WESTEST 2 Online Writing Teacher-Created Passages and Prompts

Grade 6 Samples

WESTEST 2 Online Writing

Grade 6 Sample Passage and Prompt

Grade: 6
CSO: RLA. from a prompt, use the writing process
to develop a composition that contains specific,
relevant details and transitions
Genre: Descriptive
21st Century Emphasis: Civic Literacy
Lexile: 900L
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in the box below.
New Club for Your School
One extra-curricular activity many students are involved in is clubs. Clubs are often a source for community service, and they provide an opportunity for students to socialize outside of the classroom. Clubs provide the chance for students to grow in leadership roles, to learn how to organize projects, and to work together as a team.
Think about a club you would like to see started at your school. You might select a club that you have heard about at another school, or you might create an original club. The important thing is that you choose a club that you believe will make your school a better place for students.
PROMPT: Write a letter to your principal describing your idea for a new club at your school. What would this club be? What would its members do? Explain your reasons for wanting the club and how this club would benefit the school.
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WESTEST 2 Online Writing

Grade 6 Sample Passage and Prompt

Grade: 6
CSO: RLA. from a prompt, use the writing process
to develop a composition that contains specific,
relevant details and transitions
Genre: Informative
21st Century Emphasis: Adaptability
Lexile: 880L
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in the box below.
Prized Possessions
At the end of a rough day, many people look forward to relaxing and recovering from the stress of the day in a special place, such as a tree house, family room, or anywhere you feel most comfortable.
For many people, that special place is their bedroom, the one place that “knows” everything about a person. The same may be true for you as well. Think about your own bedroom. Your room has lived your life with you, has seen your happiest day, and has witnessed your saddest moment. It is a place where your memories are enshrined in the worldly possessions it holds. Your closet contains all of your clothes and shoes. Your chest of drawers hold your pictures and scrapbooks. Posters and pictures hang on the wall, and trophies and knickknacks line your shelves. The Nintendo Wii, television, laptop and iPod are among your prized possessions found in your bedroom.
As you spend an evening enjoying your safe haven, an explosion shatters the peaceful solitude. The bed shakes and pictures fall from your walls. Your mom and dad scream, “Get out of the house!” In the midst of your panic, you are able to grab only a few of your most prized possessions.
Which of your prized possessions do you choose to take with you? Explain your choices. Why did you choose these items? What makes them so incredibly important that you would carry them away as you run for your life?
PROMPT: Write an essay telling about the prized possessions you chose to take with you. Explain why you chose these items and what makes them so incredibly important that you would carry them away as you run for your life.
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WESTEST 2 Online Writing

Grade 6 Sample Passage and Prompt

Grade: 6
CSO: RLA. from a prompt, use the writing process
to develop a composition that contains specific,
relevant details and transitions
Genre: Narrative
21st Century Emphasis: Communication Skills
Lexile: 930L
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in the box below.
Stories to Tell
Our lives are full of adults and children who like to tell stories. We have grandparents who may live close to us or who may live a distance from us. They have a myriad of stories to tell us at holidays or birthdays. We often listen to tales from them about what happened when they were younger.
Many of us have older brothers and sisters who like to tell us what to do and enlighten others with stories from our childhood. Given the chance, they will tell our boyfriends, girlfriends, or anyone else who will listen about us; usually, they will tell the incidents that we would like to forget because the stories are so embarrassing.
Our friends we talk with us about problems, dreams, events, and people. We share stories with one another. Things like what happens in school, what classes to take and what clothes to wear to the football game dictate our conversations. Some of the stories we hear are exciting, funny, sad, or scary.
PROMPT: Imagine yourself as a camp counselor for children. You are in charge of storytelling around the campfire. From the wealth of stories you have heard in your life, write a personal story that could be used to entertain the children. Who are the main characters? What happened? Is there anything particularly exciting, funny, sad, or scary?
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WESTEST 2 Online Writing

Grade 6 Sample Passage and Prompt

Grade: 6
CSO: RLA.O.6.2.03 from a prompt, use the writing
Process to develop a composition that contains
specific, relevant details and transitions
Genre: Persuasive
21st Century Emphasis: Project Planning and Development
Lexile: 920
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in the box below.
School Dress Code
It is the first day of school. You and your classmates have just been handed your agenda books. As the class is directed to read quietly through the school rules, you notice that your school has a School Dress Code. You already have purchased your new school clothes.
As you and your friends sit in the cafeteria eating lunch, the discussion turns to the school dress code. Some disagreement is voiced. Some students say they should be able to wear whatever they want and a dress code is not necessary; others say the school dress code is needed to make sure students dress appropriately.
Rather than break the rules, one student suggests a letter-writing campaign to the school administration so that students can express their opinions about the dress code.
PROMPT: Do you believe your school should have a dress code? If so, why? If not, why not? Write a letter to your school administration arguing for or against having a school dress code and offering necessary suggestions. Be sure to support your argument with evidence and reasoning.
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