West TytherleyFrenchmoor Parish Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 11th December 2017 at 7.00pm in King Edward’s Hall

Present: Councillors: Cate Bell (CB) – Chair, Lucia Homer (LH), Jane Larner (JL) – Vice-chair, James Little (JLi), Mick Goulding (MG), Melanie Camilleri (MC) - Clerk, and 6 members of the public.

Open Forum

  1. Apologies for absence

Denise Long (DL) due to family bereavement

Cllr Perry

  1. Declarations of interest


  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parih Council held on 13 November 2017 were agreed by all and signed by CB

i. Matters arising: None

  1. Village Fete Fund

Proposed by Liz Sparrow that Village Fete Fund monies to be held by the WT&F PC for reasons of transparency and to be less contentious (they’re currently held by the Church).

All in favour of this proposal. Discussion held on how this would work. :-

-£3,900 currently in this fund

-£500 transferred immediately to WT&F PC and used as a float. This money ring-fenced and reported against separately in the monthly Schedule of Accounts.

-Remainder to be re-distribute by the Church by the end of year.

-As from 2018, funding on an application basis, against a set of Rules. West Dean have a set of Rules they use.

Action: Cllr Harry Urquhart of Chair of West Dean PC will email the Rules to MC

Action: Liz attending a Village Fete Committee meeting after this PC meeting to move this agreed proposal forward

  1. HCC

None, given apologies from Cllr Perry

  1. TVBC

Cllr Jeffrey: rationalisation of PC boundaries

Buckholt: Cllr Jeffrey once again raised the question of Buckholt (10 homes) joining the West TytherleyFrenchmoor Parish Council, given they are not currently represented by a parish council.

The concern was raised by the PC what impact this would have upon the West Tytherley & West Dean NDP work i.e. the 10 households in Buckholt have not been Surveyed. To do so now means the work carried out to date will need to be revisited. MG and Alan Bannister did not believe this would be insurmountable.

Action: CB to talk to some of the residents of Buckholt to establish their feelings on this matter and report back.

Other: Cllr Jeffrey asked if there were PC boundaries (other than Buckholt) which could be rationalised.It was agreed by all that there are no other possibilities to consider, down to geographical reasons.

Alan Bannister: update on WT&WD NDP

-some delays (personal reasons) though ready to go beginning of 2018

-website being updated: target end of next week

-referendum likely to be in the Autumn 2018

MG gave his thanks to Alan for all his efforts to date progress the plan

  1. Broadband

Update from Paul Rusby and CB:

-On track for 2019 build, starting in Feb 2018

-There will be Events and Media Coverage

-Virgin will come into the Parish 1st half 2018.

-CB meeting-up with various people to progress this project e.g. the Mayor

-This project is a real achievement given WT&F are difficult to get to and build in terms of location and landscape

-Go to website for all information and updates

  1. Highways


Invoice received for work carried out (cut around the signs that are overgrown, dig the grips in Stony Batter, and cut lower limbs from trees on the Coach Road).

Action:Before agree to pay invoice, LH to review extent of tree-cutting i.e. believe not enough lower limbs have been cut.

SID (Speed Indication Device)

LH has applied for the license from HCC – the costs are £2334 for the device plus £120 for the battery. How funded:-

-TVBC Grant (£1,000) – to be applied for online

-HCC Grant (£500) – approved

-Remainder - PC funds

Locations to be decided (upon which meet criteria). Awaiting to hear from Cllr Perry.

Agreed that devices will remain permanently in-situ, in which case, insurance cover required

Action: MC to apply for TVBC grant online

  1. Recreation Ground

Update from JLi:

There have been reports of dogs on the Rec and poor parking in the village on football match days. The football clubs have been advised that dogs under normal circumstances are strictly prohibited from the Rec and reminded them that cars should not be parked on the grass verges.

Date of 2018 Village Fete agreed as Saturday 9 June. Special permission granted to allow dogs onto the Rec in the event they hold a dog show.

  1. Footpaths

WT bridleway no.15

Has been cleared for safe use by horse riders, thanks goes to the working party.

Footpath no.3

Thanks also goes to Andy Bott who has replaced three of the stiles at the village end of the footpath with gates. This is a significant improvement and will allow much easier access for all users along the footpath.

Footpath no.9

The Romsey Ramblers have been back to the village and cleared the path of fallen branches from the overgrown hedge. They also cleared around the 'door' where the footpath emerges onto Red Lane. JLi would like to thank the Ramblers for all of the work they have carried out on footpaths throughout the village in 2017 - it has been a tremendous help.

  1. War memorial

At the last meeting, DL had taken advice on the old hedges around the memorial and had been advised it would be too costly to replace the whole hedge but would look to buy established plants for the far-left hand corner where the hedge is very sparse. After consideration of the quote for £606.00 for 20 plants, it was decided not to proceed but focus on maintenance of the memorial through Cullen Memorial Masons. Agreed this maintenance work to be carried out every two years – so next will be in 2019.

  1. Planning

17/02937/FULLS: Little Thatch, 8 East Dean Road, West Dean – single storey extension

Cllr Harry Urquhart of Chair of West Dean PC attending, confirmed that West Dean PC have reviewed and given support

After discussion and comments, the councillors voted:-

Support: 5

Objection: 1

Abstain: 0

17/02827/FULLS: 67 Red Lane, West Tytherley – take down existing workshop and re-build to same footprint and elevation

After discussion and comments, the councillors voted:-

Support: 6

Objection: 0

Abstain: 0

Tree works applications: none

  1. Finance and Cheques

Schedule of Accounts including account balances dated 10 December 2017 were agreed and authorised

Schedule of expenses/accounts 10 December 2017

Bank balances:

Main Account £14,581.16 (as at 31.10.17)

Savings Account £1234.01 (as at 09.10.17)

Millennium Fund Account £8844.71 (as at 15.09.16)

Payee / Detail / Amount £ / Cheque No.
Information Commissioner / ICO Certificate annual renewal
Legal requirement under data Protection Act to register as a Data Controller / 35.00 / 000831
West Tytherley Shop / 50% cost of replacing the CCTV recorder and cameras
Agreed at PC meeting 13 Nov 2017 / 000832
Cullen Memorial Masons / War Memorial renovation
Part payment until Grant £1,800 received for balance / 600.00 / 000833
Melanie Camilleri / Parish Clerk duties carried out in Nov / 40.40 / 000834
Rebecca Tyson / WT&WD NDP Admin Clerk
Duties carried out for Nov and Dec / 200.00 / 000835
Donna Moles / WT&WD NDP Consultant
Duties carried out for NDP – Stage 4: Building your evidence base (Part 1) / 393.75 / 000836
Total debit / 1,619.15
Receipts / Detail / Amount £ / Deposit Ref.
None since 10 Nov 2017 / 0.00
Total credit / 0.00
  1. Correspondence

Thank you notes received from Hampshire & Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, and the Over Sixties Club for PC donations received.

  1. Items for next Agenda

Update from CB on her conversations with residents of Buckholt (see item 6)

Being no further business, CB closed the meeting at 8:00pm

Date of the next Council meeting is on Monday 15 January 2018 at 7pm in King Edward’s Hall

Signed by C Bell (Chair) Date


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