Westwell Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council

Held on Monday, 6th December 2010 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall

1.  Open Forum

No members of the public were present.

2.  Present

Cllr Lawrence (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs Drury (Vice-chairman), Miss Davidson, Dr Muir, Mrs Wyatt, Butcher, Hotchkiss and Mrs S Wood (clerk).

3.  Apologies

No Apologies were received.

4.  Declaration of Interest

Declarations of Interest were received from Cllr Butcher as Chairman, Westwell Playing Field and Young People’s Association (personal); the Vice-chairman and Cllr Dr Muir as Directors and shareholders of Beechbrook Farm Ltd (personal).

5.  Minutes


That the Minutes of the meeting of Westwell Parish Council held on 27th September be approved and confirmed as a true record.

6.  Matters Arising

·  Registration of Downs View as a Village Green – See Cllr Butcher’s report. No comments have been submitted either to KCC or Mr M Thorneloe regarding the proposed registration. It is hoped that the application will be processed in the week beginning 20th December. Cllr Mrs Wyatt advised that she had been asked if the right hand turn on to the highway from the new access could be improved: this will be discussed when the registration has been completed.

·  Sandyhurst Lane – problems re use as a rat run and speeding – Training of volunteers by Kent Police will begin in January 2011, having been delayed by an accident involving the police officer responsible.

·  Cemetery Gate – In hand with Cllr Hotchkiss.

·  Concurrent Functions Working Group – Cllr Butcher noted that the Parish Forum meeting of 1st December was cancelled. The government has not yet informed ABC of the size of the cut in local government funding, likely to be 20 – 32%. A cut of 30% had been assumed by Officers when drawing up the draft Budget, and had reduced the Concurrent Functions’ Grant accordingly. Cllr Butcher and the Working Group are liaising with the Leader, ABC (Cllr Wood), regarding cuts and proposing a 7.5% cut per annum for 4 years. This has the Leader’s support and it is hoped that it will be accepted by the Executive at its meeting on 9th December. It was noted that the new formula is, in the main, welcomed by parishes - it can be used for the ‘benefit’ of the parish, but must not be used to reduce the Precept. In answer to a question from the Chairman, Cllr Butcher stated that the new formula is likely to be adopted.

·  LDF (Core Strategy) – The Vice-chairman advised that the new Leader has introduced ‘Leader’s Announcements’, these will be circulated to councillors. The first such announcement includes an update on the Core Strategy. The government is inclined to abolish regional strategies in the Localism Bill (to be published on 9th December), but until the Bill receives Royal Assent (end 2011) the Core Strategy remains in place. The Vice-chairman emphasised that a planning basis must remain in place.

A review of the Core Strategy is to begin immediately, and Cllr Clarkson is to be asked if parishes are to be included in the consultation.

Cllr Butcher noted that the Leader is to issue another note to all parishes on the draft Budget and distribution of the Concurrent Functions’ Grant.

The Vice-chairman stated that the Urban Sites DPD (which includes Kennington) is due to be published – the Parish Council will respond.

7. Correspondence

Prior to the meeting, the list of Correspondence had been circulated to councillors.

The Clerk is to write to Mr M Vink, (Planning, ABC) re the decision to circulate Tree Applications electronically and not by hard copy.

Cllr Butcher is to respond to the Kent Fire and Rescue Service Annual Management Plan ‘Towards 2020’.

8.  Financial report.


That the following payments be agreed in accordance with the Budget.


/ £

S Wood (salary Sept)

/ 386.51

S Wood (salary Oct)

/ 386.51

S Wood (use of home allowance Sept/Oct)

/ 12.38

R Butcher (paint)

/ 10.68


/ 8.50

Westwell Eye (annual subscription)

/ 55.00

SLCC (annual subscription)

/ 61.37
Receipts / £
Lloyds TSB interest / 0.80
VAT Refund / 392.53
Precept / 5580.00
Concurrent Functions Grant / 452.56
Cleverly and Spencer – memorial fee / 100.00
Parish Hall Management Committee (contribution to grassmesh) / 850.00

Balance: £ 12244.59

The Clerk presented the draft Budget for 2011/2012.

