Western Nevada College
Nursing 153: Foundations of Pharmacology II
Course Syllabus ~ Spring 2011
Debi Ingraffia-Strong MSN, RN
Professor of Nursing
Western Nevada College
NURS 152: Foundations of Pharmacology in Nursing II ~ Spring 2011
Name: Foundations of Pharmacology in Nursing II
Discipline: Nursing (NURS)
Credits: 1
Prerequisites: NURS 152 and admission to the nursing program
Transfer Information: Courses with numbers 100 to 299: This course is designed to apply toward a WNC degree and/or transfer to other schools within the Nevada System of Higher Education, depending on the degree chosen and other courses completed. It may transfer to colleges and universities outside Nevada. For information about how this course can transfer and apply to your program of study, please contact a counselor.
I. Course Description
Provides students with an overview of pharmacology with an emphasis on clinical applications within the context of the nursing process and prioritization of needs; with special consideration given to the physiological, psycho/social, cultural, and spiritual needs of patients. Explores indications, modes of action, effects, contraindications and interactions for selected drugs. Specific nursing responsibilities related to drug administration are emphasized.
II. Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Define terms, concepts and basic processes associated with physiologic effects of
medication therapy.
2. Detail basic physiologic processes involved with absorption and elimination of
3. Describe characteristics of major groups and selected individual medications in terms
of the following: mechanism(s) of action; drug effects; therapeutic uses; side effects
and adverse effects; toxicity and management of overdoses; interactions; and nursing
responsibilities related to administration, monitoring, and teaching.
4. Utilize available resources to update personal knowledge of medications.
5. Utilize appropriate conversions to practice drug dosage calculations.
6. Describe legal/ regulatory issues related to medication administration.
7. Examine current literature on a pharmacological topic of interest and demonstrate college level writing skills and APA format in a 1-2 page paper.
8. Describe the nursing role in drug therapy as it relates to:
a) Promoting physiologic and psychological wellness
b) Documenting therapeutic or non-therapeutic effects
c) Selected legal and ethical aspects of medication therapy
d) Major issues/ concerns in medication therapy across the lifespan
e) Application of the nursing process
f) Nursing responsibilities related to documentation and patient teaching
g) Evaluate influences of medications on body systems using the nursing process and Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.
III. WEB Course Requirements
This course utilizes Blackboard/WebCT to provide handouts and communicate with students. Students will need to have the skills necessary to use the internet and a basic understanding of how to download and print documents from the internet. You should also know how to use a word processor that will save in an .rtf or .doc format to type and submit papers via the web. Computer Hardware/ software requirements for Blackboard/WebCT: Windows 98/Me/2000/NT4/XP or MAC System 7 or higher (Note: Other operating systems may work based on the browser used, but no support will be offered.)
§ 32 Mb of RAM (64 Mb recommended)
§ 28.8 kbs Internet connection (56.6 kbs recommended)
§ A WebCT verified browser. (See WebCT Browser Tune-up for further information.)
§ A current email address (If you are currently an enrolled WNC student and wish to establish a WNC email address, please go to: Activate Your Email Account
§ *Here is a helpful link to the Blackboard/WebCT tutorial that all first time webCT students should run through to help them become familiar with using the format of this class. http://www.wnc.edu/online/webtut/
IV. Disability Support Services
Any student needing to request accommodations for a specific disability, counseling and/or testing support to please meet with the DSS coordinator (445-3275) at your earliest convenience to ensure timely and appropriate accommodations. The DSS office is located in Bristlecone building, Room 103.
V. Teaching-Learning Strategies
Required reading, pathophysiology assignments, lecture pod cast, online discussion and activities, case study application, & audiovisual aids.
VI. Credit Hour Designation
This course has 15 contact hours, with 15 weekly online lecture content & discussion activities through Blackboard
VII. Textbooks
Required Texts:
Lilley, L., Rainforth Collins, S., Harrington, S., & Snyder, J. (2011) Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, (6th edition) St. Louis: Mosby
Huether, S., & McCance, K. (2002) Understanding Pathophysiology (4th edition) St. Lewis: Mosby
Recommended Texts:
Lilley, L., Rainforth Collins, S., Harrington, S., & Snyder, J. (2011) Study Guide for Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, (6th edition) St. Louis: Mosby
VIII. Methods of Evaluation
The student must pass all method of evaluation with 75% accuracy. These methods include:
a. 2 quizzes taken in Blackboard/WebCT
b. 4 examinations
c. 12 Weekly online discussion question assignments, 2 discussion responses
d. 12 Weekly pathophysiology assignments
e. Comparative analysis paper
IX. Grading System
Grading of all exams, quiz and written assignments are done on a point basis. The letter grade is calculated from the number of points earned against the number of points possible.
