WGC Match Descriptions
The Westwood Gun Club offers members and non-members many opportunities to test their rifle, pistoland shotgun shooting skills in a variety of matches held at the Club. Each year, the Club conducts variousrifle matches in addition to a turkey shoot, trap shootsand the Club Championship Match.
Our rifle matches are conducted at the 100 yard line using reduced targets except as noted. The matches start at either 10:00 AM or 1:00 PM and are held on Saturdays and Sundays with no rain dates. Shotgun events typically start 10:30 AM on Sundays. Sign in is ½ hour (promptly) before the match starts. Fees for the John C. Garand match (60 rounds of 30-06 ball ammo provided) are $20 for members and $40 for non-members. Fees for all other matches are $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Please refer to the Club Events schedule on the website and rifle range bulletin board for a complete listing with dates and times for all matches. Awards will be given at the December Club meeting to the winner of each match.
John C. Garand Match
Rifles for this match include the M-1 Garand, the M-1 Carbine and the 1941 Johnson. Rifles must have standard issue metallic sights. 60 rounds of 30-06 M2 ball ammunition will be provided. Shooters who use the M1 carbine must provide their own ammunition (.30 carbine, 110 grain ball). Slings are allowed for all positions except offhand. The course of fire is as follows.
STAGE / NUMBER OF SHOTS / TIME ALLOWED / TARGETOffhand, standing / 10 / 10 minutes / SR-1
Rapid sitting or kneeling / 10 / 60 seconds / SR-1
Rapid prone / 10 / 70 seconds / SR-1
Slow prone / 20 / 20 minutes / SR-1
Winning score is the high aggregate. Ties broken by highest number of X’s (applies to all rifle matches). Completion of this match will allow competitors to purchase an M-1 Garand, M-1 carbine or other available service rifles from the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program).
Antique Military Bolt Action Match (AMBAM)
Rifles for this match include any U.S. or foreign standard issue military bolt action “service” rifle with metallic sights. Any type of military ball or commercial/hand-load match ammunition is allowed. Slings are allowed for all positions except offhand. The course of fire is as follows:
STAGE / NUMBER OF SHOTS / TIME ALLOWED / TARGETOffhand, standing / 10 / 10 minutes / SR-1
Rapid sitting or kneeling / 10 / 70 seconds / SR-1
Rapid prone / 10 / 80 seconds / SR-1
Slow prone / 20 / 20 minutes / SR-1
Lord Roberts Match
Conducted immediately after the AMBAM. Rifles for this match are the same as for the AMBAM. Competitors fire a loaded rifle from the prone position and the winner is determined by the maximum number of hits in the target black during 1 minute. Competitors agree on the target type – MR-52, SR-3, MR-63C and silhouette targets have been used.
NRA High Power Match
Rifles for this match include both “Service Rifle” and “Match Rifle” equipped with metallic sights. “Service Rifles” include the M-1, M-14, M-16 (AR-15) and their commercial equivalents. The most suitable rear sights are aperture or “peep” with reliable, repeatable ½ minute (or finer) adjustments. Front sights should be of either the post or aperture type. Any type of military ball or commercial/handload match ammunition is allowed. Slings are allowed for all positions except offhand.
Note that competitors in this match can submit their scores to the NRA to obtain their marksmanship classification card.
The course of fire is as follows (“National Match Course”):
STAGE / NUMBER OF SHOTS / TIME ALLOWED / TARGETOffhand, standing / 10 / 10 minutes / SR-1
Rapid sitting or kneeling / 10 / 60 seconds / SR-1
Rapid prone / 10 / 70 seconds / SR-21
Slow prone / 20 / 20 minutes / MR-31
Black Powder
Permitted rifles include any type of muzzleloader or any type of metallic black powder cartridge rifle, both rifled and smoothbore. Rifles may have iron or scope sights and cast bullets, round ball, Minnie ball and saboted bullets are allowed. The competitors agree on the match format and target type at the time of the match. The usual match will include both offhand and benchrest shooting with 10-15 shots fired at either 50 and/or 100 yards.
E. Albert “Doc” Petersen Match
Any scoped center-fire rifle. One -20 shot bench rest group at 100 yards. Smallest diameter group wins. Time limit 20 minutes.
Walter J. Landry, Jr., Match
Course of match includes 10 shots from a bench rest using the standard benchrest target in 20 minutes followed by 10 shots offhand, no sling, in 10 minutes, using the SR-1 target. High total score wins. Ties broken by smallest group size.
Two rifles can be used for this match. A heavy benchrest/varmint/sniper-rifle for the benchrest phase and any scoped centerfire rifle for the offhand phase. A maximum of 5 sighters per gun are allowed on separate targets.
Club Championship Match
Event / Range / Target / Shots / Position / SightsAny Handgun / 15 yards / B2 / 10 / Any Offhand / Iron
Smallbore rifle / 25 yards / A8 / 10 / Offhand, No Sling / Iron
Smallbore or Centerfire rifle / 50 yards / 50 Yards SB A23/3 / 10 / Offhand, No Sling / Iron
Centerfire Rifle / 100 yards / SR-1 / 10 / Prone, Sling Optional / Iron
Trap / Tower / Standard Birds / 25 / 16 Yards / Standard
Trap scored as 4 points per bird. All others standard scoring. A perfect score would be 500 – 40 X.
Turkey Shoot
Annual shotgun Turkey Shoot. Two rounds of standard trap. Hit a white bird, win a turkey. Two turkeys maximum. $10 per member or spousal member. No Guests.
Ham Shoot
Annual shotgun Ham Shoot. Two rounds of standard trap. Top five scorers each win a Ham. $10 per member or spousal member. No Guests.
See annual schedule of events, typically posted in February, posted on-line, at bulletin boards in Club House and at Lower Range. Matches will start promptly at the times specified, and the sign in period will start 1 hour before the match. No Rain Dates will be scheduled. For last minute changes, please see the Bulletin Board at the Range by the sign in sheet and the Website at Sign up and participate. Notices may be sent out by email, so please keep your email address current if you are interested in participating.
1 | Page Effective Feb. 2016