DATE: 3rd October 2016 at 9:45

Location: Save the Children office Erbil, with Baghdad and other Governorate colleagues on Skype

Attendance: Al-Ehyana Scientific Commmunity, Al-Mortaqa, AVSI, Barzani Foundation, British Council, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief Worldwide, IVY, Jesuit Refugee Services, Jord, Mercy Corps, Mercy Hands for Humanitarian Aid, Norwegian Refugee Council,Peace Winds Japan, People in Need, REACH, Save the Children, Triangle GH, Un Ponte Per, UNESCO, Terres des Hommes, UNHCR, UNICEF, ZOA

Apologies: MoE KRI

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action Point/Decision
Introduction and welcome by Federal MoE and KRG MoE / Mr. Hamdan, Federal MoE, thanked all education partners for their continued support in education sector in Iraq.
Review of previous action points / 2 action points from previous meeting are still pending:
-Refresher training for Cluster Partners on MRM
-Training for Cluster Partners on Kobo tool (upon request from partners)
Federal MoE presentation on MoE Mosul Education Plan / Federal MoE is prepared to provideMoE teachers to two (2) schools in each camp andthe curriculum exists.MoE representative acknowledged that the ministry has limited capacity to respond and support from NGOs is needed (tents, furniture, school kits, recreational kits etc).
MoEinformed that they are prepared to receive IDP children in Salah Al Din. / Partners to approach donors for resource mobilization.
Cluster prepared to support partners with donor meetings and reviewing proposals upon request.
Mosul operational update, including ‘ConOps’ / Latest communicated planned start date for Mosul offensive is mid-October. Cluster Coordinator introduced the latest version of the Mosul Central Planning Map (v17). Reminder that this map is under constant change and partners are to take this into consideration in their response planning. Map is not to be shared on anywhere online or publically shared.
The Concept of Operations (ConOps) was introduced. As soon as OCHA releases the Final ConOps document it will immediately be shared with partners. Partners need to understand and respect the different roles defined in the ConOps for the Mosul operation.
Cluster Coordinator highlighted that OCHA has an entire Civ-Mil coordination unit (operational also in governorates) to support partners with access to newly liberated and so called hard to access areas.
Due to the current situation in Iraq, a coordination mechanism has been established to enable (on a voluntary basis) United Nations and non-governmental humanitarian organizations to request access permissions from the Ninevah Operational Command. This OCHA mechanism is open to all humanitarian organizations operating in Iraq. Submissions are voluntary. Information submitted via this mechanism will be used to facilitate permission from Iraqi Security Forces for humanitarian actors to deliver services and cargo in Ninevah. Information submitted must be accurate and only reflect that from the submitting organization.
Also,coordination mechanism has been established to enable (on a voluntary basis) the United Nations and non-governmental humanitarian organizations to share information that Coalition Forces should take into account in their planning.Deconfliction submissions and associated enquiries should be sent to the following dedicated email address . / Partners to share the printed version of Mosul Central Planning Map (v17) with their senior management
Partners to share and orientall their first line responders on ConOps.
Cluster to distribute the relevant guidance and documents for Ninevah Operational Command Access Requests
Partners to inform Cluster Team/Focal POints and/or OCHA regarding any access related challenges
Cluster to share guidance note on information process onDeconfliction with Coalition Forces
IHPF update / Eight Education partners were successful in the 2nd Standard IHPF Allocation round – congratulations!
Feedback on IHPF round was given to partners with suggestions on how to improve submissions for the next round (see PP-presentation, slide 11). / Partners to startpreparing their‘Mosul response’ proposals for the next IHPF Allocation, expected soon
Cluster to organize training on proposal writing
Schools as shelter / The proposed timeline for Mosul offensive and expected caseload, coupled with low camp level readiness to receive IDPs, increases the likelihood of schools to be used as communal shelters. Cluster Coordinator proposed the Cluster to write an advocacy paper to highlight the need for the children to have access to education even during the times of emergency and that schools should be used as shelter only as last resort.
After lively discussion and taking into consideration of the humanitarian principles and imperative the meeting voted for the advocacy paper to be written under the leadership of Strategic Advisory Group (SAG). The meeting advised SAG to include lessons learned from use of schools as shelter from previous displacements. / SAG to convene after the Cluster Meeting to discuss the Advocacy Paper
CCto share draft advocacy paper with partners for comments
Refugee education update (UNHCR) / UNHCR has opened scholarship programmes (DAFI and HOPES) for post-secondary education for Syrian refugees and asylum seekers.
Programmes opened for application in mid-September and is open October 15.
UNHCR is currently offering English courses as foreign language inKRI as well as three class programme with online degree.
UNHCR is looking to complement some schools renovated by UNICEF.
Cluster held 3RP consultation workshop on September 25, and for that purpose secondary data report on refugees was completed and is available for partners online. / UNHCR to share Scholarship Programme information with Cluster to be further shared partners. (See attached to this email)
Partners to share their questions on Refugee education with Cluster or UNHCR
Cluster to share secondary data report on refugee education needs, gaps and response. (See attached to this email)
Selection of a Gender / GBV Focal Point / Education Cluster is looking for an agency to commit to be the Gender/GBV focal point. The responsibility includes to attend any gender/GBV trainings, to advise Education Cluster partners on mainstreaming, to attend the monthly GBV Sub-Cluster meeting and make sure education-related gender and GBV issues are on their radar. / Cluster to announce the Gender/GBV Focal Point in the next meeting.
IM update, including September 2016 Dashboard / Project Funding Status’ map, that was compiled based on information shared by partners, was presented in the Education Cluster IHPF defence. Partners collectively reported 17 EiE Projects closing soon.
The cluster has prepared a list of schools with Syrian refugee (2015-2016). The list is available for partners.
Cluster Coordination structure including contact details to SAG and sub-national cluster focal points was shared.
CC reminded partners to inform the Cluster Team if they want to include updated in the bi-weekly Cluster Newsletter shared by email
Assessment tools are available here: Rapid Education assessment tool and Comprehensive Education assessment / Cluster to circulate the map.
Mine Risk training session for partners (5/10/2016, 2pm)
PFA training session for partners (date TBC)
Anbar Sub-National Cluster established / MREtraining will be held on 5/10 at 12 pm (in Kurdish) and 2 pm (in English) at Save the Children. Attendance: 1 per organization and 1st come 1st served principle.
PFA – training for cluster partnerswill be organized on 26/10.
CC Katy Noble thanked the Cluster partners for great cooperation for the past months. Her deployment is ending in mid-October.
Thank you for Katy for all the hard work she has done the past months! She will be missed. / CC to share contact of MAG
Cluster Team to organizeMRE training in Arabic
Cluster Team to contact Handicap International regarding MRE trainings
Cluster Team to announce time and location for the PFA training
Next Sub-National Cluster meetings:
Anbar: October16th
Dahuk: TBC
Erbil: October 17th at 9:00 am in Save the Children Office
Kirkuk: October 11th(venue/time TBC)
Sulaymaniah: October 11th at DoE and 25thDoE (time TBC)

Education Cluster Meeting Minutes1