Langwith Parish Council
Whaley Thorns & Langwith Village Hall, Portland Road, Langwith, NG20 9EZ
Telephone: 01623 746498,
11th July 2017
To: All Members of Langwith Parish Council
Local Press Representatives, County Cllr J Dixon, District Cllr J Wilson, Shirebrook Safer Neighbourhoods’ Team.
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to the Meeting of Langwith Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 18th July 2017 in the Meeting Room, at Whaley Thorns Village Hall, Portland Road, Langwith.
Members are asked to sign the attendance sheet for the meeting and to complete the Declarations Sheet (if appropriate). These will be available at the beginning of the meeting.
Mr Ian Boulton
Parish Clerk
- To receive apologies for absence
- Declaration of Members Interests.
(a) Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item).
Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.
The Declarations of Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.
(b) To receive and approve requests for dispensations from members on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
3. Public Speaking.
A period of not more than ten minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter. Where a Member indicates they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) below. (If the item to which representations or comment were made by a Member is on the Agenda the Member must declare that interest again and withdraw from the meeting during consideration of that item).
4.If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. Members of the Council however will restrict Police matters they raise to those relating to their Council Ward. Members declaring a prejudicial interest who wish to make representations or give
evidence under the Code of Conduct relating to Agenda items shall do so at this stage.
5. Update on New Medical Centre. (If Any)
6. To Agree Licence for Langwith Junction Bowls Club
7. To review DCC Fire Risk Assessment and Associated work for the Village Hall.
8. To Consider Recruitment of Casual Bar Staff.
9. To consider S137A Grant Application from Rhubarb Farm.
10. Request for Letter of Support from The National Trust regarding River Poulter
11. To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th June 2017
(Pages 3-8)
12. To receive and approve the Parish Clerk’s Payment Schedule. (Pages 9-11)
13. Schedule of Planning Applications and Decisions. (Page 12)
14. Information items and correspondence.
15. Confidential Items. (If Any)
16. Chairs Announcement’s.
17.Date and time of next meeting. To be agreed
Minutes of the Langwith Parish Full Council Meeting
held on Tuesday 20th June 2017 at 7pm at Whaley Thorns & Langwith Village Hall
Present - Councillors S. Fritchley (Chair), B. Elliott, C. Kane, A. Anderson, C Elliott, H. Hornsby,
K Sharpe and County Cllr J Dixon.
Also in Attendance - Ian Boulton, Parish Clerk, Aleah Bates, Admin, Mick Shipley, Langwith Junction Allotments and Mark Wakeling Langwith Cricket Club.
2017.94(1) Apologies for Absence - Cllr S Peake, Cllr S Berry, Cllr L Fritchley, Cllr C Dale and Cllr J Wycherley,
2017.95(2)Declaration of Members Interests
No members declared an interest at this stage but were advised to do so by the chair if any arose.
2017.96(3) Public Speaking
There were no members of the public present.
2017.97(4) There was no Police Liaison Officer present, County Cllr J Dixon gave the following report.
In response to the enquiry by Parish Council for a level crossing on the A632 adjacent to Dale Close, Cllr Dixon stated she was fully supportive of the request and would be pursuing this on our behalf. She stated she was fully aware of the initial refusal by Steve Dungworth, Senior Technician but would press further and report back to us.
Cllr Dixon also announced that Community Scheme funding was available for small groups in the area with no specific selection criteria. Also the Bridleway towards Whaley was in a poor state but would be cleared later in the year.
Cllr Hornsby asked if any progress was made in regards to speeding issues at Langwith Junction raised in minute ref 2017.60 (4). Cllr Dixon stated that monitoring of speed will be conducted but she was unsure when this will happen, the concern will be raised again at County level by Cllr Dixon.
Cllr Kane expressed concerns that there was no School Crossing Patrol at the Bassett School and also of the hazardous parking at school times. Cllr Dixon stated she would be raising the issues to see what could be done.
2017.98(5) Update on New Medical Centre.
The Clerk advised that the project was progressing in terms that the District Valuer was now in discussions with Brackley Investments.
2017.99(6) Discuss Water Supply Issues, Langwith Junction Allotments.