A letter has been received from the Parochial Church Council, stating that Mrs Horne has offered to graze sheep in the Old Churchyard.

After discussion:


That the quotation for cutting the Old Churchyard from Landscape Services be refused and that the offer from Mrs Horne be accepted.

Further resolved:

That the draft Budget for 2011/2012 be Approved.

It was noted that while the Precept had risen by a small amount, it had not been increased in 2009/2010, Reserves being used.

9.  To consider planning applications received

10/00175/TC Coombe Cottage, The Street, Westwell

T1 – Oak – to be reduced by up to 25%


That the application be supported.

10/01524/AS Treetops, Gold Hill, Westwell

To convert existing storage area on ground floor into bedroom en-suite


That the application be supported.

10/01525/AS Westwell Lodge, Gold Hill, Westwell

To extend existing single storey porch located on side of property and replace two windows in rear elevation with French doors


That the application be supported but that neighbours’ views be fully taken into account.

10/00183/TP Kent Gliding Club, Squids Gate Lane, Challock

Re-application to coppice areas A1, B, C and D1, Silver Birch, Chestnut, Sycamore, Oak and Hazel


That the application be supported.

10.  Report from NALC/KALC and ACRK representative

NALC/ACRK: See Cllr Butcher’s report.

ACRK: See Cllr Butcher’s report.

The Vice-chairman advised that the Localism Bill may affect the running of these organisations, with some responsibilities being devolved by central government. She is to liaise with Cllr Clarkson.

11.  Report from Parish Forum representative

Cllr Mrs Wyatt stated that the meeting of 1st December had been cancelled. At the previous meeting (20th October) there were presentations by the Concurrent Functions’ Grant Working Group and Mrs Knight (Aldington Parish Clerk). The latter spoke about Aldington’s newly installed Green Gym: who uses it, why it was put in and how. Mrs Knight said that it was well used but had been very expensive.

The next meeting is on 26th January.

12.  Report from Police Forum representative

Cllr Dr Muir noted that the meeting scheduled for 1st December had been cancelled, and no date given as yet for the next meeting.

13.  Report from Parish Hall Committee representative

Cllr Hotchkiss reported that £850 has been paid to the Parish Council, as the Committee’s contribution to the grass mesh on the playing field. The current balance is £3385.58. The Hall electrics have been inspected, at a cost of £52.88. Bookings are going well. An upgrade to the lavatories at the back of the Hall is to be considered. It was agreed to review all expenses at the AGM.

The next meeting is 11th April, and the AGM will be on 25th July.

Cllr Mrs Wyatt asked if outdoor lighting had been discussed. The Vice-chairman answered that this had been reviewed but it was felt that lighting was adequate, however she would raise this again with the Hall Chairman.

14.  Report from Highways representative

Cllr Richards was thanked for his efforts in clearing snow in the parish.

Cllr Butcher noted that a large number of highways’ repairs were inadequate or incomplete, this was at variance with assurances recently given by Mr Burr, Director KHS. The Chairman said that the Parish Council will continue to press for action.

It was stated that the new contracts are out for tender.

15.  Report from Tree Warden

The Clerk has been advised by Jacobs that the staff dealing with the replacement tree on the green opposite The Wheel have moved or left the company. Furthermore, no record can be found of the request. A new request has been raised, but because of the delay planting cannot now take place until autumn 2011.

The Vice-chairman felt that a letter of protest should be sent to KHS re this failure, copy to Cllr Clarkson.

16.  Report from Beechbrook Representative

The Vice-chairman stated the Auction is on 16th December and that the parish would benefit if all the unoccupied dwellings offered for sale at the Auction were sold and then occupied. Local farmers have expressed interest and the price of the land is its agricultural value. There are, however, conditions attached to the sale. It was further noted that land previously owned by Zenith Trustees is attached to the sale. The legal pack has been delayed.