- The student must pass the exams with a score of 165 points which is 75% or better to earn the extra points from the pathophysiology, online assignments, and paper (refer to the WNC nursing student handbook).
- Any students caught cheating on an exam, quiz, or assignment will receive a 0. No exceptions. Refer to criteria for exam taking.
- Exam scores will be posted by 5:00 pm Friday of the exam week in the Blackboard/WebCT system.
- There will be no extra credit questions on exams!
Syllabus Quiz – Blackboard/WebCT / 10 points
Exam 1 / 50 points
Professional Development Quiz/WebCT / 10 points
Exam 2 / 50 points
Exam 3 / 50 points
Final Exam / 50 points
Cumulative points from exams & quiz must total 165 - equal to 75% in order for the additional points to count / 220
Online discussion questions (12) / 60
Pathophysiology questions (12) / 60
Comparative Analysis Paper / 20
Discussion Posting Responses (2x5 pts ea) / 10
Total Possible Points / 370 possible total points
- Must attain 277 points (75%) in order to receive a passing grade of C
- See WNC Student Handbook for grading policy & final grade distribution.
X. Written Assignments
- Refer to the student handbook for policies on legibility, completion of written assignments, and grading policies. APA format will be used for all references and citations.
- Students are expected to abide by the WNC Code of Student Conduct in all of their classes http://www.wnc.edu/policymanual/3-4-4.htm
- Plagiarism is a particularly serious violation, as outlined in the WNC policy manual, Academic Integrity section of code #3-4-5. It will not be tolerated!
- All assignments are to be posted to blackboard by midnight of the date due.
Online assignments and participation in discussions:
- This is web course. Active participation on Blackboard/WebCT is required. Please check webCT daily for new postings, announcements, etc.
- 12 weekly discussion question assignments, 5 points each. Must be posted to Blackboard/WebCT discussion page by Sunday, midnight of that week. See course calendar for due dates. Content must be referenced; all references must be cited per APA format.
- Two substantive discussion question responses throughout the semester are required, 5 points each. Content must be referenced; all references must be cited per APA format (see response rubric attached for grading).
Syllabus Quiz:
- Week 1 – due by Sunday midnight
- Quiz regarding the syllabus and class specifics will be available through Blackboard/WebCT assessment icon. To be taken online at your leisure.
Professional Development Quiz:
- Following the NSNA Job & Professional Development Fair a 10 point quiz will be available on Blackboard/WebCT through the following Sunday, midnight.
Comparative Analysis Paper
- Choose a selected case study which will be posted in WebCT week 4. Each case study reflects a recent change in a patient’s medication regimen. Compare, contrast and analyze the potential impact of this change upon the patient and medical management. Evaluate the difference between the two drugs including nursing considerations and patient teaching. APA format. (see attached rubric)
- Paper will be submitted to the drop box in Blackboard/WebCT by midnight April 17, 2011. Three points will be subtracted from the student’s potential score for each day the assignment is late or missing; unless the instructor grants a waiver for late work.
Pathophysiology assignments:
- 12 weekly pathophysiology assignments related to the readings from Huether and McCance will be due by midnight Sunday of the assigned weeks, see course calendar for due dates. 5 points possible each.
- Content must be referenced; all references must be cited per APA format.
XI. Instructor Contact Information
Debi Ingraffia-Strong MSN, RN
Professor of Nursing Office phone: (775) 445-3334
Cell phone: (775) 901-0612
Office: Cedar 231
Office hours are posted outside of my office door and on the WNC website.
Online office hours: Monday 6:00pm – 8:00pm
I am always available by appointment!
