Measures

It was agreed to recommend that whilst the Town Council reviews the Car Park situation the Council will request that as an interim measure Honiton Community Complex monitors the car park at the Beehive on event days and that when parking is limited a sign stating “Car park Full” is displayed to prevent cars from parking outside of marked bays.

15/20 To close the meeting

The meeting was closed at1.30pm.

Signed Chairperson11 January 2016