



Debbie Nelson SECRETARY

Mark P. Hayward Jr. PRINCIPAL

Westmoreland School • 40 Glebe Road • Westmoreland NH 03467

Phone 603-399-4421 • Fax 603-399-7107


1. General Information Page 4, 5

a. Philosophy

b. Objectives

c. sportsmanship

d. Guidelines for sportsmanship

2. Eligibility Requirements Page 6, 7, 8

a. Team Size and Selection

b. School Attendance

c. Practice policy

d. Behavior Eligibility

e. Academic Eligibility

f. Health Requirements

g. Photo Release

3. Individual Roles Page 9, 10

a. Role of the Player

b. Role of the Coach

c. Role of the Parent

4. Code of Conduct Page 10, 11

a. Complaint Procedure

b. Connecticut Valley League Guidelines

5. Equipment/Uniforms Page 12

a. Replacement Fees

b. Damage Deposit

6. Transportation Page 13, 14

a. Parent Transportation/ Release


The Westmoreland School athletic program aligns with the Westmoreland School District Interscholastic Sports Policy (#2043).

“The philosophy of Westmoreland School regarding interscholastic sports is to ensure that students receive a rewarding experience, become knowledgeable and competent in the fundamentals of their particular sport, display good sportsmanship, and conduct themselves as representatives of the Westmoreland community.”

“We also believe that a high quality interscholastic athletics experience enhances academic success through development of character, commitment, pride, and teamwork.”


1. The program will aim to maintain a competitive level while still developing individual and team skills.

2. The program will offer healthy competition while instilling the values of good sportsmanship and school spirit.

3.All players will receive the opportunity to play for a portion of the game, barring no behavioral or academic ineligibility. This policy excludes tournament play.

Guidelines For Sportsmanship

To promote sportsmanship and foster the development of good character, sports programs must be conducted in a manner that enhances the academic, emotional, social, physical and ethical development of student-athletes. Participation in athletic programs is a privilege, not a right. To earn that privilege, student-athletes and coaches must abide by the following rules of good sportsmanship:


  1. Shall abide by the rules of the game in letter and in spirit.
  2. Shall respect the integrity and judgment of the officials/referees.
  3. Sets the tone of conduct for student-athletes, spectators, team members and citizens.
  4. Must visibly show that s/he values fair, honest rivalries, courteous relations and graceful acceptance of the results.
  5. Shall take corrective action on any student-athlete who violates the code of conduct found within this policy.


  1. Be respectful and courteous of opposing teams and officials.
  2. Refrain from disrespectfully addressing officials and opposing teams, antics to intimidate, taunting, fighting, or using profanity.
  3. Respect the integrity and judgment of officials and accept their decisions without question.
  4. Be modest when successful and gracious in defeat.

Any student-athlete found to have violated this policy may be subject to appropriate discipline to be administered by either the coach or school administrators. Such discipline may range from temporary to permanent suspension of the student-athlete’s participation on the athletic team. Disciplinary measures will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Team Size and Selection

Team Sizes should not exceed the following numbers of players:

Soccer: 17; Basketball: 12; Baseball/Softball: 15

Cross-Country/Track & Field: depends on interest-level. Travel team to be chosen by respective coach.

*The decision to keep more or less players on a team will be made by the coach and athletic director.

Students in grades six through eight (6-8) are eligible to tryout***. Selection will be based on, but not limited to – attitude, desire, and skill – to guide coaches in their decision making. Fifth graders will be allowed to tryout only if there are an insufficient number of athletes to field a team.

Grade level is not a guarantee of a position on the team. The final roster decisions will be made by the coach in consultation with the athletic director. .

School Attendance

A student must attend at least half a school day (no later than 11:15) to participate in the sporting event of the day (game or practice).

A student must attend school to participate in the sporting event of the day (game or practice).

Practice Policy

Players are expected to be present, on time, and prepared for each practice. Any student athlete who cannot attend practice must notify the coach directly at least 1 day in advance. In the case of an emergency or school absence the player is expected to contact the school by the end of the school day. Any unexcused absence can result in the following: 1st offense) reduction of playing time 2nd) reduction of playing time or 1 game suspension 3rd) 1 game suspension 4th) Removal from the program upon review by the coach, AD, and principal. Excused absences include the following:

  • Funeral

●After school meeting with a teacher (not a detention)

●Religious obligations


●Family Emergency or engagement


Note: The athletic director reserves the right to wave an unexcused absence depending on the circumstances of the fielded team.

