Project news
5 December 2017

Weyba Road, Noosaville – Corridor Upgrade

Project summary

As part of Council’s annual road resurfacing program construction will commence shortly on the Weyba Road corridor upgrade, between the Reef Street roundabout and Leslie Drive, Noosaville.

To limit the impact to residents and holiday makers this project will be constructed over three stages.

Construction of median islands and pedestrian refuge safety improvements will commence in December 2017 and will be completed in the first two stages.

·  Stage 1: Reef St to Lake Weyba Rd

Work will commence at the start of December and will be completed prior to Friday 22 December, 2017.

·  Stage 2: Swann Rd to Weyba Ck

Work will commence early January 2018 and will be completed prior to the resurfacing work in February 2018.

·  Stage 3: Pavement resurfacing and line marking

An updated Project news will be published with more details of Stage 3 closer to the commencement of this stage.

Hours of Work

The work will be undertaken during the day between 7am – 5pm.

Disruption to traffic

Weyba Road will remain open to traffic throughout the duration of the project.

Changed traffic conditions and a signed reduced speed limit will be in place during work hours only.

Every effort will be made to minimise the impact on traffic however, delays of up to 10 minutes can be expected and motorists should avoid the area if possible.

Noise generation will be kept to a minimum, however there will be some construction noise associated with these works.

Bus services

There will be no disruptions to TransLink services.

Notification to residents

A Council representative will contact all affected residents prior to work commencing.

Further information

Please contact Council’s project officer Cameron Shields on 07 5329 6500.

Project News – Weyba Road, Noosaville.

Extent of work – Weyba Road, Noosaville.