


Interior British Columbia Premiership

Hosted by:

The Interior Highland Dancing Association

Tournament Capital Centre

910 McGill Road,

Kamloops, BC

V2C 6N6

Saturday March 23rd, 2013

Pre Championship

Primary, Beginner, Novice and Intermediate

Western Canada Open Championship

The Championship is recognized by the SOBHD.

All events will be sanctioned and conducted by the rules and regulations of the SOBHD.


Andrea Tronnes, The Woodlands,TX

Gaelyn McGregor, Winnipeg MB

Carleigh Leighton, Oakville ON


Scot Kortegaard – Kamloops, BC

Glen Esdale – 100 Mile, BC

Sunday March 24th, 2013

Interior British Columbia Premiership

Premiership is recognized by Scotdance Canada

PremierBlue BonnetsPre-Premier Competition

James L McKenzie Memorial Fund Performance

Competition Organizer Registration

March 23 CBC CO 131025

March 24 CBC CO 131026March 24 Premiership CBC CO 131044

Mailed entries must be postmarked between February 1 & March 6, 2013.

Late entries for all classes with the exception of the Championship & Premiership
will be accepted until March 13, 2013*

(*Double entry fee requireddancer’s name will not appear in the program)

Absolutely no late entries accepted for the Championship & Premiership

Mail To:Leslie Killoran

1169 Windbreak Street

Kamloops BC V2B 5R1

Phone: 250-376-6220


Host Hotel: Coast Kamloops Hotel and Conference Centre

1250 Rogers Way

Kamloops BC

Tel: 250-828-6660Res:1-800-716-6199

Group Rate: $115 Single/Double 2 queen bedded rooms

Ask for the Highland Dance Group rate

Official Entry Form (one per dancer)

Dancer’s Name:
*for acknowledgement of entry (please print clearly)
Telephone #:
2013 SOBHD #
Teacher Name:
Age (as of March 23rd) / Age (as of March 24th)
Date of Birth / M: / D: / Y:
In consideration of you accepting this entry. I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Interior Highland Dance Association, its agents, representatives, successors, and assignees, for any and all injuries suffered by me at or through the above mentioned events
Signature / Date: M / D / Y
(Signed by the Competitor or his/her parent or guardian if under the age of 18 years)


Interior Highland Dance Association

*Canadian Money Orders only from Outside Canada *

Entries must be postmarked between February 1 & March 6, 2013.

Late entries postmarked by March 13, 2013 will be accepted for all classes except the Championship & Premiership at double the entry fee. Late entries will not appear in the program.

Send Entries to:
Leslie Killoran
1169 Windbreak Street
Kamloops BC V2B 5R1
Phone: 250-376-6220 / *Please note Saturday and Sunday are considered two separate competitions. Category changes will happen between the days should a dancer fill their dance card on the Saturday.
Pre-Championship / Championship
Premiers check above if dancing one or both
Pre-Premier Event #s
Premiership / Premier Event #8
Premiers check above if dancing
Pre-Premier Event #s
Category / # of Dances / Saturday / # of Dances / Sunday / Total
Championship / $40.00 / Dancer
Pre-Championship / $30.00 / Dancer
Premiership / $35.00 / Dancer
Premier 15 & Under
Blue Bonnets / 1 / $6.00
Premier 16 & Over
Blue Bonnets / 1 / $7.00
Pre-Premier (Primary, Beginner, Novice & Intermediate) / $6.00 / Dance / $6.00 / Dance
Scotdance BC / $1.00 / $1.00
Scotdance Canada / $1.00 / $1.00
Number / $1.00
*Total / $

*Please note, as our events are registered as two separate competitions, dancers are required to pay the Scotdance BC and Scotdance Canada fees of $1 each per day.

Pre-Premier & Pre-Championship Competition

Saturday March 23, 2013

8:00 am / Primary
8:00 am / Beginner, Novice & Intermediate 8:00am
Highland Fling (4)
Sword (2&1)
Seann Truibhas (3&1)
Half Hullachan (4 parts) /
  1. Pas de Basques
    (Intro & 8 Bars)
  2. Pas de Basques & Highcuts
    (Intro & 16 Bars)
  3. Fling (4)
  4. Sword (2&1)
  1. Fling (4)
  2. Sword (2&1)
  3. Seann Truibhas (3&1)


Saturday March 23, 2013

Absolutely no late entries accepted for the Championships

Commencing at 10:30 am / Commencing at 1:30 pm
7 & Under 10 Years
10 & Under 12 Years
12 & Under 14 Years / 14 & Under 16 Years
16 & Under 18 Years
18 Years & Over
Fling, Sword, Seann Truibhas, Full Hullachan
2013 Championship Steps
*Pending approval of the board and sufficient entries, a 21 Years & Over class will be added.