Members were presented with a report that outlined the time table of action that had been taken in order to try and identify the cause of an extraordinarily high water bill from Severn Trent. Members were informed that after all investigation work it had been established that there was no leak on the supply. Members asked that a letter be sent to Severn Trent Water to request that the meter be changed as the volume consumed on a daily basis was incomprehensible for the allotments during the winter period.
2017.100(7) To Agree drafted lease for Langwith Cricket Ground.
Members were presented with a copy of a draft lease, Management agreement and Lease proposal from the Cricket Club. Mark Wakeling made statement to members stating that there were certain aspects of the Draft Lease that needed amendment and that the inclusion of the Management Agreement as appendices to the lease would be preferred by the Club. The Chair suggested that a meeting including himself and Cllr Peake should take place to discuss terms and refer back to full Council for approval.
This was Moved by Cllr Anderson, Seconded by Cllr Kane and Agreed by all.
2017.101(8) To Approve Langwith Parish Council Financial Regulations.
Members were presented with a copy of the financial regulations for approval for 2017/18.
Cllr Anderson Moved to accept the regulations, Seconded by Cllr B. Elliott and Agreed by all.
2017.102(9) To Agree May 2017 Bank Reconciliation.
A copy of the May 2017 Bank Reconciliation was presented to members for their consideration. It was Moved by Cllr Anderson, Seconded by Cllr Kane and Agreed by All to accept the reconciliation. The official copy was duly signed by Cllr B Elliott.
2017.103(10) To Review Wicksteed Report on West Street Playground Inspection.
A copy of the completed Wicksteed report following their inspection of the West Street Playground was presented to members. The Clerk informed that all items apart from item 1 on the list could be resolved by Council Staff with the correct parts. Item 1 would have to professionally repaired. The report was noted and the repairs were confirmed to be made by Parish staff to ensure best value.
2017.104(11) To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting held on the 16th May 2017.
The minutes of the above mentioned meeting were moved by Cllr B. Elliott, Seconded by
Cllr K. Sharpe and agreed by all. The minutes were signed by the Chair as a true record.
2017.105(12) To receive and approve the Clerk’s payment schedule.
A Copy of the Schedule of Payments since the last meeting was presented to each member for their consideration. Cllr A. Anderson moved to accept the schedule, Seconded by Cllr B. Elliott and Agreed By all.
(ii) The following accounts are payments made since the meeting on 16th May 2017
Date / CQ No: / Payee / Description / Amount26th May / Autopay / Employees/HMRC / May 2017 Salaries and PAYE/NI / 4705.52
12th May / DD / Severn Trent Water / Half Yearly Instalment for Langwith Junction Recreation Ground (To be Re- Charged to Bowls Club) / 355.00
12th May / DD / Severn Trent Water / Half Yearly Instalment for MUGA/Cricket Club, Main Street. / 43.52
16th May / DD / Sage Software Ltd / Monthly Subscription for online Payroll System, Inv 02752851 / 46.78
16th May / DD / ESSO WEX / Diesel for Van, Fill Date 3/5/17, Inv U00081945 / 55.69
16th May / DD / Scottish Power / School House Monthly Electricity, Invoice 690001762790 / 156.06
16th May / DD / Scottish Power / Electricity Charges, MUGA/Cricket Pavillion, A/c No. 16045248654 / 32.00
16th May / DD / Scottish Power / Electricity Charges, Changing Rooms, Portland Road, A/c No. 16045288779 / 12.00
16th May / DD / Severn Trent Water / Half Yearly Water Rates for Whaley Thorns Village Hall, Period Charged / 191.37
17th May / Chq 302 / Buckingham Insurance / Van Insurance for 2017/18 / 513.10
17th May / Chq 304 / Virtual College / 2 x Online Food Safety and Hygiene Courses / 36.00
