Class: Safety is our number one priority. Students should always participate under control and within the rules and expectations of activities. Students should also regularly check their westonps email accounts for class updates and information.

Be Prepared: You are required to be properly dressed for class. This includes sneakers, socks, T -shirt, and shorts/sweatpants. You may not wear tank tops in class. Your PE clothes must be different from the clothes you wear to school. Shoes without laces, open-back, and/or platform sneakers are not acceptable for Physical Education.

*If you do not participate in Physical Education class, you cannot participate with your after school athletic team.*

Excused Absences: You are allowed two excused absences during the quarter. For each absence over the allowed two, you will receive a zero for the day until it is made up. Absences can be made up during other PE classes for full credit or made up in fitness room up to 42pts. See your teacher about specific make up policies (make-ups need to be completed before the quarter ends).

If you receive an unexcused absence from the attendance office you will earn a zero for the day due to lack of participation. These points cannot be made up.

Medical Excuses: Short-term periodic illness and/or injury (one week or less) must be accompanied by a note from your parent/guardian. Sports folios will be assigned. Long term prolonged illness and/or injury (over one week) must be accompanied by a note from your doctor. You are still expected to report to class and a modified program will be explained by your teacher.

All students must complete all CPR Requirements to receive a grade for the semester. All freshman and sophomores must also complete all fitness testing in order to receive a grade.

In addition to a daily grade you will also be assessed using the “Physical & Mental Wellness” and “Citizenship” school wide rubrics at the end of eachunit. Rubrics will be explained at the beginning of each unit.

Classroom Environment:

Students will demonstrate:

Responsible personal and social behavior

The ability to use effective interpersonal skills

The ability to use the decision-making skills of appropriate goal setting, risk taking and problem solving

Understand that challenge, enjoyment, creativity, self-expression and social interaction are important, life-enhancing experiences.

Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for differences.

We believe that successful students:

Communicate in a meaningful way for a variety of purposes and audiences;

Employ critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems;

Pose questions, examine possibilities, apply skills and collaborate to find solutions to authentic issues.

Our Social and Civic Expectations are to:

Make positive choices related to physical and mental wellness;

Be informed, responsible citizens who contribute to the global community in a collaborative, inclusive and respectful manner.

Physical Education Daily Grading Criteria / Score Points on Grading Scale
0 / 1 / 2
Participation / Endangers others or is a deterrent to participation of others. / Participates in task but needs to be prompted to stay engaged. / Performs the activity to the best of one’s ability.
Preparation / Attendance / Impossible to engage in any physical activity because of inappropriate attire. / Inappropriate attire inhibits ability to participate fully and/or arrives late to class. / Dresses in proper attire ready to engage in the activity and arrives on time.
Collaboration / Personal conduct i.e. (excessive play, inappropriate language) makes the activity unsafe for others. / Engage with peers in a way that is distracting to the activity. / Engagement with peers enhances the activity through communication and role modeling.
Understanding / Refuses to learn which stops their own growth or disrupts the performance of others. / Demonstrates knowledge of core concepts, strategies, and techniques in isolation but struggles to apply during activity. / Applies knowledge of core concepts, strategies and techniques essential to the activity.