“Princess and Knight Royal Dance at the Beach”
Create a world, an object and make it say something.
Date7.15.14 / Subject/Period
Grades 1-3 (Montessori Lower El) / Essential Question (?)
Have you created an Alice World with a: background template, character(s), and are they saying (in written form) a word or short phrase.
Ms. Lynda Brooks / Goal/ Essential Standard
2.TT.1 Use technology tools and skills
to reinforce classroom concepts
and activities. / Clarifying Objective
2.TT.1.1 Use a variety of technology tools to gather data and
information (e.g., Web-based resources, e-books, online
communication tools, etc.).
Would you like to create your own 3-D virtual world? You can learn to write computer code to form your own virtual world using Adventures in Alice Programming.
*Previous to first class, Download Alice 2.4 on all computers. / Learning Target: “ICan”
I can Create an Alice World.
I can name and save my world.
I can choose a background template for my world.
I can add an object (character) to my world.
I can have my character say something.
Instructional Strategies
Introduction to Computer Science and Adventures in Alice Programming: (The following details borrowed from Professor Dr. Susan Rodger at Duke University.)
- Computer Science (CS) teaches 21st century skills in design, logical thinking and problem solving
- Create interactive stories or games
- Learn programming in an easy way, drag and drop your code
- Problem solving with visual feedback: logical thinking, computational thinking
- Learn CS concepts: loops, classes, methods and functions
- Hands on! Interactive! Visual! Exciting results right away!
- Developed by Randy Pausch who was from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg, PA. He was a virtual reality researcher, author of The Last Lecture, and passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2008.
- Teacher (T) Show Princess and Knight Royal Dance at the Beach Alice World
- Student (S) Open File
- S click on New World
- S save world in 2014-2015 Technology Folder as hareTalk
- S choose the grass template
- S click on the green button to add objects
- S go to animal folder and add a hare
- S click on hare in object tree and then have hare say something
Exit Slip
Save to your 2014-2015 Technology Folder on your computer and on your flash drive. Provide a parent comment slip that can be returned by the next class.
Show your parents your Alice World and your computer code on your flash drive. Get your parent(s) to sign and comment on your slip and return it during the next class.
Last Updated 7.18.14