Speech and Rhetoric
Westport Junior High School, 2016-2017
Instructor: Mr. Demoranville
Description: A course that teaches students public speaking and persuasive argument skills and techniques, this class will embrace both an academic, scholarly environment as well as a creative, applicable environment. Students will complete two major assignments, consisting of an individual speech and a team debate; previous to which, students will study basic rhetorical concepts and analyze noted speeches.
Objectives: Students will understand how to present themselves confidently and with authority. Students will be able to communicate not only efficiently, but also persuasively. They will be comfortable with basic rhetorical skills and vocabulary, and be able to distinguish rhetorical devices when they are applied.
Classroom Etiquette: This is an academic community at its core. While we are here to learn something entertaining and exciting, we must also recognize that this is still a classroom. Respect and order must be observed and maintained at all times. Common courtesy will rule the class – not everyone is comfortable with speaking in public, so we must all be supportive of each other. Intolerant or demeaning remarks will not be tolerated. All students should also come prepared for class. Additional classroom rules will conform to school policy.
Cell Phones: NO. They are not allowed and I do not want to see them.
Beverages: Only water please. Do not spend your money on coffee/sodas/etc. because it will go in the trash (school rule).
Assignments:There will be a two major speaking projects, to consist of an individual speech and a team speaking, debate-based, forum. This number may be increased at the instructors’ discretion, with time permitting. Supplementary assignments may include analysis of speeches, external research for supportive argumentation, and practice speaking. Additional writing assignments will be given at the instructor’s discretion.
Structure: The course is structured in three phases. In the first, which will run concurrent with the other two, students will complete the reading of a text and will then break down the elements of persuasive rhetoric and public discourse. Conversations will ensue regarding the different techniques employed and their effectiveness in the presented situation. Classwork may also entail impromptu discussions and presentations, as practice for effective speaking in their projects. In the second phase, students will compose and present their own persuasive argument, using the skills learned throughout the course to convince the class of their position. In the third phase, immediately following the independent presentations, students will collaborate to present opposing sides of an argument in the form of a debate.
Homework: Homework is imperative to the success of any student. Homework assignments, when assigned, must be done to remain current. Homework may be passed in a day late for half-credit; some assignments cannot be made up due to their connection to in-class material.
Class Discussion and Participation:Language and communication need to be discussed. Most homework will be brief, but class time will be devoted to discussing and working with the assignments.Students should be ready to discuss their assignments with each other in small groups, providing constructive feedback, as well as with the whole class on a daily basis. Students will partially be graded based on their preparedness – a student who comes to class without a notebook, for example, will receive a deduction for the day. Additionally, as this course relies heavily on discussion, students will be asked to speak – each student is expected to speak at least once per class, and the instructor will keep a running record of how many times a student has spoken.
Assessments: Quizzes will be given regarding rhetorical theory. Pop quizzes may also be given per the instructor’s discretion. All assessments will be non-cumulative. Opportunities for extra-credit bonus points on quizzes may also be given.
Grading Breakdown: Grading for the course will be as follows:
- Preparedness = 10%
- Homework = 10%
- Quizzes = 10%
- Debate = 20%
- Individual Speech = 25%
- Class Participation = 25%
Grading for individual assignments will be per the assignment sheets.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism in any form is totally unacceptable. Plagiarism or cheating will result in failure on the assignment and may result in disciplinary action from the Principal. Just don’t do it.
Late Assignments:All assignments are due at the start of class, not the end of the day. Students are expected to come to class with their written assignments ready to hand in, and also prepared to discuss any readings. Late assignments will earn a deduction of a third of a letter grade for each day late. For example, an assignment that would have earned an A on time, will be marked A- for the first day late, B+ for the second day, B for the third, and so on. I am being very generous with this scale, so please be on time; do not take advantage of my kindness.
Absences:When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get any missed homework or work done in-class from the teacher. Please review the following policies regarding absences and tardiness from the Student Handbook:
Unexcused Absences
Extremely late arrivals and extremely early dismissals are considered absences under state
attendance regulations. Excessive absence is a serious matter. Consequences of excessive or
unexcused student absences include but are not limited to:
1.Notification to state authorities of a parent’s failure to educate their children in the
case of absences of more than seven (7) days (state law).
2.Request for physician’s certification of illness.
3.A grade of incomplete and/or possible loss of credit at the high school level.
4.Conference with the principal and/or Superintendent of Schools.
5.Completion of school work or course work during extended school year instructional programs
Family Vacations
Absences for independent family vacations taken during school time may not be approved by the
school principal and will be considered as unexcused absences for the purpose of the state law.
If a student is absent on the due date of an assignment, they are still expected to submit it on time via e-mail to Mr. Demoranville, when applicable.
Required Materials:
· one(1) separate 3-ring binder or a folder
· one(1) notebook (Mr. Demoranville would prefer college-ruled, but any is
· pencils/pens (blue or black ink only, please)
Disabilities: In agreement with district policies, if a student has a documented disability or require accommodations, for example a different setting or longer time period for test taking as mandated in a 504 or IEP, the instructor will provide these without question. Further, these needs do NOT need to be discussed in class by the instructor or students.
Syllabus Revisions: I have provided you a general syllabus so that you may have a rough idea of my expectations for you. Circumstances may require that I make changes to the syllabus. Bearing this in mind, I reserve the right to modify this syllabus in ways that are most appropriate for the benefit of the students so they may meet the course objectives.
Final Words: Do not hesitate to contact the instructor. If you have a concern about your grades or your projects, or if you have any questions at all about the course, please contact me and I will be more than willing to help.I may be contacted in class, you may find me in Edit Room 2 in Room 208, or through e-mail: .
Signing below verifies that you have read and understand the information given. A copy of this contract will be made and returned to the student, while the original document, along with the syllabus, will be held by the instructors.
Student signature: ______
Parent/guardian signature: ______
Parent/guardian phone number and email: ( )______