Maine SIM Monthly Status Report
Submitter Name / Nathan MorseOrganization / Maine CDC
Month/Year of Reporting Period / August, 2014
Date of Report Submission / September 15, 2014
Section I: Current Month Status
OBJ# / Task # / Brief Narrative of the Task / Status of Task* / Current Task Explanation / Meetings / Attendees / # of Reports / Copies Issued / RFP’s Issued / RFP responses / Projection Narrative / Outlook Green
1 / Implementation of the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP)
1 / CDC-1 / State capacity assessment of payers/purchasers of health plans. Track barriers to capacity throughout payment test. / In Progress / Ongoing task. / Will be monitoring the Maine health insurance plans, and purchasers of plans throughout the NDPP payment demonstrations to document any gaps in capacity. / Green
1 / CDC-2 / Develop with health plan payers/purchasers NDPP health benefit payment structure for identified health plans. / In Progress / August: Continue drafting of NDPP Communications Plans for Payers, Employers, Health Systems audiences. Operation Plans for NDPP in the respective settings will accompany these. / 2 / 6 / NDPP Communications Plan Draft. Operations plan drafts in review by Communications Team. NDPP Forum confirmed November 17, 2014 location still TBD. / Green
1 / CDC-3 / Trained supported Lifestyle Coach Workforce. / In Progress / Contracts drafted and in final review. / 3 / 14 / Negotiate contracts with Training Provider organizations. Goal for contracts to be in place by October 1st. / Green
1 / CDC-4 / CDC-Recognized NDPP providers complete annual written agreement with Maine CDC to provide NDPP to all qualified beneficiaries. / In Progress / Agreements sent to NDPP Provider sites in Maine. Request signed return October 3rd. / Written agreements returned to Maine CDC, original copies signed and returned to NDPP provider sites by end of October 2014. / Green
1 / CDC-5 / Work with partners to asses/address barriers to a sustainable NDPP reimbursement through payer/purchaser policy/statutes. / In Progress / Planning and using content/partners from CDC tasks 1 & 2. / Slated for start Q3 of Year 2. / Green
1 / CDC-5.1 / NDPP payment tests developed with SIM partners (MaineCare, MHMC, MQC) guidance/support and TA from U.S. CDC. / In Progress / Plan and setup call for State Medicaid Programs w/ MaineCare to discuss NDPP plan design. Convene call for Kentucky, Montana, Florida, and North Carolina along with Maine. Call will facilitate open dialog for State Medicaid program staff to discuss NDPP benefit plan design, ask questions about funding authority, sustainability, and eligible population analysis. SOM EHC slated to consider NDPP in plan design 9/12 at retreat. Will follow-up with Employee Health/Benefits for TA and next steps. / 2 / 4 / Apply and connect VBID, Cost of Care work group activities and efforts to NDPP payment test design. Meet/strategize with work group members as needed to provide content expertise on payment test, plan design, and ROI/business plans. / Green
1 / CDC-5.2 / NDPP payment tests evaluation developed with SIM partners (MaineCare, MHMC, MQC, HIN) guidance/support and TA from U.S. CDC. / In Progress / Ongoing task. / Will be monitoring and track activities under SIM/NDPP to support qualitative evaluation, and seek alignment with overall SIM evaluation. Draft NDPP SIM project Logic Model developed and sent to Jay Yoe/Amy Wagner for final comments review. / Green
2 / CHW Pilot Project
2 / CDC-7 / CHW Pilot Site contract approval / In Progress / Pilot Projects (4) were notified of funding during July, review and negotiation of contract terms began during last week of month. / 6 / 12 / Contracts projected to commence on September 15, 2014. / Green
2 / CDC-8 / 3 CHWs hired at pilot sites. / No Progress / Slated for Q3 of Year 1 / To be decided/selected by contract sites. / Green
2 / CDC-9 / CHW clients identified / No Progress / Slated for Q3/4 of Year 1 / To be decided/selected by contract sites. / Green
2 / CDC-10 / CHW services will commence / No Progress / Slated for Q4 of Year 1 / Date to be decided/selected by contract sites. / Green
2 / CDC-11 / Recommendations for sustainability and use of CHW model in Maine / In Progress / Engagement of in-state, regional and national stakeholders to inform recommendations in ME, including: CHW Stakeholder Group, US DHHS Region I Health Equity Council (RHEC) as well as CMMI CHW specific workgroup on measurement. / 3 / 115 / 1 / 1 / There was no August meeting of the Stakeholders. Project Director co-presented for a US-OMH/ASTHO webinar, “CHWs Part of the Solution for Advancing Health Equity; Perspectives and Initiatives from the New England Regional Health Equity Council.” / Green
*Status Notes: Completed: the task has been completed and no additional work is needed. In Progress: Ongoing work toward milestone/Accountability Target
No Progress: No work done on scheduled task, provide reason why
Section II: Narrative Status of Work
Meetings with NDPP Master Trainer Organizations regarding NDPP Lifestyle Coach training agreements took place in August. Sole Source contracts are the draft process and plan to start October 1st 2014. NDPP Project- Working on plan design drafts for State of Maine Employees and Retirees health plans to include NDPP. Working with employee health and benefits and Employee Health Commission in September to draft plan design and implement. Planning for participation in the MHMC Fall Symposium October 15th with NDPP morning breakout session; will include panel of NDPP success stories from employer, health systems and consumers. NDPP LOU written agreement process has been approved by Dianna White in the AG’s office. These will be signed by NDPP site administrators and the Maine CDC Division of Population Health director, original signed agreements will go back to NDPP sites, and copies will be retained by Maine CDC DPCP. Term of these agreements will go for 15 months (10-1-2014 through 12-31-2015).
CHW Initiative- Contracting processes have been completed. Status as of 9/15/14 is: two of the four contracts have been finalized and are out for signature by vendor/agency. During this time the Project Director focused attention on the core competency training to be offered to all of the pilot sites, this included meetings and written requests submitted and reviewed from the Central MA AHEC. In addition, the Project Director worked with contractors with Office of Minority Health/National Partnership for Action on the development of a fact sheet on CHWs and Health Equity to be used to highlight decision-makers on the role of CHWs in supporting the population health goals under ACA; completed draft of evaluation/assessment plan for CHW Initiative; and outline for a CHWI Year 1 Report.
Section III: Key Risks/ Issues (Narrative) Entered into Risk Log (YES / NO)
Section IV: Lessons Learned