West Towson Elementary PTA Meeting
WTES – Ms. Baker’s classroom
May 2, 2016; 7 p.m.

In attendance: Hilary Roxe, Christie Moag, Theresa Bassett, Victoria Cowger, Anne Gorman, Matthew Piercey, Samantha Apel, Holly Henson, Pam Chen, Kelly Campsen, Kate Cullum, Shelly Bray, Nicole Atkinson, Autumn Clifton, Esther Winikoff, Julie Trumbauer, Matthew Lewis, Katie Dickson, Sue Hershfeld, Lynn Crooks, Dawn Hoffmaster.

  1. President’s Welcome

-Approval of Minutes from last meeting

  • unanimously approved

-Appreciation for hard work, and success of Westy’s Walk

  1. Treasurer’s Report

-Running smoothly.

-The PTA is Under budget in many areas, but we are receiving lots of incoming receipts for yearbook, faculty appreciation.

-The fiscal year closes out on June 30 – please submit reports.

  1. Vice president’s report(Holly Henson)

-Westy’s Walk: Appreciation for hard work of everybody on the committee, various teams of volunteers. Volunteers will be thanked in a letter to the school.

  • Particular kudos to the “Hardest working team”: silent auction committee and raffles.

-Several people on committees who will be leaving. Will be looking for more volunteers on committees or day-of Westy’sWalk.

-Without expenses taken out, the event grossed $26,800.

  • Proceeds go to books, arts & enrichment (eg: Biztown)

-If you have a student who wasn’t able to come, but paid for a t-shirt, they’ll get their t-shirt this week. Holly will bring to the school.

  1. Principal’s report (Mrs. Hershfeld)

-Safety blinds have been ordered for regular classrooms (23 rooms). Flame retardant materials, no strings.

  • $13K for all blinds. If $ leftover, go to non-regular rooms. Helps teachers in the event of an emergency.
  • Instead of rolling paper down and taping it, quick roll-down black-out blinds.

-Bought batteries for all laptops. Any child who doesn’t have a device is now using a laptop.

  • PARCC started today with fourth grade, new batteries made all the difference in the world.

-Westy’s Walk: Funds cover items the PTA can’t buy. We areconsidering several key ideas.

  • The funds will cover Biztown next year, and the school is exploring a cool idea about an artist in residence.
  • Always interested in increasing # of books in the classroom. Need for a variety of books on specific topics increase. Always looking for books written on different levels to meet students needs.

-End of school year – last day will be June 17 unless we have a lot of heat related closures.

  • Farewell for 5th grade will also be on that day.

-Staffing: We didn’t have enough teachers to manage next year, particularlyin intermediate grades. Submitted request to BCPS, and received another .6 position.

  • This will make things more manageable in the intermediate grades; we will decide how that’s going to be used.
  • This year, there will be no teacher assignments made until “sneak a peek at your seat” night.
  • Too many things that happen last minute. I don’t want broken hearts.
  • Children who don’t come in for sneak-a-peek will get their assignments that day.

-Calendar: At last PTA meeting, Mrs.Hoffmaster mentioned that the group asked for a yearlong calendar for planning purposes. The school had that for the first couple of years – and will work to have it again this year.

  • The PTA president and principal met over the summer.
  • The school has asked teachers to give dates, eg concerts, for next year.

-Spanish:5th graders moving into 6th grade next year are first group eligible to have mastered Spanish 1.

  • Next year, 5th grade Spanish program will be 50 mins/week, and will be a special.
  • The Spanish teacher will be here more to boost the Spanish program.
  1. Vice Principal’s Report

-At the last meeting, the PTA asked about putting a sign as ESS building when we have special events

  • People who manage the building, said can put a temporary sign (eg: hammer in a metal sign on the day of) Would PTA or ESS building staff would put it out?

-The school is in the throes of PARCC testing. All went well today. Mr. Rabin and Mrs. Gleitsmann, have been great.

  • There was a major issue with technology – we were losing internet often last week, and Mr Rabin coordinated with county staff to get a part replaced on Friday and improve the process.
  • MAP testing will also take place for K-2 in next several weeks.
  1. Teachers’ Reports

-Teachers thank the PTA for amazing cultural arts programs. Every one has been out of this world.

  1. New Business?

-Nominations Committee report. We have 5 positions to fill. Election will be on May 23, at next PTA meeting. The committee will report a slate of officers to current officers by May 13.

  • Still actively looking for a treasurer.
  • Matthew Piercey, interested in being president,introduced himself. He has a daughter in 1st grade, and is currently work for The Arc as a psychologis
  • Cafeteria aides at WTES are from the Arc.

