Surname: ODEDEYI

Other Names: Dominic Olabode.

Sex: Male. Date and place of birth: 23rd August 1962, Jos, Nigeria.

Home Town : Oka- Akoko, Ondo State.

Nationality: Nigerian.

Marital Status: Married.

No of children & their ages: 3 Children (18yrs, 16yrs & 12yrs)

Name & Address of Spouse: Mrs. Odedeyi E. F., Extension

Department, Ondo State Agricultural

Development Project, Alagbaka, Akure

Name & Address of next of kin: Mrs. Odedeyi E .F. Extension

Department, Ondo State Agricultural

Development Project, Alagbaka, Akure

Date of Assumption of Duty: 2nd October, 2001.

Status on First Appointment: Assistant Lecturer.

Present status : Senior Lecturer

Date of present Appointment /

Promotion/Regrading: 1st October, 2011

Date of Confirmation of Appointment: 1st October, 2008

Date of Last presented promotion

(in cases where promotion was not successful) Not applicable

Present salary (Level & Step): CONUASS 05 step 4

Faculty: Science.

Department: Environmental Biology and Fisheries.


Higher Institutions attended (with dates)

·  Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 2011

·  Federal University of Technology, Akure. 2001- 2009

·  South East Asian Fisheries Dev. Center, Illoilo, Philippines. 2000

·  Nigerian Institute for Oceanography & Marine Research, Lagos. 1998

·  Federal University of Technology, Akure. 1994 -1997

·  African Regional Aquaculture Center, Port Harcourt. 1994

·  Federal Fisheries School, Lagos. 1990

·  University of Ilorin, Ilorin. 1982-1985

·  Ondo State College of Arts and Science, Ikare. 1981-1982

Academic/and/or Professional qualifications obtained (with dates)

·  Certificate in Aquaculture: Production and Management 2010

·  Ph. D (Fisheries and Wildlife) 2009

·  Certificate in Aquaculture Development 2000

·  Certificate in Fishing Gear Technology 1998

·  M. Agric. Tech. (Fisheries and Wildlife) 1997

·  Certificate in Fish Seed Multiplication 1994

·  Certificate in Course of Instruction for Fisheries Research Officer 1990

·  B. Sc (Zoology) 1985

·  WASC Advanced Level 1982

Scholarship/ Fellowship/Awards (with dates)

·  Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Fellowship Award 2000.

·  Ondo State Agricultural Development Project Certificate of Merit 2001.


i. Work Experience outside the University System

·  Teacher: African Church Grammar School, Oka-Akoko; April, 1989 – Sept.,1990

·  Fisheries Officer: Ondo State Agricultural Development Project, Akure

October, 1990 – September, 2001

ii. Work Experience in Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko.

Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries, Faculty of Science, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Nigeria.

·  Assistant Lecturer: October, 2001 – September, 2005

·  Lecturer II: October, 2005 – September, 2008

·  Lecturer I: October, 2008 – September, 2011

·  Senior Lecturer: October, 2011 till Date

Courses taught within the current academic session

§  BIO 101 – General Biology1

§  BIO 102 – General Biology II

§  BIO 103 – Experimental Biology I

§  BIO 104 – Experimental Biology II

§  BIO 201 – Introductory Ecology

§  BIO 301 – General Genetics.

§  EBF 202 – Coelomate Invertebrates

§  EBF 301- Fish Biology & Health

§  EBF 306 – Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

§  EBF 407 – Capture and Culture Fisheries

§  EBF 408 – Fish Diseases & Parasites

§  EBF 411 – Field Course

Postgraduate courses

TOM 614 Zoo and Museum management

TOM 727 Fish Recreation and Sport Fishing

FSH 703 Fisheries Ecological Survey

FSH 704 Fisheries Resource Economics and Management

FSH 710 Aquatic Pollution and Toxicology

FSH 713 Fish Disease and Pathology

Graduate supervision

M. Sc. One (1)

Schedule of duties covered

§  Head of Department: 2014 till date

§  Researching: 2001 till date

§  Teaching: 2001 till date.