Premiership, Premier Blue Bonnets &

Pre-Premier Competition

Sunday March 24, 2013

Absolutely no late entries accepted for the Premierships

Premiership – Commencing at 8:30 am
Highland Laddie (4)
Scottish Lilt (4)
Earl of Errol (4)
Hornpipe (5)
2013 steps set forth by the Scotdance Advisory Committee
See Rule #5 in Rules and Regulations
  1. Blue Bonnets (6) ** See rule #20 in Rules and Regulations

1pm / Beginner, Novice, Intermediate
1 pm
  1. Pas de Basques (Intro & 8 Bars)
  2. Pas de Basques & Highcuts
    (Intro & 16 Bars)
  3. Fling (4)
  4. Sword (2&1)
  1. Fling (4)
  2. Sword (2&1)
  3. Seann Truibhas (3&1)
  4. Lilt (4)
  5. Flora (4)


  1. The rules and regulations of the S.O.B.H.D. will govern all dancing
  2. Age is determined as of the day of each event.
  3. Championship: Computer draws for each dance. Absolutely no late entries will be accepted. Entries for the Championship must be posted between February 1 & March 6, 2013.
  4. All dancers must dance the 2013 Championship Steps set forth by the SOBHD.
  5. Premiership: All dancers must dance the 2013 Set Premiership Steps. Absolutely no late entries will be accepted. Set steps and rules/regulations for the Premiership can be found on the Scotdance Canada website at
  6. Pre-Championship: Entry is restricted to those who have never won a Pre-Championship or a Championship.
  7. Committee reserves the right to combine or split classes.
  8. Age classes will be determined upon receipt of entries for Pre-Championship, Pre-Premier, Premier Blue Bonnets and the Premiership.
  9. Dancers will dance in reverse order of receipt of entry. First to enter, last to dance (except Championship which will be a draw)
  10. Protests must be made in writing, signed and submitted to the competition secretary by the end of the competition day and must be accompanied by a $30.00 fee, refundable if sustained.
  11. All category changes must be phoned to:

Leslie Killoranbefore March 17, 2013.

  1. Dancers may enter either Pre-Championship or Championship classes, or both.
  2. All competitors must present current SOBHD registration card before receiving their awards. Awards will be held and a $5.00 fee applied to any dancer without a current SOBHD card.
  3. Prizes: Cash prizes awarded in the 16 & over Championship, Premier Blue Bonnets and Premiership.
  4. Late entries will be accepted until March 13, 2013 at double the entry fee for all classes except the Championship and Premiership. Late entries will not be listed in the program.
  5. There will be NO entry fee refunds.
  6. Absolutely NOtelephone, email or hand delivered entries.
  7. Dancers filling in for the Reel must dance entire dance.
  8. Number will be used for both days.
  9. **Blue Bonnetsdoes not count towards Premiership Title.

James L. McKenzie Memorial Fund

This fund was set up to honour Mr. James L. McKenzie, of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Mr. McKenzie was instrumental in introduction to and developing in Canada the techniques of the Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing.

The intent of the fund is to assist in the development of a promising dancer who displays not only the competitive spirit, but community spirit, as well as a love and enjoyment of and dedication to Highland Dance. While competitive achievements will certainly be considered, other factors will also weigh heavily in the selection process. Guidelines for the award have been set to give dancers equal opportunity to win the award. Monies for this fund are acquired through donations (provincial or personal). As well 1% of all ScotDance Canada’s portion of dancer registrations collected is allocated to this fund.

Criteria: The Award is open to REGISTERED PREMIER dancers ONLY.

All applicants must perform the dance at a Provincial competition (Competition to be designated by the Provincial ScotDance Canada Affiliate). The award money (up to $1000) to be used for furthering highland dance commitment (Ex. Attending a workshop (s), travelling to a competition (s), highland dance instruction, new dance outfit(s), etc). The applicant’s teacher must approve the suitability of the applicant prior to the submission of the application form.

The application form will be emailed to Barb Murray, pdf format. Applications are available through ScotDance Canada teachers.

The Selection Committee will consist of the Independent Members from ScotDance Canada. From the applications received Canada wide, the selection committee will annually choose one winner. The winner will be announced annually at the SDCCS event.

The award winner must notify ScotDance Canada (with details, addresses etc) once they have decided how they will utilize their scholarship. The James L. McKenzie foundation will then issue the scholarship money directly to the person or expense of the winner’s choice

The JL McKenzie 6 Step Dance will be performed by the applicants just prior to the lunch hour on Sunday March 24, 2013.

If you wish to perform this dance please print your name and email address, detachthis form and send it with your entry:
Name: / Email: