This class is required as part of the Instructor Methodology for fire service personnel interested in becoming a Primary Instructor for State Fire Training's courses. This should be the last class potential instructors take since they must become registered with State Fire Training within two (2) years of attendance.

Highlights include:

■  An overview of the State Fire Training system and tools to navigate the system successfully.

■  Information on Primary Instructor responsibilities, accountability, and the registration process.

■  An introduction to the State Fire Training Procedures Manual.

■  Procedures for requesting and returning a CFSTES or FSTEP class.

■  Application assistance. (You may bring your application documentation if you would like assistance from the instructors.)

■  A laptop with internet capability is required for this course.



Phone Number: Home: ______Cell:

Email Address:

Mail Registration and Enrollment Fee to: Red Helmet Training

10601 Church Street #107

Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Or you can register on-line at