-5th grade parents forum: Hilary Roxe asked whether this forum, raised at an earlier meeting, is still of interest.

  • Interest expressed by various parents. Families have the chance to meet with students at the end of their 6th grade year, but would also be good to get info from the parent’s perspective.
  • Consider holding it at the pool party?
  • Focused on 5th grade parents who are sending their kids to Dumbarton, rather than parents considering private school.
  • Hilary ill send not to 5th grade room parents, asking if their would be interest (Holly and Pam were both willing to serve on the panel if needed.).
  1. Committee Reports


  • Managed to get a small extension on printing the yearbook, since spring photos were taken later this year.
  • Committee will submitting the yearbook and orders to the publisher tomorrow to meet the deadline so that the books can be published by the first week of June.
  • We anticipate that we can have them labelled and distributed by the 2nd week of June.
  • Mrs Hershfeldreported that next year’s spring photos has been scheduled for the 1st week of March so we can avoid this time crunch next year.

-5th Grade Pool Party(Theresa Bassett)

  • The event will happen at Valley Swim and Tennis Club on Friday, June 17 from 1:30-4:30pm.
  • Communications: 5th grade room parents sent home a save the date to parents.
  • There are 80 5th graders, and it will cost $18.50/student. (Valley will provide chicken fingers, fries, hot dogs, paper goods, utensils.)
  • Table cloths, decorations, cake, etc, may be leftover from 5th grade farewell.
  • The PTA will provide cupcakes, DJ.
  • Excellent hand-off from last year’s organizers, AllisonGerbereux and Melissa Johnson.

-SchoolKidz(Theresa Bassett)

  • Order forms for back-to-school kits will come home soon.
  • Costs PTA nothing;doesn’t make a profit either.
  • This year orders will take place all online
  • Each grade level chair comes up with supplies, and the vendor sets the price.
  • Deadline of June 17 for orders.

-Special education liaison. (Theresa Bassett)

  • The position helps to link families with children with an IEP to resources in the county.
  • It’s a rewarding position that can attend school-improvement or PTA meetings and advocate for accommodations for children who may need things organized differently.
  • Usually 1-2 parents contact the liaison for assistance
  • PTA will submit a blurb for the newsletter and keep an eye out for a parent who might be interested.


-Textile truck collected 3130 lbs of clothing and textiles on Saturday.(value $313)

  • to a question whether truck could adjust hours to be there any earlier or later, environmental committee said it will follow up.

-Bridgette Mills, from Env Comm, is partnering with Ridge Ruxton to install another storm drain mural next year

-Final upcycling drop-off and cafeteria pick up will be in early June.

-Committee expressed willingness to provide funds to the school's Green Team to support the 2nd grade bluebird project -- if supplies bought before the end of the year. Otherwise, supplies will be bought next year (birds nest in March).

  • Mrs. Crooks reported she and Mrs. Parks went to the bird store recently; birds may nest two more times this year, so working to get nests up
  • Current birdhouses don’t let students see bluebirds nesting. New houses have plexiglass side that can be raised.
  • They’re more expensive, but students may own the project and want to share in fundraising.
  • Fits into unit: making a difference in the lives of others.
  • Purchased two more poles and two more baffles (which go around poles to stop predators) since we have houses. A couple houses have disappeared. Four houses around campus.

-Committee probably won't spend our full budget this year, but would like to have same funding in place for next year; more programs, including some assemblies, may get off the ground.


-Upcoming movie night set for 8pm on Friday, May 20. Will show "Finding Nemo." (Finding Dorie comes out this summer and Nemo was released in 2003, way before most of the kids were born)

  • Committee will provide free popcorn and a raffle for students to give away the copy of the movie at the end of the night.
  • Margo will have someone there for sale of spirit wear (now accepting credit cards).
  • Prendeville family asked to set up an Alex Lemonade Stand to sell lemonade for a donation to be made to the charity.
  • Broad support for that request


-Wednesday is the first day for the Teacher Appreciation Month celebration. The Lunchbox Lady will deliver teachers’ lunches. Kids have also been asked to wear their teacher’s favorite color.

-Patriots & Defenders

-Assembly will be 10 am Friday before Memorial Day – May 27th.

-Field day is June 6th; June 7th for rain date

-Wellness Committee

-Fabulous event at Rockin Jump – 412 jumpers registered. Thank you to all! We may try to do it again next year.

-Meredith Dobrosielskihas agreed to co-chair Health and Wellness next year.

Meeting adjourned 8:02.