-- D R A F T[1] --

January 12, 2011

WESTAR Council Meeting

Conference Call Summary

The monthly WESTAR Council call began at 1:00. Council members and delegates present included:

Alice Edwards, AK
Trevor Baggiore, AZ
Paul Tourangeau, CO
Marty Bauer, ID
Dave Klemp, MT
Greg Remer, NV
Mary Uhl, NM / Terry O’Clair, ND
Brian Gustafson, SD
Cheryl Heying, UT
Mike Ragan, WA
Steve Dietrich, WY
Tina Anderson, WY
Willy Nagamine, HI

WESTAR staff present: Bob Lebens, Don Arkell

Agenda topics:

1.  Updates/announcements

2.  Update on SIP reform project and request for feedback (Cheryl Heying)

3.  NACAA board meeting topics (Mary Uhl, Cheryl Heying)

4.  For decision: Topics for spring business meeting (Dan Johnson)

5.  Other topics as time permits

1.  Updates/announcements

·  As there were no changes or corrections to the previous meeting summary, the call summary is considered final.

·  Personnel announcements:

*  Anna Garcia has moved on from OTC. Wick Havens is filling the director position on an interim basis

*  Anna Woods has moved back to her position and Scott Mathias has taken her place (effectively Bill Harnett’s old position).

*  Brian McLean has retired and Beth Craig has taken her place as head of office of atmospheric programs.

·  Dan made note of the following upcoming meetings:

*  NACAA Board of Directors, January 29-31 in Coconut Grove, FL

*  Residential wood smoke workshop, March 1-3 in Salt Lake City (Bob Lebens circulated a meeting announcement yesterday).

*  National Air Quality Conference in San Diego, March 7-10

*  Tentative dates for WESTAR spring meeting April 25-26 in San Francisco (Janet McCabe available Monday afternoon, 4/25)

·  Don Arkell provided a status report on WESTAR’s contract with WRAP.

·  For approval: Dan Johnson noted that the 2011 per diem rate analysis suggests that we should keep our rates the same as was the case in 2010. Dan also recommended the auto reimbursement rate should be lowered to $0.50 from $0.55. Action: Brian Gustafson moved, and Alice Edwards seconded a motion to approve the recommended rates. The rates were approved unanimously.

  1. Update on SIP reform project and request for feedback (Cheryl Heying)

Dan noted that NACAA (Nancy Kruger) requested feedback on the prioritized list of SIP reforms by January 7th, but will accept comments for the remainder of the week. Cheryl briefed the participants on the background and her thoughts on the effort, noting that she is convinced of the sincerity of the EPA participants and their desire to fix the process. She also noted the differences from one Region to the next.

3.  NACAA board meeting topics (Mary Uhl, Cheryl Heying)

Dan referred the directors to the NACAA board of directors’ agenda. The meeting is scheduled for late January. Mary and Cheryl are expected to attend. Dan noted that, though it is not explicitly on the agenda, the Board will discuss possible changes in NACAA’s dues structure. Mary asked for specific examples of problems our states have had with how NACAA has represented member states, and suggestions on how things could change to address these issues. Dan noted that ample time will be set aside for a discussion of our relationship with NACAA in the agenda for the next WESTAR meeting in San Francisco.

4. For discussion: Topics for spring business meeting (Dan Johnson)

Dan noted that the list of potential topics circulated last week was incorrect and directed people to the version he sent out a few hours prior to the call. Each state offered their priorities on the topics. Dan will draft an agenda for discussion on our next call reflecting the topics of most interest to the directors.

4.  Other topics as time permits

·  Our February call will be on the 3rd Wednesday of February 2/16.


[1] Draft will be considered final upon review and approval by a majority of the members, typically on the next monthly conference call.