Behavior Eligibility

It is a privilege to participate in the interscholastic programs offered by the Westmoreland School. High standards of behavior are expected of our student-athletes.

Participants represent themselves, their families, Westmoreland School, and the greater community through their involvement in these activities. Expectations are in line with this representation.


If a student is issued a red slip for behavior in school, the following will occur:

1. First Offense of the Season: athlete will be unable to participate in sport that afternoon (game or practice).

2. Second Offense of the Season: athlete will be unable to participate in sport for one week (games and practices).

3. Third Offense of the Season: athlete is deemed ineligible for the remainder of the season.

If a red slip is issued on a “non-activity day”, it will carry over to the following game or practice so the suspension will be served. Missing a practice or game may affect the player’s role on the team and/or playing time during future contests.


The following are examples of inappropriate behavior that violate school rules:

Swearing – Bullying – Intentionally Disrespecting Equipment – Not Following Coach’s Directions – (and/or) any other behavior a coach deems unsafe or inappropriate.

In the event an athlete fails to comply with team regulations concerning inappropriate behavior, he/she will be given one warning. Subsequent infractions will justify a consequence to be determined by the coach, athletic director, and/or principal. At the very least, the same 3-Strike Red Slip Policy, stated above, will be used in these situations. This will all depend on the severity of the offense. The athletic director will communicate with parents in this regard.


To be eligible for athletics, students must maintain a passing grade in all subjects. If a student drops below a “C-“, they will no longer be eligible to participate in athletics. Students have the option of being placed on an Academic Assistance Plan. If the AAP is followed, students can continue to practice with the team but will not be allowed to play in any games. They will lose their privilege to practice with the team if the plan is notfollowed. If the student has 2 “F’s” they will immediately be removed from the teamuntil progress report time or the end of the grading term.

The student will be expected to attend all practices (after seeking an academic assistance plan), and may be present for home competitions and travel with the team to away contests. A confirmation will be made to the student-athlete and parents by the athletic director.

Eligibility for the fall season will be determined on the third trimester of the previous school year.

Eligibility for the winter season will be based on first trimester grades.

Eligibility for the spring season will be based on the second trimester grades.

“Academic Assistance Plan” forms are available by request from the Athletic Director and are also available online. It is the responsibility of the athlete to pursue this benefit.


All students who intend to participate in Westmoreland School athletic activities need to provide written permission and certification from a parent or guardian. Forms (which will be supplied by the Athletic Director) need to be completed to certify that the student is physically capable of handling the rigors of the athletic activity. It also requires that the parent/guardian and student must immediately advise the school if such situation changes. The forms must indicate if any limitations are to be placed upon the student’s participation.

Students participating in sports must have a physical on file in the nurse’s office before they begin practice. One physical for the duration of the student’s time in middle school (Grade 6-8) is adequate. If new information is discovered during the student’s time in middle school, please send in a current physical form for reference.


As a parent of a student-athlete, it is your choice whether or not to authorize the use and reproduction of any and all photographs/videos that have been taken of your child. By signing the compliance form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the terms of the release. If you decide to not authorize the release, please inform the athletic director by checking the box noted on the compliance form (page 14).




The role of the player is to play. Athletic participation is a privilege, not a right. With privilege comes responsibility. This takes a personal commitment on the player’s part – a commitment to yourself, your teammates, and your community. Be proud to represent Westmoreland on and off the field. All players are there for the enjoyment of the sport and the team.


The role of the coach is to coach. Coaches focus on:

1. Development of individual and team skills

2. Maintaining sportsmanship and character

3. Communicating individual and team roles

4. Providing safe supervision and direction for players

5. Encouraging a fun and constructive environment for all team members


1. The role of the parent is to parent.

2. Make sure your children know that win or lose, you are proud of their efforts and are not disappointed in them. This will allow them to do their best without fear of failure.

