Dr. Malik’s


Class Rules and Grading Policy

2017 - 2018

© J. Kovalcin 2000

Class grading policy- Each area listed below contributes towards your marking period grade based on the listed percentage.

Major Assessments – 50%

Summative Assessments, Tests, Formal Lab Reports, projects, Summer Assignment, Summer


Minor Assessments – 40%

Formative Assessments, General Lab Reports.

Individual Student Work (ISW) – 10%

Homework, classwork, Pop Quizzes, Do Now, Exit Ticket

At the end of each marking period the numerical grade achieved is converted to a letter grade according to the following, board approved scale.

97 - 100A+ 94 - 96A90 - 93A-

87 - 89 B+ 84 - 86B80 - 83B-

77 - 79 C+ 74 - 76C70 - 73C-

67 - 69 D+ 65 - 66D 0 - 64E

You will be able to access your grades through the Genesis Portal. Your parents will also be able to do this.

Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty - Board of Education Policy-Plagiarism #5701

  1. Students are expected to be honest in all of their academic work. This means that they will not engage in any of the following acts:
  2. Cheating on examinations, including but not limited to, the non-authorized use of books or notes, the use of crib sheets, copying from other students' papers, exchanging information with other students orally, in writing, or by signals, obtaining copies of the examination illegally and other similar activities.
  1. Plagiarism is not permitted in term papers, essays, reports, images, take-home examinations, and other academic work. Plagiarism is defined as stealing or using without acknowledgment the ideas, words, formulas, textual materials, on line services, computer programs, etc. of another person, or in any way presenting the work of another person as one's own.
  1. Falsifications, including forging signatures, altering answers after they have been graded, the insertion of answers after the fact, the erasure of grader's markings, and other acts that allow for falsely taking credit.
  2. Sharing, receiving, and assisting in utilizing stolen assessments or the unethical use of technology.
  1. A teacher or school official who believes that a student has been academically dishonest in his/her class or school related activity should address the matter in the following manner:
  1. Inform the student orally and/or in writing. The teacher is also authorized to withhold credit in the work tainted by the academic dishonesty. Teachers are to submit a written report of all incidents involving academic dishonesty/plagiarism to the Principal or designee as soon as possible. Such reports will include the identity of the student(s) involved in the incident, why plagiarism/academic dishonesty is suspected, and examples of the student(s) work.
  2. The Principal or designee will determine the discipline of the student if appropriate.
  3. A student found guilty of academic dishonesty may be subjected to a full range of penalties including, but not limited to, reprimand, loss of credit for all the work that is plagiarized, and possible loss of eligibility for academic honors, including but not limited to, valedictorian, salutatorian, class officer, or National Honor Society membership. All violations are cumulative over four years and are kept in the student’s discipline record. In addition, as noted in the District’s Annual FERPA Notification of Rights, the District will disclose, among other student records, disciplinary records related to academic dishonesty where the integrity of the District or school is compromised and/or results in a significant change to a candidate’s academic status or qualifications -- to officials of another school, school system and/or post-secondary education institution or agency where a student seeks or intends to enroll for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.

Assignments and Assessments

1. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS - Generally, there will be 2 or 3 summative assessmentsduring each marking period.

  • Summative assessments will be based on student reading assignments, class notes, homework, class work, formative assessments, pop quizzes and Labs.
  • Calculators are permitted always.
  • If you are absent on the day of a summative assessments ONLY, you will be expected to take that summative assessments on the day of your return to school. Likewise, if you are absent ONLY a single day before a summative assessment, you will be expected to take the summative assessments when you return to school. If you are absent 2 or more days the makeup summative assessments must be taken within 2 weeks of your return to school. Special consideration will be given to long term illness.
  • Summative assessments cannot be retaken.


  • Written lab reports will be due within 3 days following the completion of the lab.
  • Formal lab reports must be prepared following the Formal Lab Template that will be available in the online classroom.
  • More detailed information will be supplied at the time of the first lab.

3. HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK–Homework and Classwork will be checked regularly and all work is expected to be kept by the student in a folder or 3-ring binderso that individual assignments can be conveniently submitted as required. It is expected that all homework be done carefully and neatly so as to indicate sincere effort. Each homework assignment that is checked or collected will be graded based on correctness, completeness and upon an indication of sincere effort. Quizzes will be given regularly on the material covered on the homework!ALL WORK MUST BE SHOW and the assignment must have your printed name, date, and period. Late work will receive a 10% deduction for each day that the assignment is late after the assignment grade has been determined.

4. Formative Assessments and Pop Quizzes–Formative Assessmentswill be announced and will be a regular part of this course. If you are absent on the day of the formative assessment ONLY, you will be expected to take that formative assessment on the day of your return to school. Likewise, if you are absent ONLY a single day before a formative assessment you will be expected to take the formative assessment when you return to school. If you are absent 2 or more days the makeup formative assessment must be taken within 2 weeks of your return to school. Special consideration will be given to long term illness. Formative Assessments may be retaken after school onlyand can only be done twice. Each retake results in a 10% reduction of the highest possible grade achieved. The highest grade possible after the first retake would be 90% and 80% after the second and final retake. Whichever grade is the highest grade (Original, 1st retake, 2nd retake) is the one that will be entered in the grade book for that Formative Assessment. All Formative Assessment retakes must be completed within five school days from the date the results of the original Formative Assessment are posted. Being absent will not extend this time limit.