17th May / DD / Opus Energy / Gas Supply for Village Hall, Invoice 22425070, Period Charged 2/4/17 to 1/5/17 / 446.75
17th May / Chq 309 / Cllr C Elliott / Councillor Expenses / 161.68
22nd May / DD / EDF Energy / Monthly Elecricity Instalment for Whaley Thorns Village Hall. / 97.00
22nd May / DD / Severn Trent Water / Half Yearly Water Charges for Langwith Junction Allotments
(Recreation Road Meter) / 42.15
23rd May / Chq 310 / Cllr L Fritchley / Councillor Expenses / 161.68
23rd May / Chq 312 / Cllr K Sharpe / Councillor Expenses / 161.68
24th May / DD / Caines Law / PH v LPC / 8000.00
24th May / Chq 305 / Hopkins Solicitors / Payment for Services (PH v LPC) / 918.96
24th May / Chq 306 / Mick Plant / 3 x Full Page Editorial Entries in The Post / 390.00
24th May / Chq 307 / Cllr S Peake / Chair Expenses / 500.00
24th May / Chq 311 / Cllr S Berry / Councillor Expenses / 161.68
24th May / Chq 313 / Cllr H Hornsby / Councillor Expenses / 161.68
26th May / DD / Plusnet / Broadband and Landline Period Charged 22/5/17 to 21/6/17 / 50.34
1st June / Chq 308 / Cllr B Elliott / Councillor Expenses / 161.68
1st June / DD / Screwfix / Material for Bar, Invoice 0790994836 and Invoice 0786913177 / 108.19
6th June / DD / EE & T-Mobile / Mobile Phone Charges, Invoice V01361466394 / 62.26
13th June / DD / Esso / Unleaded Fuel for Strimmer/Mowers / 37.26
20th June / Chq 314 / S Kay (SK Roofing) / Repair of Village Hall Roof as per Invoice / 740.00
20th June / Chq 316 / Falcon Pest Control / Pest Control Services, Wasp/Bee Treatment, Invoice No.1310 / 48.00
20th June / Chq 317 / Fine Tune Aerials / Installation of TV aerial in Bar / 125.00
20th June / Chq 318 / P D Fabrications / Supply of 8 x Steel Benches / 1538.00
20th June / Chq 319 / Connect / A4 Copier Paper, Inv 00069982 / 24.72
20th June / Chq 320 / Aljacks DES Ltd / Hand Soap and Latex Gloves, Inv 177631 / 13.91
20th June / Chq 321 / Argos Business Solutions / Samsung 55” TV, Invoice No. 01542801 / 383.03
20th June / Chq 322 / Bespoke Blinds Ltd / 2 x 3.5 Vetical Blinds for bar area / 240.00
20th June / Chq 323 / Fridge Freezer Direct / Double Sliding Door Bottle Bar, Inv 025317 / 335.94
20th June / Chq 324 / Spire Workwear / Waterproof Jacket and Trousers, Invoice No. 70998 / 17.88
20th June / Chq 325 / Joanne Taylor / Internal Audit, Invoice No. 264 / 146.60
20th June / Chq 326 / Glapwell Nurseries / Bedding Plants as per invoices Dated 8/5/17 & 21/5/17 / 260.75
20th June / Chq 327 / Shirebrook Town Council / Grass Cutting 30/4/17 / 520.00
20th June / Chq 328 / Bolsover District Council / Active Communities Programme, Invoice 142528 / 1000.00
20th June / Chq 329 / Mansfield Garden Machinery / Repair to Drive Wheel on Mulcher, Invoice 3615 & New Strimmer Head Invoice 3659 / 59.84
Bank Balance as at Tuesday 13th June 2017. £147,514.91
2017.106(13) Schedule of Planning Applications and Decisions.
Cllr Fritchley expressed an interest in this item and left the meeting and Cllr B Elliott took the Chair. BDC Reference 17/00221/FUL in respect of Mr P Anderton, The Devonshire Arms and BDC Ref 17/00262/OUT in respect of Mr Paul Hastings, 186 Langwith Road were both considered.
Members viewed the applications no objections were made.
2017.107(14) Information items and Correspondence.
Letters from Bolsover District Council, Environmental Health were given to members for their consideration. They referred to the action taken in regards to Pit Hill Buildings and the site of the former Portland Club. Members expressed that they were not happy with the action that had been taken and asked that a letter expressing this be sent to Bolsover District Council and also to Cllr Brian Murray-Carr. This was moved by Cllr Anderson, Seconded by Cllr C. Elliott and agreed by all. Also noted by all was an e-mail informing of initial attendance figures for the Street Sports Programme.
