
West Leeds Pilot Project Meeting

Tuesday November 26, 2013 10:30 – 12:00

375 William Street South, Gananoque

Present: Sherri Hampton, Margaret van Beers, Gillian Jackson, Jessica DesChamp Baird, Kim Melvin-Long, J.P. Elliot, Margaret Fancy, Cindy Goodfellow, Kimberley Marshall

  1. Welcome and Introductions - Margaret vB welcomed everyone to the meeting and round table introductions were made.
  2. Review of agenda, Gillian requested to add an e-mail she received from a school to be put under #8. Discussion:Sustainability
  3. Minute taker - Kimberley Marshall will take minutes to the meeting.
  4. Review of minutes from March 4, 2013 No change to minutes.
  5. Updates since March

5.1 Gan Firehall event (March 2013) Marg Fancy – Gananoque Firehall event (March 4, 2013) Learning Partnership award presentation was well received by the town having representatives such as Mayor Demchuck, and the TI Mayor as well as councillors on the both municipal boards. Approximately 30-35 people. Harold Hess chaired the event. Some highlights were the variety of partners who came to support the celebration and the event itself was well organized and elegant

National Learning Partnership event in Toronto. Some of the group went to Toronto to receive the award and returned with lots of information from other organizations and speakers. Many principals and teachers were part of the day and they were fired up with what the Learning Partnership had accomplished in the community supporting families and children. Other organizations being recognized included Sudbury and Durham and the program Phases I. A mix of community providers with lots of opportunity to connect.

Transition to school committee (CDSBEO, UCDSB, four BSNs ) is chaired by Michael Kennedy of the UCDSB. Promoting Welcome to Kindergarten in all schools across both boards, with strong community participation. On the table – Learning Partnership and schools. Incorporating the play-based environment and consistent messages across both school boards.

Learning Partnership – Janice Deacon will be the rep for Eastern region for Transition to Kindergarten.

Report on this year’s Little Steps Big Strides. Sherri Hampton announced that it was much less work for her as schools took more initiative through their own staff. Facilitators meshed the day’s activities with messages from the program and school messages.

Kim Melvin Long, (P,Linklater) stated the program was “so smooth”. 2 kindergarten teachers supported the program. Partnership with Sherry to early identify kids to support child once that child starts school. May make some changes for next year to increase exposure to children to both kindergarten rooms; the large room and the small room. This may increase parent satisfaction and decrease first day child anxieties.

JP explained that the change to 5 days was great. He stated having the week as close to Labour Day as possible was more optimal for the children. Sherry and 2 staff participated in the week which made it a very helpful transition for both teachers and students. Staff realized the positive impact of this week on the new students as they started school.

Gillian explained that she had come to all 3 schools and saw all the children engaged in meaningful play. “It was like they have been there for 2 weeks already”.

Margaret vB reported OT feedback as all children had an OT screen. The first year of the program OT’s were very busy in getting the screens done. The second year OT’s had students and were able to connect with parents and facilitators more. Year 3 one volunteer at each school dhelped with the screening so that the OT was able to connect even more with parents, volunteers and children.

Margaret vB continued to report there were conversations at CDC as to how we bring this to every school as it has proven to be an important intervention.

Three Year Evaluation report by Jessica Deschamp-Baird (see attached).

Jessica highlighted the whole report using Little Steps, Big Strides Families’ Transition to Kindergarten Program (formerly Step into K) – 3 Year Program Summary.

Highlights included:

  • Speech was indicated as being a topic parents wanted to know about most.
  • Parents participated in the program for their child’s i) happiness and ii) routine and independence
  • 25 % parents selected 3 or less as a response to having a positive experience with school
  • Only 85 % of parents felt that their child has or more supportive adults in their lives; the rest being unsure.
  • Nipissing screens – # parents who were unsure or not aware of the Nipissing increased each year
  • Positive results – increase in parent involvement and connections and program reached more employed parents than expected.

Margaret vB felt a better job was done in identifying children with special needs. Gillian stated that the JK transitioning for those attended was smooth however we were still not reaching all children. This was felt to be important in order to de-stigmatize group and normalize it. Questions remains, how we can involve other agencies who work with families to encourage those children to attend. Over all, the % of identified children with special needs is increasing.

Kim ML also identified an example of children who are not coming to school during JK and SK consistently who would benefit (legally children are to be in school full time by the age of 6/grade 1). These families may have ODSP or Ontario Work involved. Jessica indicated that when mom is a recipient of ODSP/OW, if she has children at home, it is an acceptable reason to not look for work.

Margaret vB reiterated that re-connecting with local agencies such as Family and Children Services and ask for help may provide a solution to reaching all families to make the program universal. Marg F suggested advocating to agency leaders sitting at other tables (ie: EKIOC)

8.0 Discussion: Sustainability:

Present total amount in budget is under $100. How do we continue to exist?

Suggestions: Parent Reach Out Grants, Gananoque Town Grant proposal process, approach school boards to match community funds raised, approach municipalities – Mayor Demchuk and Mayor Kinsella. The costs are for the facilitator- $1000 per school or $40/child.

Marg Fancy states that K. Kapler (CMH) had mentioned that RBC funds may be accessed for preventative children’s mental health activities.

8.1 School Request – Gillian received an e-mail from AthensPublic Schoolrequesting information on how to start the program in their school. Gillian suggested developing a tool kit describing the steps to initiating and implementing project.

9.0 Next Steps

Jessica noted that we need to spread this program across L and G. Jessica contributed two points to note: The EDI supports that social emotional development is one of the at risk indicators for this area. Transional phases of all day kindergartens done by the individual schools, has been phased out for next year when all schools will provide everyday/all day kindergarten. This program(Little Steps Big Strides) would fulfill a role in lieu of the school’s transitional phasing to promote parent and engagement, impact children’s anxiety, impacting social/emotional development.

Action Item: Margaret vB will speak with both school boards to discuss this plan to disseminate program across the counties.

Faces –kits have different programs to address mental health including fine motor and child and parent programs. Sessions are run at no cost except for materials. EOYC support in kind.

Noted by Kim M-L that mental health is an increasing issue for students in schools.

Margaret vB suggested having a meeting early in the New Year to brainstorm ideas to support another program for this area in the summer.

Action Item: Kim ML will go to her family of schools meeting and discuss the benefits and the importance of the program and provide feedback for next meeting.

Margaret vB closed the meeting at 1145 am.

Next meeting date TBD early next year.

Respectfully submitted:

Kimberley Marshall, RN, BScN, LGLDHU