XII. Course Calendar ~ Outline of Topics & Readings
1 / · General & Local Anesthetics
· Psychotropic Drugs
· CNS Stimulants & related drugs / Chap 12 –pp. 178 – 185
Chap 17– pp. 222-285
Chap 14 – 210 – 225 / Syllabus quiz
~Online~ Due 1/30 midnight / DQ 1 due
Patho 1 due 1/30/11 midnight
2 / · Respiratory Drugs
· Antihistamines, decongestants, antitussives, expectorants / Chap 36: Antihistamines, Decongestants, Antitussives, & Expectorants pp. 551-563 / DQ2 due
Patho 2 due
3 / · Respiratory Drugs
· Bronchodilators and other resp / Chap 37: Bronchodilators & other Respiratory Agents pp. 564-581 / DQ3; Patho 3 due 2/13/11
4 / · Exam 1
· Computer room
· Blood-forming Drugs / Chap. 55: Blood-forming drugs pp. 854-862 / 2/07/11
11am – 1pm
5 / · Cardiovascular & Renal Drugs
· Heart Failure Drugs
· Antidysrhythmic Drugs
· Antianginal Drugs / Chap 22: Heart Failure Drugs pp. 331-346
Chap 23: Antidysrhythmic Drugs pp. 347-367
Chap 24: Antianginal Drugs pp. 368-381 / DQ 4 due
Patho 4 due
6 / · Antihypertensive Drugs
· Diuretic Drugs
· Fluid & Electrolytes / Chap 25: Antihypertensive Drugs pp. 382-402
Chap 26: Diuretic Drugs pp. 403-416
Chap 27: Fluid & Electrolytes pp. 417-431 / Job Fair Quiz
~Online~ Due 3/6 midnight / DQ 5 due
Patho 5 due
7 / · Exam 2
Computer room / 3/07/11
8 / · Coagulation Modifier Drugs
· Antilipemic Drugs / Chap 28: Coagulation mod. Drugs pp.432-454
Chap 29: Antilipemic drugs pp. 455-469 / DQ 6 due
Patho 6 due
9 / · Endocrine Drugs
· Pituitary Drugs
· Thyroid & Antithyroid Drugs / Chap 30: Pituitary Drugs pp. 472-479
Chap 31: Thyroid & Antithyroid pp. 480-487 / DQ 7 due
Patho 7 due
10 / · Endocrine Drugs:
· Antidiabetic Drugs / Chap 32: Antidiabetic Drugs pp. 488-508 / DQ 8 due
Patho 8 due
11 / · Adrenal Drugs / Chap 33: Adrenal Drugs pp. 509-518 / DQ 9; Patho 9;
Paper due
4/17/11 midnight
12 / · Exam 3
· Computer room / 04/18/11
13 / · Gastrointestinal & Nutritional
· Acid-controlling Drugs
· Bowel disorder Drugs
· Antiemetic & Antinausea Drugs / Chap 50: Acid-controlling Drugs pp. 784-796
Chap 51: Bowel disorder Drugs pp. 797-809
Chap 52: Antiemetic /Antinausea pp. 810-820 / DQ 10 due
Patho 10 due
14 / · Women’s health Drugs
· Men’s health Drugs / Chap 34: Women’s health Drugs pp. 519-539
Chap 35: Men’s health Drugs pp. 540-548 / DQ 11 due
Patho 11 due
15 / · Antieoplastic Drugs
· Vitamins & Minerals
· Nutrition supplements / Chap 47: Ca/Cell cycle specific pp.721-745
Chap 53: Vitamins & minerals pp. 821-840
Chap 54: Nutrition Supplements pp. 841-851 / DQ 12 due
Patho 11 due
16 / · FINAL EXAM / 05/17/11
* All assignments are to be submitted by midnight of the date due.
Grading Rubric for Discussion Question & Responses - 5 points possible
Excellent / Satisfactory / UnsatisfactoryPoints à / 1 / 0.5 / 0
Connection / The response concretely connects with the original posting. / The response somewhat connects with the original posting. / The response does not connect with the original posting.
Significance / The response adds significantly to the original posting. / The response adds somewhat to the original posting. / The response does not add to the original posting.
Contribution / The response contributes good suggestions to expand or improve the original posting. / The response contributes fair suggestions to expand or improve the original posting. / The response does not contribute good suggestions to expand or improve the original posting.
Mechanics / The response is written in complete sentences and with proper grammar. At least 1 reference per APA format / Most of the response is written in complete sentences and with proper grammar. At least one reference included but not APA formatted / There are several incomplete sentences and cases of poor grammar. No reference included
Deadline and length / The posting is completed on time and with a minimum of 250 words. / The posting is completed one to two days late or has fewer than 250 words. / The posting is more than 2 days late and/or has significantly fewer than 250 words.
Grading Rubric for Pharmacological Paper ~ 20 points possible
Area / Criteria / Always4 / Mostly
3 / Occas.
2 / Seldom
1 / None
Title page
Intro / * APA format
* Includes a hook
* Plan/purpose of paper is stated
Body of paper/paragraphs
Conclusion / * Topic sentence
* Evidence supporting the topic is clear and persuasive
*Transition/concluding sentence for each paragraph
* Comparison & contrast of medications
* Impact upon patient & medical regimen
* Nursing considerations
* Patient teaching plan
Mechanics / * Spelling
* Grammar
* Punctuation
* Proofreading
Content insights / * Content insights – analysis level
* Impact of the medication change upon the patient &
medical management
APA format
APA references / * APA in-text citations
* APA reference page
* Utilization of WNC library database