2017.108(15) Chairs Announcements.
There were no Announcements at this meeting
2017.109(16) Confidential Items.
There were no confidential items this meeting
2017.110(17) Date and Time of Next Meeting.
The next meeting set for 18th July 2017 at 7.00pm
Meeting Closed at 7.56pm
ii) The following accounts are payments made since the meeting on 20th June 2017
Date / CQ No: / Payee / Description / Amount£
28th June / Autopay / Employees/HMRC / June 2017 Salaries and PAYE/NI / 4,730.34
15th June / DD / TV Licensing / TV Licence for 2017/18 / 147.00
16th June / DD / Sage Software Ltd / Sage on-line Payroll System Monthly I nstalment for June / 35.99
16th June / DD / Scottish Power / Electricity Charges Old School House, Monthly Instalment June / 156.06
16th June / DD / Scottish Power / Electricity Charges MUGA/Cricket, Monthly Instalment / 32.00
16TH June / DD / Scottish Power / Electricity Charges, Portland Road Changing Rooms, Monthly Instalment / 12.00
19th June / DD / Opus Gas / Gas Supply for Village Hall, Monthly Instalment / 306.24
20th June / DD / EDF Energy / Electricity Charges for Village Hall, Monthly Instalment / 97.00
28th June / DD / Plusnet / Landline and Broadband monthly instalment / 50.45
3rd July / DD / Screwfix Direct / Lock (Allotments), Chain and Ratchet (Trailer) Weeder/Hoe
As per statement 6/6/17 / 67.17
7th July / DD / EE / T Mobile / Mobile Phone Charges
June 2017
Inv – V01372930268 / 62.26
11th July / DD / WEX ESSO / Fuel Charges, Diesel, Transaction Date 23/6/17 / 56.64
28th June / Chq 330 / A1 Bar Stuff / 48 x Pint Pots and 48 Half Pint and Draining mats for bar Inv 18974 / 75.16
30th June / Chq 331 / Chris Kane / 55 x 2nd class postage stamps – Post Office / 56.00
30th June / Chq 332 / Trent Pottery / 1 x Round Table for bar / 112.16
18th July / Chq 334 / Aljacks DES Limited / Centre feed dispenser and other cleaning materials.
Inv – 178703 / 65.57
18th July / Chq 335 / Shirebrook DIY, Home and Garden / Various Materials / 17.70
18th July / Chq 336 / Mansfield Garden Machinery / Strimmer Head
Order No - 7044 / 38.00
18th July / Chq 337 / Fridge Freezer Direct / 1 x Sliding door bottle cooler
Inv – 026008 / 365.94
18th July / Chq 338 / Fenland Leisure Products ( Online Playgrounds) / 1 x component connector
Inv - 021994 / 37.10
18th July / Chq 339 / IKEA / Various cups, utensils etc for bar and kitchen area
Inv - 141356799 / 72.65
18th July / Chq 340 / Wicksteed Playgrounds / 1 x ollite bush
Inv 734862 / 33.00
18th July / Chq 341 / Shirebrook Town Council / Grass Cutting
Inv’s – 507 & 524 / 1040.00
18th July / Chq 342 / PRS For Music / Tariff for general music use
Inv – 5195189 / 381.89
18th July / Chq 343 / David Blount / To advising and preparing licence to occupy the Bowls Club Premises
Inv no - 13788 / 180.00
18th July / Chq344 / Hopkins Solicitors / Inv 163923
LPC v PH / 961.44
Bank Balance as at Tuesday 11th July 2017. £138,271.13
Langwith Parish Council
Whaley Thorns & Langwith Village Hall, Portland Road, Langwith, NG20 9EZ
Telephone: 01623 746498,
PLANNING APPLICATIONS received since last meeting
Date Received / BDC Reference / Applicant / Location / Details / LPC Recommends
10th Jul 2017 / 17/00320/FUL / Ms Vicky Martin / Between Post Office and Langwith Pharmacy, Main Road, Langwith / Erection of three storey dwelling
Date / BDC Ref / Name and Address / Details / BDC decision