Club and Team(s) Entry Form 2017/2018
Forms must be returned to the league () no later than Friday 30th June 2017 with the correct Entry Fee paid.
All information will need to be resubmitted for an up-to-date website. Please be aware of the new Player Registration Form.
Section One: Club Details
Club’s Full Name:
Home Venue Postal Address: / Post Code:
Club Bio (Background on your Club):
Club Contacts (Must have at least two contacts involved with the YBL – will be displayed on your YBL Team Page)
Name / Position / Tel No.: / Tel No.: / Email Address:
Section Two (a): Club Extras/Questions
Web Site Address / www.
Twitter Handle / @
Other Social / Facebook/Instagram etc
Do you have space to hold spectators comfortably? / YES/NO
Can your club hold more than one game at a time? / YES/NO
Can your club hold a home and attend an away game at the same time? / YES/NO
If Entering an U11 team, can your club hold either two or four crosscourt games at the same time?
Section Two (b) : Policies (This information is for the YBL only)
Has your club got the following policy? Is it accessible to your members?
Code of Ethics and Conduct (a version for your club) / YES/NO
Photography/Videography Policy / YES/NO
Equal Opportunities Policy / YES/NO
Safeguarding Policy / YES/NO
Name of Club’s Safeguarding Officer
Section Three: Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
Please list coaches and assistant coaches’ names in this section that will be coaching in the YBL for the upcoming season. We need this information as required by the Disclosure and Barring Service and we will be checking this information with Basketball England. To coach in the YBL you need to hold a Level 2 Coaching Certificate or higher and be at least 18 years old and registered with Basketball England as a Junior coach. Coaches are not permitted to coach unless the YBL have this information and you have been approved by B.E. Junior players are defined as anyone under the age of 18.
Coaches’ Full Name / BE DBS Number
BE has completed your DBS / DBS Number
DBS not with BE and you have enclosed a Self-Declaration form to BE. / Date of Issue / Date of Birth
Section Four: Directions to your Home Venue
Section Five: Entering Teams
Leagues will be determined on the number of teams entering and their geographical location.
Team Name / Uniform Colour / Entering League… / Match Day / Tip Time
Home / Away / Name the league you wish to enter
1 / EXAMPLE TEAM / RED / BLACK / UNDER 17 / Saturday / 11:30
Coach / Assistant Coach / Team Manager / Team Statistician / Entering Cup?
Section Six: Referee and Table Officials (please add any officials that you wish to be used in YBL games and be appointed to games).
Name of Official / Referee or Table Official / Level / Mobile Number / Email Address / Area of Residence
Section Seven: Additional Information (add any information you might think the YBL will require here)
Section Eight: Club Logo (Please add your club logo in .png format)
Section Nine: Declaration
By signing below, you, your club and its members agree to uphold the rules and regulations and policies laid out by the Committee.
Authorised Signature: / Date Completed Form:
Position Held within your Club:
BACS - Payment to the YBL
£30 for the first team - £25 for any additional teams | £60.00 per team for the WM/YBL Development League
Account Name: / Youth Basketball League
Sort Code: / 30-93-54 / Account Number: / 28712560
Use Reference: / YBL [Your Clubs Name] /