West Valley Middle School - STAR Plan Part III: Action Plan

Priority #1 / Transforming School Culture and Climate so that 85% of our students believe that WVMS is a positive learning environment.
Strategic Plan Links / ·  Goal 1: Facilitate high quality student supports
·  Goal 1: Guarantee excellence in teaching and learning
·  Goal 2: Build and support out Community of Learners
·  Goal 3: Improve customer service and communication
Actions / Timing / Owner / Resources / Measures
1. Continue Student of the Month
a)  Nominate students by grade level based on grades, or behavior, attitude
b)  Select 10-15 students per month by grade level
c)  Announce students to peers and present with certificates
d)  Post student names/pictures on bulletin boards
e)  Share names with stakeholders
f)  Host “Turn Around” celebration in January to recognize students who have made significant progress or “turned it around” / a)  Ongoing
b)  Monthly
c)  Monthly
d)  Monthly
e)  Monthly / Student Recognition Committee:
Melinda Vartan
Donna Suffridge
Amy Crawford
Mary Jo Bienko
Dean Burress
Julie Humphress
Logan O’Connor
Heather Hauck / Personally Designed Certificates by Art Department / Student Survey via Canvas
2. Implement Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
a)  Present to faculty
b)  Create poster for classrooms
c)  Utilize concept through school
d)  Evaluate / a)  Completed
b)  Completed
c)  Ongoing
d)  Ongoing / All Staff / PRIDE Posters
Handout detailing Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development – The theory holds that moral reasoning, the basis for ethical behavior, has six identifiable development stages, each more adequate at responding to moral dilemmas than its
predecessor. The six stages of moral development are: (1)obedience and punishment orientation, (2)self-interest orientation, (3)interpersonal accord and conformity, (4)authority and social order maintaining orientation, (5)social contract orientation, and (6) universal ethical principles / Decrease in Discipline Referrals
3. Support Student Organizations
a)  Student leaders meet regularly with administration
b)  Generate interest and recognition by publicizing via school and local newspapers, media outlets / Ongoing / Faculty Sponsors / Students
Faculty Sponsors
Community Stakeholders / Student Membership/Participation
4. Strengthen Student Celebrations
a)  Promote student celebrations
b)  Acknowledge academic achievement and growth of students based on benchmark results / Ongoing / Leadership Team
Student Recognition Committee
Guest Speakers / Student Survey via Canvas
5. Increase TEAM scores in the area of Student Personalization via Differentiated Instruction
a)  Provide specific TEAM rubric feedback
b)  Provide and offer professional development
c)  Conduct frequent walk throughs / Ongoing / LEAD Teachers
Administration / TEAM Rubric
LEAD Teachers
District LEAD Teacher / TEAM Data
Priority #2 / Transitioning to TNREADY, we will ensure 100% of our teachers have access to high quality TNREADY strategies
Strategic Plan Links / ·  Goal 1: Guarantee excellence in teaching and learning
·  Goal 1: Strengthen students’ academic foundations
·  Goal 2: Build and support our Community of Leaders
·  Goal 2: Build capacity of our staff through high quality, tailored, and relevant professional development
Actions / Timing / Owner / Resources / Measures
1.  Provide Professional Development to Support Transition to TNREADY
a)  Utilize Learning Leaders during Vertical Meetings and PLCs
b)  Use GT Coach in Honors sections
c)  Involve TPaCK Coach to incorporate technology / a)  Ongoing
b)  Ongoing
c)  Ongoing / Administration
Learning Leaders
Department Chairs / TN Standards
Learning Leader
TPaCK Coach
GT Coach / Benchmarks
2. Mimic Common Assessments with New Test Format
a)  Rewrite Common Assessments to reflect new testing format
b)  Utilize programs with new testing format / a)  Ongoing
