New BrightonAreaHigh School


Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Melinda Phillips 724-846-1050 ext 355

Text: BIOLOGY: The Dynamics of Life

Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to align classroom instruction with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science and Technology in Biology. See Chapter 4 of the PA State Board of Education Regulations.

Comprehensive units of study are:

Unit 1 Cells, Energy, Genetics

  • Cell structure and Function
  • Cell Division
  • The Chemistry of Life
  • Energy and Enzymes
  • Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
  • Fundamentals of Genetics
  • How Genes Work

Unit 2 Evolution and Ecology

  • Evolution and Natural Selection
  • Classification of Life
  • 6 Kingdoms of Life
  • Bacteria and Viruses
  • Protists and Fungi

Unit 3 Animals

  • Invertebrate phyla and Diversity
  • Vertebrate Diversity
  • Vertebrate classification

Unit 4 Human Biology

  • Body Systems
  • Circulation and Respiration
  • Digestion and Excretion
  • Nervous and Endrocine Systems
  • Immunity and Disease

Biology will meet 5 periods a week. Class time is used to perform traditional laboratory experiments, lecture, cooperative learning projects, web-based activities, presentations, inquiry activities, and videos.

Class Requirements

  1. Notebook: You will need a notebook devoted only to Biology. This notebook should not contain other class information. You may be required to leave the notebook to be graded.
  2. Textbook/Workbook: You will be given a textbook for this class. You will need to bring the text EVERY day to class.
  3. Writing Utensil: It is YOUR responsibility to have a writing utensil on a daily basis. I will not for any reason provide writing utensils.
  4. Homework: Homework is assigned on a regular basis. Homework is collected in the beginning of the class period. If homework is not turned in at the time of collection (barring absence), it is considered late. Late homework is not accepted!
  5. Attendance: Regular attendance is important. You MUST have my permission to miss this class for another school activity, visiting the nurse/counselor. Failure to do so may result in a class cut.
  6. Make-up work: It is the responsibility of the student to get make up work. You will have only the number of days absent to turn in late work. If an assignment was due on the day of your absence it is to be turned in on the day of your return. If you miss a test day the test must be taken the day of your return. Laboratory make ups must be scheduled. You will have 1 week (5 days) from the day of the lab to make it up. Failure to do this will result in a 0.

Classroom Expectations:

  1. No talking when someone else is talking.
  2. Be prepared for class. That means all materials must be brought to class daily.
  3. Be on time or have a pass.
  4. All students are to remain seated in their assigned seats until the bell rings.
  5. HallPass is to be used BEFORE the late bell, during double period break, or after the class has wrapped up. DO NOT ask for it at any other time.
  6. All equipment and materials should be handled with care and returned to the proper area. Any misuse or abuse of equipment/materials forfeits participation in future labs and activities. Students will be dismissed when all materials are properly put away. NEVER touch materials or equipment without permission.


Grades will be based on a point system. All tests, laboratory experiments, quizzes, homework assignments, projects, etc. will be graded and entered into the grade book. All points will be added together and divided by the total number of points.

The following is the grading scale used by NBHS:


85-93 %B

77-84 %C

70-76 %D

69 and belowF

Laboratory Safety and Expectations:

  • Report to the teacher whenever you have an accident, no matter how minor it may seem
  • Pay special attention to all signs, labels, and directions.
  • Report any broken glass to the teacher before disposing of it in the special container provided.
  • Never taste anything in the lab area or eat anything in the lab area.
  • Keep the lab area clear of all books except those needed for the experiment.
  • All spills should be reported to the teacher and cleaned up under my supervision.
  • Keep sinks and lab area clean at all times
  • Use ONLY the sinks at you lab desks. My sink is NOT to be used.
  • Keep movement to a minimum in the lab area. This means no wandering around to other areas at any time. Stay at your lab desk!
  • All equipment must be cleaned and replaced to proper area. Lab areas must be cleaned and stools pushed in. Failure to do this results in a point deduction.
  • As always, you are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.

I can be found in Room 208 almost every period and before school. I am willing to help you with any problems that you may be having. Please get help if you need it and please do not hesitate to ask questions.

I have read and understand the procedures and expectations listed above. I agree to follow them at all times in the laboratory and in class.

Please sign and return.


Student signature/dateParent signature/date