§  Examining students and grading students’ scripts: 2001 till date

§  Supervision of students’ projects and seminars: 2001 till date

Community Service Experience:

§  Examination Officer: Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries: 2003 to 2011

§  Secretary: Departmental Board Meeting: 2002 to 2008

§  Farm Manager: Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries’ Fish Farm. 2009 to 2013

§  Students level Coordinator: Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries. 2009 to 2013

§  Entrepreneurship Coordinator: Faculty of Science. 2010 till date

§  Pastor- In- Charge of Area: Redeemed Christian Church of God : 2012 till date

§  Field Course Coordinator: Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries: 2011 till date

§  Chairman: Investigating Panel that Investigated the Unauthorized Spending of Students’ dues in the Faculty of Science, 2011-2012 session

§  Member: Student Disciplinary Committee (111)

§  Member: Committee to work on a draft constitution for Nigerian University Education Students’ Association (NUESA)

§  Member: Investigation Panel on the allegation of atrocious victimization leveled against Dr. A.A. Bakare

§  Member: Adhoc Committee that Investigated the allegations made by Hon. Felix Ogunleye concerning the Non- graduation of Edward Abiodun Ogunleye

§  Member: Editorial and Publication Sub-Committee for the Faculty of Science 3rd International Conference

§  Member: Protocol and Logistics Sub-Committee for the Faculty of Science 3rd International Conference


Member: Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON)

Member: Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI)

Member: Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN)


i. Dissertations/Thesis

Odedeyi, D. O. (1985). Plankton distribution in Oyun mini-dam, B.Sc. Thesis.

Department of Biological Sciences . University of Ilorin.

Odedeyi, D. O. (1997). Effect of broodstock size on the survival and growth of hybrid catfish (Clarias gariepinus & Heterobranchus longifilis) fry. M. Tech. Thesis. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Federal University of Technology, Akure.

Odedeyi, D. O. (2009). Some aspects of the biology of elephant snout fish Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes 1846) in River Ose and its aquaculture potential. Ph.D Thesis. Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology. Federal University of Technology, Akure

ii. Books and Monographs/chapters in Books

1. D.O. Odedeyi (2009). Diversity, characteristics and classification of Phylum

Nematoda. In: F.O. Akinwumi (Ed.). Introduction to Basic Zoology. Tessac Publications, Ado Ekiti. Pp198-209.

2. D.O. Odedeyi (2009). Diversity, characteristics and classification of Phylum

Annelida. In: F.O. Akinwumi (Ed.). Introduction to Basic Zoology.Tessac Publications, Ado Ekiti. Pp210-228.

3. D.O. Odedeyi (2009). Diversity, characteristics and classification of Phylum

Mollusca. In: F.O. Akinwumi (Ed.). Introduction to Basic Zoology. Tessac Publications, Ado Ekiti. Pp229-251.

iii. Published Articles

4. Odedeyi, D. O. (2006) Survey of fishing gears of River Ose, South Western

Nigeria. Science Research Annals, 2(1):1 – 4. (Nigeria)

5. Odedeyi, D. O. and Oginni, O. (2006) Effect of broodstock size on the survival

of hybrid catfish (Clarias gariepinus & Heterobranchus longifilis) fry at primary rearing phase. Science Focus 11(2): 142 -145 (Nigeria)

6. Odedeyi, D.O. (2007). Survival and growth of hybrid (female Clarias gariepinus

(B) and male Heterobranchus longifilis (Val)) fingerlings: effect of broodstock

sizes. American – Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research 2 (1) 19 – 23. (Pakistan)

7. Odedeyi, D. O. Fagbenro, O., Bello – Olusoji, O., and Adebayo, O. (2007). Length- Weight relationship and condition factor of the elephant fish, Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes, 1846) in River Ose, South Western Nigeria. Animal Research International 4(1): 617-620. (Nigeria)

8. Odedeyi, D. O (2007). Digestive enzymes in the gut of snakehead fish, Parachanna obscura (Gunter, 1861 (Channidae) In River Ose, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries International, 2 (2) 178-181. (Pakistan)

9. Odedeyi, D. O., Fagbenro, O., Bello-Olusoji, O., and Adebayo, O. (2008)

Some aspects of reproduction in elephant fish, Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes, 1846) in River Ose, Southwestern Nigeria. Science Research Annals 5:27-35. (Nigeria)