b)  Ongoing / PLC Teams / TNREADY
Study Island
Canvas Quiz / Assessment Data
3. Progress Monitor Through 1:1 Devices
a)  Implement STAR benchmarks
b)  Implement common assessments to progress monitor
c)  Setup schedule to progress monitor/benchmark
d)  Progress Monitor with Common Assessment every 2 weeks
e)  Administer benchmark assessment every 8 weeks
f)  Administer STAR benchmark 3 times per year / a)  Completed
b)  Completed
c)  Completed
d)  Ongoing
e)  Ongoing
f)  Ongoing / Rich Fulford
Content Area Teachers / PLE Committee
Study Island
Edcite / Assessment Data
Progress Monitor Data
Benchmark Data
Priority #3 / Reducing the Variation in the Quality of Instruction: 100% of teachers will have an effectiveness level of 3, 4, or 5
Strategic Plan Links / ·  Goal 1: Guarantee excellence in teaching and learning
·  Goal 1: Strengthen students’ academic foundations
·  Goal 2: Build and support our Community of Leaders
·  Goal 2: Build capacity of our staff through high quality, tailored, and relevant professional development
Actions / Timing / Owner / Resources / Measures
1. Implement TPEG in PLCs
a)  Setup plan for implementation and PLC feedback
b)  Setup monthly TPEG schedule
c)  Setup monthly TPEG PLC schedule
d)  Begin implementation
e)  Continuous implementation of TPEG
f)  Evaluate implementation / a)  Completed
b)  Completed
c)  August
d)  September
e)  Monthly
f)  Ongoing / Administration / TPaCK Coach
PLC Teams
District LEAD Teacher / TEAM Data
2. Provide Feedback through Walk-Throughs / Ongoing / Administration / KCS Feedback Form / TEAM Data
3. Calibrate TEAM Evaluator Scoring
a)  Plan Evaluator meeting
b)  Schedule partners to evaluate together and calibrate
c)  Meet regularly to review TEAM data / a)  Completed
b)  September
c)  Ongoing / TEAM Team / District LEAD Teacher
TEAM Rubric / TEAM Data
Priority #4 / Implementing Intervention (RTI2): decrease the achievement gaps for black, Hispanic, and special education students by at least 5 percentage points
Strategic Plan Links / ·  Goal 1: Guarantee excellence in teaching and learning
·  Goal 1: Strengthen students’ academic foundations
·  Goal 1: Facilitate high quality student supports
·  Goal 2: Build and support our Community of Learners
Actions / Timing / Owner / Resources / Measures
1.  Personalize and Accelerate the Learning for Intervention Students
a)  Schedule RTI2 class and teacher
b)  Analyze student data via STAR and TCAP
c)  Train teacher for RTI2 class
d)  Schedule students
e)  Implement RTI2 classes
f)  Evaluate data during RTI2 meetings / a)  Completed
b)  Completed
c)  Completed
d)  Completed
e)  Daily
f)  Monthly / Administration
Intervention Teacher
RTI2 Coach
School Psychologist
Social Worker / 1:1 Technology
Thinking Through Math
Language Live / Thinking Through Math Data
Language Live Data
Priority #5 / Monitoring and supporting growth and achievement in 6th grade ELA and Math
Strategic Plan Links / ·  Goal 1: Guarantee excellence in teaching and learning
·  Goal 1: Strengthen students’ academic foundations
·  Goal 1: Facilitate high quality student supports
·  Goal 2: Build and support our Community of Learners
Actions / Timing / Owner / Resources / Measures
1.  Personalize and Accelerate the Learning for 6th Grade Students in ELA and Math
a)  Implement STAR benchmarks
b)  Implement common assessments to progress monitor
c)  Setup schedule to progress monitor/benchmark
d)  Progress Monitor with Common Assessment every 2 weeks
e)  Administer benchmark assessment every 8 weeks
f)  Administer STAR benchmark 3 times per year
g)  Provide content specific professional development to teachers based on TNReady standards / a)  Completed
b)  Completed
c)  Completed
d)  Ongoing
e)  Ongoing
f)  Ongoing
g)  Ongoing / Content Area Teachers
PLC Leaders and Members
TPaCK Coach
GT Coach
Administrative Team / PLE Committee
Study Island
Edcite / Assessment Data
Progress Monitor Data
Benchmark Data