All Friday letters are also available on our Web Site: www.westgatesch.com
Friday 28th October 2016
Halloween Discos
The Friends of Westgate School Halloween discos last night were great fun and all the children had a spooktastic time wearing their amazing costumes and dancing in the creepily decorated halls.
Our thanks go to the ‘Friends’ who always go the extra mile to ensure that Westgate children have the little treats that help to make our school so special.
Y4 Egyptian display in Lancaster Museum
Y4 have been given the opportunity to display some of their work on the Egyptians in Lancaster Museum for a week. The display will open on Friday 28th October and run right through the half term break.
The museum will also be running a special workshop called ‘Gruesome Egyptians’ on Tuesday 1st Nov. It only costs £1 per child and will be running from 10.30am - 12noon and again from 1pm - 2.30pm, so why not come along to see the exhibition, then go to the workshop. Call 01524 64637 to book your places now!
Late children
Over the past week it has been noticeable that a growing number of children, accompanied by parents, are coming into school through the front reception area. Please note that children should only enter this way if they arrive after 8.55am.
KS2 children need to go to their playground and be there at 8.55am at the latest so they can enter school with their classmates.
KS1 enter school through their identified door and are welcomed in by a member of staff.
When a child is late they miss the start of their lessons and disturb the class as they arrive at the classroom. Please make every effort to ensure your children are in school before 8.55am every day to ensure they start the school day on time. Many thanks.
Poppies on sale in school
From Monday 7th November we will be selling poppies in school. If the children would like to buy one, please ensure that they bring their money in a named envelope and pass it to their teacher at the start of the day. We suggest a minimum donation of 20p. Thank you.
School Photo Day – Wednesday 9th November
The photographers will be coming into school on the first Wednesday after the half term break. They will be taking photos of individuals, children with siblings in school and children with siblings who are not yet at school.
If you would like your child to be photographed with any siblings who are not yet at school, please come to school at 8.15am, so that we can do these photographs first. Thank you.
Westgate Wonders Holiday Club
Please don't leave it too late to book your child/children into the Holiday Club for next week.
Our Halloween Theme day on Monday will get all the children into a creepy mood ready for their Trick or Treat adventure with their parents/carers.
Throughout the week children will get an opportunity to cook, bake and visit the local shops and parks therefore please ensure your children have suitable clothing.
Full day sessions (8:30am-5:30pm) are £18.00 per child and half day sessions (8:30am-12:30pm or 1:30pm-5:30pm) are £10.00 per child.
Hurry...book your child in now to avoid disappointment!
For more details or to book sessions call Sharon on 07834 556617.
Super Work certificates
Every week we give out certificates to children who have tried really hard in one or more areas.
This week children in the following classes received certificates:
Mrs Ronayne – Archie Hunt
Miss Clark – Katie Lee
Miss Lyon – Daisy-May Roe
Mrs Henderson – Alesha-May Woodage
Miss Wood – Erica Lee
Miss Thompson – Beyla Hunter
Miss Willacy – Jodie Rainford
Mr Tait – GerdaGrigaityte
Mrs Newton – KamilMajchrzak
Mr Clarke – Abbie Pickles
Miss Earnshaw – Shanade Thompson
Mrs Daniel – Daniel Taylor
Miss Dalton – Josiah Helme
Mr Breeze – Finn Nicholson
Mrs Johnson - Tyler Freeman
Miss Braund – Daniel Blair