Weekly Student Teaching Reportfor Quarter_____, Week_____
Student Teacher:Date:
Cooperating Teacher:School:
1. Reflective Report
Directions: Recall and reflect on this past week of student teaching. Based on your recollections and reflections, respond in writingto each prompt. Use this space to make evident to your student teaching supervisor what your experiences have been, the sense you have made of them, the ways in which you are growing as a teacher, and what you need. Email the completed report to your supervisor by noon on Sunday.
1. What important or worthwhile opportunity did you have this past week, and what did you learn from it?2. What significant experience, event, interaction, or discovery did you have this past week? What made it significant? What did you learn from it?
3. What have you noticed that you are doing well? How is this contributing to your success as a student teacher? How is this contributing to students’ success?
4. What did you struggle with this past week? How did you resolve the struggle or how do you intend to resolve it?
5. What do you realize that you need to know or know more about? How will you address this?
6. What goals do you have for the upcoming week(s)? How will these goals help you grow as a teacher?
7. (Optional) What else do you want to tell and/or ask your student teaching supervisor?
2. edTPA Progress
Directions: Use this space to report your edTPA progress, concerns, and needs to your student teaching supervisor.
Email the completed report to your supervisor by noon on Sundayeach week until your edTPA Draft is submitted to Tk20.
1. edTPA Central Focus and Subject-Specific Focusa. Central Focus: What is the central focus of your learning segment?
b. Subject-Specific Focus: How will you address the elements of the subject-specific focus within your learning segment?
2. Describespecifically what you did and what you accomplished relative to the planning, teaching, and/or assessment of the edTPA during this past week.
3. Identify specificobstacles you encountered in the planning, teaching, assessment, and/or completion of the edTPA this past week. Explain how you plan to address the obstacles or identify what you need in order to do so.
4. Describe your plans for continued progress on the edTPA in the upcoming week. Be specific.
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Attend edTPA Drop-In Sessions on September 16, October 7, and October 28, 2017
- 9 – 10 a.m.Virtual Sessions on Google Hangout (tinyurl.com/edTPAHangouts) (Note: Use Chrome browser)
- 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.In-Person Support in 228B Hewitt