5. READING & LESSON PLANS –All students are required to read the sections of their eBook that will be covered during the coming week. This material is testable. All lesson plans are subject to change based on student learning and other relevant factors. The primary reading material for the course will consist of “Class Notes”and assigned sections from the textbook.

Keep in mind that the biggest obstacle facing most students in this course is the absence of completed lab reports and/or homework assignments. It is important that you always keep up with the work because much of what is done later in the course in depends on those topics covered at the beginning of the school year. If you find yourself falling behind, try to seek out help as soon as possible. I will usually be available until 4:00 each day. Attendance in this class is very important. Since we do not rely on the text, it may be difficult to make up all the missed work.

Please retain all returned tests, lab reports, homework assignments and quizzes in a personal file. If there is a discrepancy in your grade, it will be your responsibility to provide those materials on your behalf!

6. Electronic Mobile Devices

When the use of Electronic Mobile Devices are permitted by the classroom instructor, students will have access to a filtered Internet connection that is consistent with the Internet access that is available on other district technology equipment (i.e., computers and laptops) when used for legitimate educational and instructional purposes. Such use of the Internet by students on Electronic Mobile Devices must abide by the terms and conditions of the district's Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement. Students are not permitted to utilize outside networks, including those provided by data carriers through private data plans, while in school.

Notwithstanding the permission granted by the classroom instructor, the district reserves the right to prohibit access and/or the use of an Electronic Mobile Device if a student is found to have utilized the device in a manner that is not permitted by the classroom instructor, for a purpose deemed inappropriate. In this regard, the use of an Electronic Mobile Device will be considered inappropriate if the student's use:

• Causes a disruption to the educational environment;

• Invades the rights or privacy of others (including staff) at school;

• Involves illegal or prohibited conduct of any kind; or

• Violates any provision of the district's Student Code of Conduct, or the Board's Policies and Regulations.

In such cases, the Building Principal or his/her designee or classroom instructor may also confiscate the device. In such instances, the building administration will take appropriate disciplinary action as outlined in the district's Student Code of Conduct.

If the classroom instructor does not provide consent for the use of Electronic Mobile Devices, such devices must be stored away so that they cannot be seen (i.e., in pocket, case, purses, book bags, etc.) or heard (i.e., on silent mode or turned off). In the event a student is found using an Electronic Mobile Device in a classroom where the instructor has not provided consent, the Building Principal or his/her designee may confiscate the device and take appropriate disciplinary action as outlined in the district's Student Code of Conduct.

Additionally, recording of any kind is strictly prohibited and consequences will be determined as per the Student Code of Conduct. In the event a pupil violates this Policy, the Building Principal or designee will confiscate the device and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken as outlined in the district's Student Code of Conduct.

Electronic devices that are intended solely for gaming and entertainment purposes are not permitted to be used within the school buildings during the instructional day, and, if brought into the school by students, must be deactivated and stored in their assigned hall lockers during the instructional day. In the event a student is found using an electronic device that is intended solely for gaming and entertainment purposes during the instructional day in violation of this Policy, the Building Principal or his/her designee will confiscate the device and take appropriate disciplinary action as outlined in the district's Student Code of Conduct.

7. Student email - All students have been issued school email accounts and these accounts must be used for all class communication between teacher and student. When using District email, students must observe the guidelines outlined in the Network Use Agreement, Student Code of Conduct, and Board of Education Policy and Regulation 2361:

8. Extra Help - If you find that you need extra help, I will almost always be available in my classroom by 8:00 AM eachmorning and will usually be available after school until ~ 4:00 PM. Check the sign outside of room A231 for the extra helpschedule.

9. Class Website:


10. Class Textbook:eBook

College physics

Etkina, Eugenia, Michael Gentile, and Heuvelen A. Van.College Physics. Boston [etc.:

Pearson, 2014.

11. Dr. Malik’s School email:

12. Dr. Malik’s School Phone number: 732-617-8393, ext. 6149

13. Senior/AP Exemption - Advanced Placement Final Examination Exemption

A student in any Advanced Placement course may be exempted from taking the final exam, and will receive an “X” for the final exam grade as long as the student has taken the Advanced Placement exam and achieved a minimum overall average in the course of at least a “B-” at the time of the final exam.

Senior Final Examination Exemption

A senior may be exempted from taking the final exam in a course, and will receive an “X” for the final exam grade as long as the student has achieved a minimum overall average of at least an “A-” in the course at the time of the final exam and has not received any marking period grade or mid-term grade below a “B-”.

14. Should there be any conflict between my class guidelines presented here and the FRHSD Board of Education Policies, FRHSD Student Handbook, or Marlboro High School Administrative procedures, then the policies and procedures of the higher authority will prevail always. The Department Supervisor reserves the right to review and modify these guidelines to ensure compliance with school and district policies and regulations and any adjustment deemed to be in the best interest of the student.


I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the guidelines listed above for Dr. Malik’s AP Lab Physics Class during the 2017

2018 school year.

Printed Student’s Name: ______


Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature