Minutes of meeting held on Monday 4th July 2016
A meeting of Weston Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Weston on Monday 4th July commencing at 7.30 pm.
Present:- Cllrs. Casson, Pratt, Bellamy (Mrs), Bunder, Dicks, Jex and Smith
17.45 Apologies
Cllrs. Bellamy (Mr.) and Pennington due to work commitments.
17.46 Public Forum
There were no members of the public in attendance.
17.47 Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 9th May 2016
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th May, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record with the amendment to 17.34 Planning matters – H22-303-16 to read High Road and not Broadgate.
17.48 Matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda
The Clerk informed the meeting that Grant Thornton have acknowledged receipt of the Annual Return.
17.49 Planning matters
Notification of application for consideration available via SHDC website:-
H22-0553-16 – TPO works – 36 Edgefield and Holly House, High Road, Weston. Noted.
H22-0597-16 – proposed partial demolition, alterations and extension – 16 Broadgate, Weston. Cllr. Dicks declared an interest in this application and took no part in the discussion of it or the formulation of comments on it. No objections.
H22-0571-16 – proposed Sky Trail 7 Pole Navigator – Fun Farm, Weston. This was supported in principle but the Clerk was asked to raise the issue of the installation possibly causing a distraction to the drivers of passing vehicles. Another comment was that, as a planning condition, the security/safety fencing should be constructed so as to be as unobtrusive on the landscape as possible.
H22-0614-16 – proposed 1st floor extension – 47 Broadgate, Weston. No objections.
H22-0618-16 – residential development (re-submission of H22-0503-15) – adj. 434 Broadgate, Weston Hills. The Clerk was asked to submit the same comments as had been made on the original application – that the proposed development appears to be in-fill.
Notification of permission being granted received for:-
H22-0307-16 – B1 use (offices, light industry) in the workshop area – land to rear of 621 Broadgate, Weston Hills
H22-0297-16 – alterations and extension – 1 Pinfold Lane, Weston
H22-0298-16 – erection of detached dwelling and garage – adj. 1 Pinfold Lane, Weston
H22-0326-16 – change of use and alterations to 2 agric. Buildings into 2 dwellings and extension to existing cottage – Broadgate House, 696 Broadgate, Weston
Notification of appeal to Secretary of State for non-determination received for:-
H22-0970-15 – construction of 45 dwellings and associated garages and infrastructure – land at Small Drove, Weston.
The Clerk was asked to reiterate the Parish Council’s objections to this application and to stress that there are far more suitable sites identified within the proposed Local Plan. A copy of the map showing sites within Weston identified as potentially suitable for development to be sent with the letter.
17.50 Correspondence
a) Weston Village Hall – notification of increase to hall hire charges from 1st July. Noted.
b) Local Govt. Boundary Commission, Electoral Review of Lincolnshire – notification that final recommendations will be published 16th August 2016. Noted.
c) SHDC – information re further round of consultation events re South East Lincs. Local Plan (dealt with under agenda item).
d) LCC – information on Lincolnshire Central Heating Fund for households experiencing fuel poverty. Noted.
e) AON UK Ltd. – confirmation that defibs are covered within the Parish Council’s insurance policy. Noted.
f) LCC Highways – notification of road closure for works by SHIDB – Delgate Bank, vicinity of no. 59 to 69 – 13/6 to 3/7. Noted.
g) LALC – details of AGM (Tues. 18/10, Waddington – 5pm – 9pm).
h) LCC – notification of adoption of Lincs. Minerals and Waste Local Plan effective 1st June and details re availability of paper copies for inspection. Noted.
i) PCSO Newell – statistics re incidents reported 1/6 – 1/7 (dealt with under agenda item)
j) LCC – notification of publication of overnight road works on LCC website from July 1st.
LALC News -
NALC – Local Council Review – Summer 2016
Clerks & Councils Direct – July 2016
17.51 Police matters
PCSO Naomi Newell, having taken over following the retirement of PCSO Bev Robinson, had provided the statistics for incidents reported between 1/6 and 1/7
as ASB – 1, RTC – 3, theft – 1 and burglary – 2.
It was noted with regret that the area she is expected to cover has been increased and the hours allocated to the role reduced.
The Clerk confirmed that she had sent an email to PCSO Robinson thanking her for her work in the Parish over the years that she has been our PCSO and wishing her well in her retirement.
17.52 Interactive and passive speed signs
The most recent deployment of SID on Austendyke Road had recorded over 28000 vehicles with an average speed of 42.8 mph and a maximum speed of 80 mph.
Cllr. Dicks asked if there is a suitable place to position SID on Broadgate and asked that the Clerk contact LRSP and request a formal speed check for Broadgate.
17.53 Highways matters
a) cut backs by LCC grass cutting
It has been reported in the local press that LCC Highways will be reducing the frequency of verge cutting that they undertake. In previous years this has been done three times a year, this year it will be twice and in 2017 it will only be done once. SHDC have yet to make a decision about what areas they will take responsibility for.
b) Broadgate and junction of Broadgate and Beggars Bush
Discussion took place about possible ways to improve the poor visibility at this junction. The Clerk was asked to contact LCC Highways to ascertain if it they would sanction the Parish Council placing a mirror at the junction to aid visibility.
c) other matters
Concerns were raised about the amount of HGVs using Broadgate. Cllr. Bellamy (Mrs.) suggested that – if offending haulage firms can be identified – she would undertake to relay the information to the appropriate company in the supply chain.
17.54 Weston and Weston Hills Playing Fields
It was agreed to invite the two children that had written asking for play equipment on the Weston Hills Playing Field to an informal site meeting. Cllrs. Casson and Bellamy (Mrs) said they would be happy to do this.
The Clerk informed the meeting that most of the wooden equipment on Weston Playing Field had been treated as agreed and the ‘springers’ would be panted when the weather improves.
17.55 Financial Report to 30th June and payments to be made
The Financial Report to 30th June, having been circulated, was taken as read and its content noted. Comment was made that the reserves are high and that expenditure beneficial to the community should be actively investigated.
The following payments were approved:-
Susan Wilson - Clerks salary/ expenses £964.65
Inland Revenue - PAYE £109.20
Inland Revenue - PAYE £109.20
G S Electrical – installation of defib, at Bell Inn £130.00
17.56 South East Lincs. Local Plan
a) new site allocation – having been circulated the new site allocation plan was considered and concerns were raised that the revisions would have the effect of creating a huge housing estate based around High Road.
Cllr. Casson informed the meeting that SHDC’s Gary Alexander was willing to come to the August meeting to answer questions about the Local Plan. It was agreed that he should be invited to attend and that the meeting should commence at 7.00pm rather than 7.30pm.
b) other matters
Discussion took place as to whether the proposed redevelopment of the Delgate Avenue site would be included in the total number of properties that might be built under the proposed Local Plan.
17.57 Website
Cllr. Bellamy explained to the meeting that there had been technical problems which had prevented access to the website. It is hoped that these will be resolved shortly.
17.58 Any other business
Cllr. Casson asked the Clerk to speak to the grounds maintenance contractor about the state of the grass on the land adjacent St Mary’s Churchyard as it appears not to have been cut recently.
Chairman …………………………………….