Social Studies: Unit 5 Study Guide Causes of the Revolution

Social Studies: Unit 5 Study Guide Causes of the Revolution

Name: ______#: _____

Social Studies: Unit 5 Study Guide
Causes of the Revolution


1) For vocabulary words, use each word from the lesson in a sentence to demonstrate you understand its meaning. Underline the word. Do not write the definitions – you already made vocabulary cards for that purpose.

2) For the questions, answer each one in a complete sentence.

Lesson 1:

Vocabulary: parliamenttariffprotestpetitionboycott


1. Why did the colonists protest against the Stamp Act?

2. What happened as a result of the Stamp Act Congress?

3. What items did the Townsend Act tax?

4. What is another name for the Coercive Acts?

5. Why did Britain need to tax and impose tariffs on the American colonies?

6. How did the colonists show their opposition to British taxes and tariffs?

7. What did the Sons of Liberty do?

Lesson 2:

Vocabulary: delegatemilitia


1. Put the following events in the order that they occurred: Second Continental Congress,

Albany Congress, First Continental Congress, Committees of Correspondence.

2. Which organization was formed to communicate news throughout the colonies?

3. Which organization formed a Continental Army and sent the Olive Branch Petition to the King?

4. Why was Philadelphia chosen as the location of the First Continental Congress?

5. What effect did the Committees of Correspondence have in the colonies?

6. Name three things that the delegates at the First Continental Congress decided.

7. What happened as a result of King George III not answering the Olive Branch Petition?

Lesson 3:

Vocabulary: PatriotLoyalist


1. What is Thomas Jefferson most remembered for?

2. What did the Declaration of Independence explain (at least two things)?

3. What were the key ideas of the Declaration of Independence (at least three things)?

4. What was the main idea of the booklet Common Sense?

5. Why did the Patriots feel they should declare independence?

6. What were the colonists risking by signing the Declaration of Independence? Why?

Lesson 4:


1. Who said, “Taxation without representation is tyranny?”

2. Who fought on the side of the British army during the French and Indian War?

3. Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death?”

4. Why did King George III think the colonists should be subject to the British laws?

5. Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence?

Unit 5 Notes:

British Empire: 1700s

The British Empire was the largest empire in history, larger even than the Mongol empire. It ruled the seas, a fourth of the land and a fourth of mankind.