Minutes of meeting held 5th December 2016

A meeting of Weston Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Weston Hills on Monday 5th December 2016 commencing at 7.30 pm.

Present:- Cllrs. Pratt, Dicks, Bellamy (Mr.), Bunder, Hills, Pennington and Smith

In attendance:- Dist. Cllr. Casson

A one minute silence was observed in memory of John Allsopp who had served as a Parish Councillor for two periods before ill health prevented him from doing so.

17.130 Apologies

Cllr. Bellamy (Mrs.) due to work commitments and Jex.

17.131 Public Forum

Cllr. Casson passed the Clerk a list of ‘amenity’ areas currently cut by SHDC and informed the meeting that these would not be cut in 2017/18. This news was met with considerable surprise and the Clerk confirmed that no formal notification had been received.

17.132 Minutes of Parish Council meeting held 7th November 2016

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th November, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

17.133 Matters arising

The Clerk confirmed that the changes to the bank mandate had now been put into place.

17.134 Planning matters

Notification of permission being granted received for:-

H22-0915-16 – change of use of pack house, general and cold store buildings into 3 dwellings – site adj. 50 Moulton Chapel Road, Moulton Chapel

H22-1044-16 – erection of general purpose agricultural shed – Crowtree Farm, Marsh Road, Weston

Cllr. Casson informed the meeting that the Planning Committee has approved application H22-1085-16 the 3 bed detached house for experimental use – Austendyke Road, Weston Hills

17.135 South East Lincs. Local Plan

No issues were raised.

17.136 Correspondence

a)  Weston PCC – request for support for Weston St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival (dealt with under agenda item).

b)  LCC Highways – response to request for a site meeting to discuss concerns re the Broadgate/Beggars Bush crossroads (dealt with under agenda item).

c)  PCSO Newell – email confirming that an officer has carried out speed checks in the area and photo of an officer at the Austendyke Road/Broadgate crossroads (dealt with under agenda item).

d)  Unipart Dorman – reminder that the SID is now out of warranty and details of on-site service cost of £249 plus VAT (dealt with under agenda item).

e)  Office of Police and Crime Commissioner and Lincs Road Safety Partnership – acknowledgement of receipt of email re Community Speed Watch Scheme as run in other counties including Essex. The Clerk informed the meeting that the acknowledgement stated that a response would be given within 28 days.

f)  PCSO Newell – reported incidents statistics for November and breakdown of RTCs 1/6 – 1/12/16 (dealt with under agenda item).

17.137 Police matters

PCSO Newell had provided the statistics for reported incidents as ASB – 4, RTC – 2 violence – 1. There had been no reports of criminal damage, theft or burglary. She had also provided general location details for 6 RTCs with injury and 19 damage only RTCs for the period 1/6 – 1/12/16

Confirmation had also been received that an officer has carried out speed checks at the Austendyke Road/Broadgate crossroads.

17.138 Interactive and passive speed signs

Cllr. Pratt informed the meeting that, due to work commitments, he had not had the opportunity to move the SID.

Unipart Dorman’s letter was considered and the Clerk was asked to establish whether recalibration of the device is included in the cost of the service.

17.139 Highways matters

a) response to request for a site meeting to discuss the Broadgate/Beggars Bush crossroads.

Senior Highways Officer, Maxine Stukins, had responded with a lengthy email that ended by stating that she did not consider that a site meeting was necessary.

Cllr. Dicks said that – if the Parish Council supported him – he would follow this matter up himself and he is working on information gathering in order to do so.

b) further discussion of suggestion of requesting the ‘stopping up’ of Small Drove.

It was agreed that Cllr. Pratt speak to Jon Sharpe at LCC to discuss this idea further.

c) other matters

The Clerk was asked to contact PCSO Newell regarding the horse box that is parked on Broadgate and causes difficulties for drivers. It was acknowledged that this issue has been ongoing and that PCSO Robinson had previously been involved in trying to reach a resolution.

17.140 Weston and Weston Hills Playing Fields

Discussion took place about the pros and cons of having the gates to Weston Playing Field opened to allow visitors to access the car park. Problems that had been experienced in the past were highlighted and views expressed for and against. It was agreed to agenda further discussion of this matter at the February meeting.

It was confirmed that the new sign had been put up at Weston Hills Playing Field.

17.141 Church matters

a) request for financial support for Weston St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival

It was agreed to sponsor a tree in the festival at a cost of £25.

b) other matters

Cllr. Pratt had laid the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council at the Remembrance Day Service at Weston St Mary’s.

17.142 Financial Report to 30th November and payments to be made

The Financial Report to 30th November, having been circulated, was taken as read and its content noted.

The following payments were approved:-

S A Wilson – Clerk’s salary and expenses £479.34

Inland Revenue – PAYE £109.20

Weston St Mary’s Christmas Tree Festival £ 25.00

Weston Village Hall – hall hire 2016 £ 99.38

17.143 Further consideration of draft budget for 2017/2018

The Clerk tabled an updated version of the draft budget which had been amended at Cllr. Dick’s suggestion to show that the projected spend on equipment for Weston Hills Playing Field would be coming from reserves.

In light of the information that the cost of grass cutting for amenity areas will fall to the Parish Council the Clerk was asked to find out more information as to potential cost implications.

The Clerk confirmed that the Precept needs to be set at the January meeting.

17.144 Website

No update was available.

17.145 Amendment to meeting dates for 2017

The Clerk drew attention to one change of venue for the 2017 meetings – the Annual Open Meeting will be held at Weston Hills rather than Weston.

17.146 Any other business

Cllr. Dicks asked the Clerk to ensure that SHDC amended Parish Cllr. details on their website which are out of date.

Chairman …………………………………………………………..