A public meeting regarding the sale is to be held on 7th December.

If was felt that if the Beechbrook land is bought by a developer, there would be a need to ensure that it is farmed properly.

17.  Report from Chairman of the Playing Field Association

See Cllr Butcher’s report.

The Chairman asked for an update on repayment of the loan from the Parish Council. Cllr Butcher replied that a ‘Trick or Treat’ party had been held on 31st October, attended by 15-20 children. Their views had been sought and many had expressed a willingness to help.

Equipment for the Green Gym varies greatly in price, and the Association is applying to ABC for funding. Match funding may be required and Cllr Butcher asked if the Parish Council would be willing to write in support. The Chairman asked for further information; this is to be circulated and the request discussed further.

18.  Any Other Business

·  In answer to a question from Cllr Miss Davidson, the Chairman and Vice-chairman stated that they had been given to understand that land offered for sale in Watery Lane had been bought by members of the travelling community.

·  Cllr Mrs Wyatt asked about a Christmas tree on the green outside St Mary Westwell. It was agreed that the magnolia be decorated by the Chairman and Cllr Hotchkiss.

·  The Vice-chairman reported favourable comments on the grass mesh from the Parish Hall Management Committee. To avoid excessive wear to the turf adjacent to the new access, it was suggested that the ‘old’ gate be used occasionally to allow the grass to recover. Cllr Mrs Wyatt noted that the grass was so well camouflaged that car users could not see it and were, therefore, parking elsewhere on the field. The Clerk advised that an item detailing location of the mesh had been put in the Westwell Eye.

·  Cllr Dr Muir noted that one of the signs advertising the Beechbrook auction stated that there was planning permission for 4 houses and a barn, and asked if any such planning application had been received. The Clerk said that it had not. The Vice-chairman is to contact the agents.

·  Cllr Butcher advised that the Green team has offered help with projects in the parish. He has put forward the following: trimming the hedge by the new access road and planting in gaps; tidying up the verge opposite Downs View. Cllr Butcher stated that he will be collecting 50 hedging plants under the Kent ‘Free Trees’ scheme – these will be used to fill gaps in the hedge parallel with the new access and on the ‘triangle’.

·  The Clerk advised that the Ashford and District 10k Road race will be run on Sunday 6th February, necessitating road closures in the parish.

·  The Chairman regretted that a request for a salt bin at Downs View had been refused by Highways. This information is to be published in the Westwell Eye, and another request made.

19.  Date of future meetings

Monday 24th January 2011 at 7.30pm

Monday 7th March (Annual Parish Meeting)

Monday 28th March

The meeting closed at 9.22pm.

Reports for Parish Council Meeting 6th December 2010

Agenda Item 6:

Registration of Downs View land as a Village Green: Our Solicitor has been in contact and reported that the County Council is now processing our Application. The initial steps are to affix notices on the land, followed by inserting a notice in a local newspaper, inviting objections or comments to be sent to KCC. Both these steps have been carried out and we await the results. The consultation period ends on 20th December 2010. This process has been included in “Local News” on our Website: to date no comments have been posted.

Concurrent Functions Grant Working Group: Following the comments made at the Parish Forum on 20th October and letters & emails I have since received, the Group held further meetings on 27th October and 3rd November. A final Report was then sent to all 39 Parish Councils, together with a re-worked Spreadsheet, indicating the possible Grants for 2011/12. A special Parish Forum was called on 1st December, when it was hoped that approval for the Report would be received. (The urgency was to enable the Group to place its findings before the Executive at their budget meeting on December 9th– a meeting I have been invited to attend). It is a condition for receipt of the Grant that it may not be used to reduce the Precept. However, its use is not confined to the 3 areas used in the new formula calculations and it will not be necessary for Parish Clerks to produce proof of expenditure. This is a great improvement over the previous situation and seems to have been well-received, even by Parishes whose Grant has been reduced.