10. Odedeyi, D.O., Fagbenro, O.A., Bello-Olusoji, O.A. and Adebayo, O.T.

(2009). Haematological profile of the elephant snout fish Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes 1846). Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics 6(1): 89-95. (Nigeria)

11. Odedeyi, D.O. and Fagbenro,O.A (2009). Digestive enzymes in the gut of the elephant snout fish, Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes 1846) (Osteichthys :Mormyridae). The Zoologist 7:1-11(Nigeria)

12. Odedeyi, D.O. and Fagbenro,O.A (2009). Parasite fauna of elephant snout fish, Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes 1846) from River Ose,South-western, Nigeria. The Zoologist 7:75-81. (Nigeria)

13. Odedeyi, D. O., Fagbenro, O., Bello- Olusoji, O., and Adebayo, O. (2010).

Age and Growth of Elephant fish Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes, 1846) in River Ose, Southwest Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture 15:184-188. (Nigeria)

14. Odedeyi, D.O.and Fagbenro, A.O. (2010) Feeding habits and digestive

enzymes in the gut of the elephant snout fish Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes)

(Osteichyhes: Mormyridae) Tropical Zoology 23: 72-85 (Italy)

*15 Odedeyi, D.O. (2013) Biological observations on the Elephantsnout Fish Mormyrus rume (Mormyridae) from Ose River, Southwestern Nigeria. Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies 16 (1): 75-82 (U.K.).

*16 Odedeyi, D.O. (2013) Seasonal, Sex And Size variation in some blood parameters of snakehead fish (Parachana obscura, Gunther 1861) in Ose River, Southwest- Nigeria. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences 2 (4)107-110 (India)

*17 Odedeyi, D.O. and Eniade, A.A. (2014) Semen quality and Spermatozoa Morphology of Clarias gariepinus broodstock fed two different feed levels. Researcher 6 (1) 28-32 (US)

*18 Odedeyi, D.O., Odo, E. and Ajisafe, J. (2014) Hepatosomatic index, intestinal length and condition factor of Clarias gariepinus fed Moringa oleifera leaf meal diets. New York Science Journal 7 (1) 1-4 (US)

*19 Odedeyi, D.O., Gbore F.A. and Ademoye, O. (2014) Influence of the length of time after hormonal stimulation on the milt quality of African catfish Clarias gariepinus broodstock. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 8 (1) 407-412 (Jordan)

*20 Odedeyi Dominic and Ademeso Adetola (2015) Reproductive Performance, Growth and Economic Evaluation of Clarias gariepinus Broodstocks at different feeding levels.European Journal of Academic Essays 2(2): 21- 27 (Portugal)

Paper Accepted for Publication:

*21 Odedeyi, D.O. (2014) Age, Length - Weight Relationships and Diet Composition of African pike, Hepsetus odoe (Bloch, 1794) (Pisces: Hepsetidae) in Ose River, Southwest Nigeria.FABA Turkey

Published Conference Proceedings

22 Odedeyi, D. O. Fagbenro, O., Bello-Olusoji, O., and Adebayo, O (2006).

Dietary habits of the Elephantfish Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes, 1846) in River Ose, Southwestern Nigeria. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. 24th May, 2006 pp 140-143.

*23 Odedeyi, D.O. (2014) Nutritive values of the carcass of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings fed raw and steam-heated Moringa oleifera DIETS IAAST Malaysia

F RECOGNITION Not applicable


·  2nd Annual Conference of School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. 24th May, 2006.

·  1st Faculty of Science International Conference, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko. May 5-8, 2008.

·  4th Annual Conference of School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure. Nigeria 21st May, 2008

·  7th Annual Conference of Zoological Society of Nigeria, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Ibadan, Nigeria 4-7 December, 2011

·  All-male Tilapia workshop, FISON Headquarters, Lagos.16th-20th April, 2012

·  6th World Fisheries Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 7th-11th May, 2012


i. Scope of research activities

Fisheries and Aquaculture.

ii. Completed Research

Growth performance and proximate composition of African catfish Clarias gariepinus fed various inclusion levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal diets.

iii Research in Progress

a. Blood biochemistry of African catfish Clarias gariepinus fed Moringa oleifera leaf meal.

b. Effect of haemoglobin substituted for fishmeal on growth and blood characteristics of Clarias gariepinus.


Reading Christian literatures

Singing hymns.

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