Presenter Bios:
Sarah Sullivan is the author of four picture books. Her second book, Dear Baby: Letters from Your Big Brother, (Candlewick 2005), was an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award winner. Her third book, Passing the Music Down is forthcoming from Candlewick and her fourth book, Once Upon A Baby Brother, is forthcoming from Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Her poetry has appeared in Cricket magazineand she holds an MFA in Writing for Children from VermontCollege where she was the recipient of the Harcourt Post-Graduate scholarship. She also received an Individual Artist Fellowship/Grant from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts. Prior to writing for children, Sarah practiced law for fourteen years. Currently, she writes full-time and conducts writing workshops and visiting author programs in schools throughout the country.
Geoffrey Cameron Fuller’s fiction and nonfiction has been published in newspapers and newsmagazines, literary and genre periodicals, fiction collections and classroom textbooks. As a book evaluator and editor, Fuller’s work has also helped clients win awards and Fellowships, most recently winning a national award—a bronze IPPY, the Independent Publisher Book Award—for the history, Monongah (Davitt McAteer, West Virginia University Press). Fuller was on the editorial board of Writer’s Digest for a number of years and currently writes, edits, and teaches in Charleston, West Virginia.
Outline for the Day
Registration -10:00 a.m.-10:20 a.m. In front of the Auditorium
Presenter One- 10:20 a.m. -11:30 a.m. Geoff Fullerin theAuditorium -
Description of session one: Self-editing and the editorial process.
Presenter Two-11:40a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Sarah Sullivan in the Auditorium
Description of session two: CHARACTER AND EMOTION: FROM VOICES IN YOUR HEAD TO STORIES ON THE PAGE - Some thoughts about how to convey character and emotion through gesture and detail.
Lunch 12:45 p.m. -1:30 p.m.
Lunch is included and will be ordered from the Pita Pit
Children’s Book Critiques
1:30p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the museum library by Sarah Sullivan for manuscripts previously submitted.
Prose Critiques
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in the Auditorium by Geoff Fuller for manuscripts previously submitted.
Critique Submission Guidelines
1. Can submit up to 5 pages
2. Hardcopy must be received by 7-15-09
3. Double spaced with at least 1" margins.
4. Include author's name, genre {picture book, early chapter book, middle grade work (8-12 years old), young adult or adult work}, and which presenter/critique session you want to submit to.
Closing- Wrap-up Read Alouds- 3:30 - 4:00
Sign up to read aloud a page of something you’re working on to the group.
WRITER’S WorkshopS Saturday, August 15, 2009
HuntingtonMuseum of Art
2033 McCoy Road, Huntington, WV
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost $20.00
*Registration limited to 40 persons*
Address :______
State ______Zip ______
Circle Sandwich Preference:
Emergency Contact:______
Emergency Contact Phone:______
Send critique submissions and this completed registration form with your $20.00 check made payable to: Patchwork Writer’s Workshop and mail to Carter Seaton, 1239 Kanawha Terrace, Huntington, WV25701.
Deadline for Registration: August 8, 2009
About Patchwork Writers
Patchwork Writers is a group of writer’s that meet on the second Monday of every month at the Cabell County Library. The writers in our group focus on many different genres, hence the name patchwork. Some are published, and some are not. We share a page of writing from something we are working on with the group for feedback, encouragement and support. The group is open to anyone that would like to attend.
For More Information About Patchwork Writers Contact
Susan Nicholas
Cell: 304- 633-5493
Home: 304-525-3867
WRITER’S WorkshopS
August 15, 2009
Museum of Art
2033 McCoy Road,
Huntington, WV
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost $20.00
Deadline for Registration:
August 8, 2009
Limited to 40 people