Present:Cllr David Brown, Chairman
Cllr John Hunter
Cllr Graham Bottley
Cllr Christine Donovan-Brown
Tc Harker, Parish Clerk
Cllr Caroline Thornton-Berry (RDC) and 2 residents.
1. Approval of minutes of 12th May 2016.
The minutes were approved as a true record.
2.Matters arising;
- Garden of Remembrance.
A Quote has been received from Joe Parker to create a Garden of Remembrance within the Cemetery, this was deemed to be beyond affordability (£700) and it was decided it would be better to do the work ourselves. A quote of £170 +VAT was received from Calverts for cut stone for the surrounds. Volunteers have agreed to help with the works. Cllr Bottley will arrange delivery of stone.
- Strimmer Servicing.
It was reported that the strimmer was not running properly and needs a service, Tc Harker will ask her husband to look at it.
- Street lighting replacements.
Richmondshire district council have advised us that they will be replacing a number of street lights in the village with newer more energy efficient LED ones. Cllr Thornton-Berry said she would ask RDC what is planned for the old ones.
- Any other matters arising.
A Tree Preservation Order has been received for a sycamore tree within the car park of the Wensleydale Heifer, this will be kept on file.
Invitations were received for meetings with the YLCA (nothing of relevance on the agenda for us on this occasion) and to RichmondshireDistritc Council, Parish consultation meeting, Cllr Hunter or Cllr Donovan-Brown will attend.
- Planning Issues.
An application was received to replace windows and a French door at Abbotsleigh, no objection from Parish Council.
4.Financial Issues;
- Report of payments made/received.
An offer of £50 was made to David Barraclough as a donation towards the cost of the Queen’s birthday beacon, but this was refused. Antony Goulthorpe was paid (£440)
£50 was received as proceeds from the Art exhibition and £60 was received from the U3A in payment for using Smorthwaite Garden for croquet.
- Payment of outstanding invoices/expenses.
Payments have been made to Anthony Goulthorpe (£215) for gardening and to Myers (£102) for gravel.
- Swinithwaite news/Issues
Discussions between the National Park Authority and the Highways dept of NYCC have been resolved and a new order for works with a contractor to rebuild the verge near Pattimer Lane should be in place ‘before winter’.
A difference in speed of traffic has been noticed since the implementation of the new speed limit. Cllr Bottley will speak to the area Highways about monitoring speeds, possibly with monitoring strips.
A new noticeboard has been installed in the bus shelter, Cllr Thorntonberry remarked how smart it is and will write a letter of thanks to the gentleman from the village who made it.
- Any Other Business.
Cllr Bottley was talking to a NYCC Road Safety Officer recently and if we complete a community emergency plan document, which list contacts and plans in the event of various scenarios, it allows us direct contact with various departments within NYCC (for example gritting, sand bags etc) and entitles us to an Emergency Pack, which contains high visibility vest, road closed signs, shovels and other equipment. Cllr Bottley has agreed to complete the plan and the Lady from NYCC has offered to come to a meeting to help us complete and publicise this.
Cllr Brown has noticed that the wall adjoining the public footpath and Garth Heads has started to collapse into the footpath. Cllr Brown will speak to Nigel Metcalfe (YDNP Ranger) and Cllr Hunter will speak to Colin Dinsdale (adjacent landowner) in regard to getting it repaired.
A rota for volunteers to clean the pond has been made, Cllr Brown will oversee this.
Another joint meeting of the various village committees is scheduled for 3rd October.
Diana Allen would like to fill the vacant seat on the Parish Council, the Councillors all agreed to this and the clerk will check with Democratic Services on the correct co-opting procedure.
- Confirmation of date and time of next meeting.
This was set for 10thNovember 2016 at 7pm in the Village Hall.