School Building Committee
Westport Community School
DATE: Monday, April 13, 2015
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: WMS Media Center
PRESENT: Chair Dianne Baron, Co-Chair Tracy Priestner, David Cass, Ann Marie Dargon, Michael Duarte, Michelle Duarte, Thomas Gastall, Jim Hartnett, Bill Lawton, Robert Medeiros, Warren Messier, Robert Nogueira, Joseph Pacheco, Carolyn Pontes, Nelson Terra, John Tunney, Cheryl Tutalo, Sue Ubiera, Antone Vieira, Antonio Viveiros, Adam Charest (WMS Student)
ABSENT: Jon Bernier, Tim King, Kevin Rioux, Woodrow Wilson
II. / Comments and Statement from the Public/Citizen’s Participation – None at this time.
III. / Action Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes of Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Motion by Priestner, seconded by Cass All in Favor
B. Formation of Committees – tabled.
1. Communication Team
2. Canvassing Group
3. Construction Design Team
4. Website Design
5. Feasibility Team
6. PowerPoint for Town Meeting
IV. / Informational Agenda
A. Plan for Town Meeting – Chair Baron asked the members to come up with some slogans. There was a brief discussion concerning creating a video with the students. Chair Baron recommended that the Public Service announcement on the cable station have a video with the students. She liked what Somerset/Berkley had done. Various slogans were suggested and eliminated. Members agreed that the slogan should be brief, so it could be placed on bumper stickers or flyers.
- Building Our Future Together
- Building for Our Future
- Building a Better Tomorrow for Our Children Today
- Together Lets be Part of Achieving Excellence
- Creating Westport’s Future Together
- Achieving Westport’s Future Today
- It’s Time to Solve the Problem
- Westport: A Right to Learn Community
- Building a Better Tomorrow by Investing in Our Children Today
- Invest Today for a Better Tomorrow
- Our Schools, Our Children, Our Future
Members agreed on the following slogan and a hand vote was taken by the members.
Our Town.Our Children.Our Future.
Members discussed how the slogan should look and how to indicate that the slogan is about Westport. Members agreed that a watermark of Westport be placed in the background of the slogan.
Chair Baron stated that she would like to see the WMS Tour video on the cable station. She would also like to see the members working with the WES/MAC PTO and the COA. Chair Baron asked that Mr. Gastall, WES Principal, help spread the word at his school. Mr. Viveiros and Mrs. Duarte volunteered to go to the COA and speak about the feasibility study.
Chair Baron stated that she would like to see a PSA created using the same script that Somerset/Berkley used with students. The principals will get together to assist in the making of the video. This PSA could also be placed on the cable station.
Co-Chair Priestner created a PowerPoint with all the talking points. It consists of 23 slides and it would be something that could be presented at various organizations such as the COA and placed on the cable access channel.
B. Strategize Communications Plan
Dr. Dargon informed the members that Mr. Nogueira and Mr. Augusto used parts of Co-Chair Priestners’ PowerPoint to create a 3 minute video. The draft video was shown to the members. After viewing comments and suggestions were made, especially in regards to figures stated. Chair Baron would like to see the costs separated out to show the figures for Westport and the reimbursement amount from the MSBA.
Mr. Tunney had a concern that with using these figures, the community may say,“Why the $700,000 when it will only cost x amount after the reimbursement from the MSBA.” Mr. Messier stated that the MSBA required sufficient funds to be set aside for the feasibility study and that the members need to stipulate that the amount will not exceed $700,000. Dr. Dargon informed the members that the MSBA requires the Town to appropriate the full cost of the feasibility study, in case something happens down the road. Two years ago, the average study cost, $562,000. Dr. Dargon also informed the members that legal counsel at MSBA has approved the verbiage for the warrant article.
There was a discussion concerning the cost of $150,000 for a Project Manager to be changed to state Project Management. No one person would be making that amount of money.
Co-Chair Priestner presented her PowerPoint. This would be something that could be shown to various organizations. During the presentation, members made comments and suggestions. There was also a discussion concerning property values. The PowerPoint should stipulate that schools are the single most important factor when determining Town choice. Co-Chair Priestner informed the members that once the PowerPoint was revised, it would be sent out to the members.
Chair Baron would like to hold another meeting on Monday, April 27 at 6:00 p.m in the WHS Media Center.
There was a brief discussion concerning a flyer to use prior to the Town meeting. Mr. Vieira stated that articles should be sent to the local newspapers to generate interest. Chair Baron informed him that two have been submitted. She has also used the Build a New School for Westport website to get out additional information.
Mr. Dick Spirlet, Board of Selectmen, stated that the funding is there, it needs to be appropriated.
V. / Comments and Statements from the Public/Citizen’s Participation
VI. / Adjourn – A motion was made to adjourn.
Motion Priestner, seconded by Ubiera All in Favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.