3. Try your best to be completely honest about your child’s athletic ability, competitive attitude, sportsmanship, and actual skill level.

4. Be helpful but don’t coach them. It is tough not to, but please do not compete with the coach. If your child is receiving mixed messages from two different authoritative figures, they will likely become confused and frustrated.

5. Teach them to enjoy the thrill of competition, to be “out there trying”, to strive to improve their skills and attitudes. Help them have fun!

6. Please do not compare the skill or attitude of your child with other members of the team.

7. Get to know the coach. Become familiar with his or her philosophy, attitudes, ethics, and game knowledge. This will help you become comfortable having your child under his or her leadership.



During the span of an athletic season, parental concerns may arise and should be expressed. Communication is the best solution to most problems. Therefore, the following protocol needs to be followed by administration, coaches, parents, and players:


Step 1 – Athletes should discuss the problem with their coach. If a solution cannot be reached then proceed to step 2.

Step 2 – Parents should discuss the problem with the coach. If a solution cannot be reached then proceed to step 3.

Step 3 – The Athletic Director should be notified and a meeting will be conducted involving the player, parent, and coach. If a solution cannot be reached then proceed to step 4.

Step 4 – A written appeal can be made to the principal. The Athletic Director and coach will also be involved. Information will be gathered and an administrative decision will be made.

Please note that if the Chain of Command is not utilized correctly; complaints can be overlooked


“Sportsmanship” is defined as:

  • Playing fair
  • Following the rules
  • Respecting the judgment of referees and officials
  • Treating opponents with respect

What does it take to demonstrate good sportsmanship in real-life situations? Here are some examples of what athletes should do:

  • Learn as much about the sport as possible. Play by the rules. Show up for practice and games on time, work hard, and prepare to play games.
  • Talk politely and act courteously toward everyone before, during, and after games. Including includes teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and spectators.
  • Stay in control. Even if others are losing their tempers, it doesn’t mean that you should. Remind yourself that no matter how hard you’ve practiced or played, it is after all, just a game.
  • Cheer your teammates on with positive statements. Encourage them to achieve their best, but support them through their mistakes as well.
  • When officials make a call, accept it gracefully even if it goes against you. Remember that referees and umpires may not be right every time, but they are doing their best, just like you.
  • Whether you win or lose, congratulate your opponents on a game well played.


Chesterfield – Dummerston – Marlboroug – Kurn Hattin

Hinsdale – Putney – Walpole – Westmoreland- Leland & Grey


Athletes will be issued numbered uniforms. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the uniforms clean and free of damage. If a uniform item is missing, lost or damaged, the student/family is responsible to pay for the item. Students will not be allowed to keep any part of the school-issued uniform. Uniforms are only to be worn during games or practices.

All uniform pieces must be returned or paid for before the student can try out or participate in any future athletic activity.

Replacement fees are subject to change and/or increase without notice.

The following will be billed, if not returned, at the conclusion of the particular sport’s season.

Soccer: Shirt $28.00 Shorts $12.00 (new 2009)

Basketball: Shirt $25.00 Shorts $12.00 (new 2011-2012)

Baseball: Shirt $25.00 Pants $18.00 Belt $5.50 (Shirts new 2011, belts new 2007)

Softball: Shirt $17.00 Pants $17.00 (Shirts new 2010, pants new 2007)



Parents are more than welcome to give their child a ride home from any away game. The parent must first sign a release form from the coach prior to leaving with that student.

A student who wishes to ride home with parents other than their own must have a note including the following:

Permission to release

Name of parent taking responsibility of student

Signed and dated

This note must be given to their coach.


If a conflict arises where a student has a parent provide them transportation, they must provide a note to their coach.

Various tournaments are offered during each particular season and there will not be any buses provided. Students will need a ride from a parent. If they are to receive a ride from another parent, they must provide a note, similar to that of the parental release stated above, to their coach.


I have read the Westmoreland School Athletic Handbook and understand the procedures that must be followed.

Student Name (printed): ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Name (printed): ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Parent Email: ______

Please note: Your email address will be added to the Athletic Director’s list to include you in all updates and news – for convenience.



□Check this box if you DO NOT authorize the use and reproduction of any and all photographs/videos that have been taken of your child.

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