Mr. Klein called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM followed the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation.


Harold Harman, Supervisor-Absent Adam Klein, Chairman

Kyle Miller, Supervisor Donald Steinmeier, Secretary-Treasurer

Gloria Zimmerman, Vice Chairperson


Mrs. Zimmerman stated that the minutes need to be amended to show that she chaired the meeting.

Regular Meeting –October 16, 2017- Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the regular meeting minutes of October 16, 2017. Motion passed with Mr. Klein abstaining.

CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Klein stated that the correspondence received were:

1.  PSATS news bulletin for October, 2017,

2.  PSATS, Grassroots Advocacy Network week in review

3.  Moody’s Investors Service

4.  Comcast franchise fee

5.  Light-Heigel & Associates Inc. Property maintenance code administration rate,

6.  Harold Harmon, Road Master street sign damage

Mr. Steinmeier stated that years ago a lot of people were stealing street signs and stop signs. Young people were putting signs in their bedrooms. The parents never questioned where the kids got the signs. An article needs to be put in the newsletter to make people aware of stolen signs and that the Township would like to have the signs back. Signs are not cheap. The message needs to be put out again that stealing signs could lead to a fine or arrest.

7.  Codie Zimmerman resignation

8.  Don Holmes Parks and Recreation Board Member removal for lack of attendance.

Mr. Klein asked Mr. Holmes, Park and Recreation Director, if the member was notified that he would be removed from the Board as a courtesy.

Mr. Holmes stated that it was the recommendation of the Park and Rec Board. He will contact him.

Mr. Klein stated that contact needs to be made first before he is removed from the Board.


Richard Enck, 7112 Hillside Road- Mr. Enck commented that there was a recall on Kidde smoke alarms. It is very important that residents know about this recall.

Mr. Enck stated that tomorrow is Election Day. The Board are the elected offices. The Board was voted into office to represent the Township to run a fair government. Not a government that turns their back on residents. On October 2, 2017 he asked about sewer malfunction in Houcks Manor. From 1988-2004 is the only period that Light Heigel did research. There were only 7 areas tended to the problems: 3 required sand mounds, 2 holding tank problems, one was an easy sewer reconnect. They were all minor problems that could be fixed. Of the 118 listings only 5% is in Houcks Manor. Being that said he is asking the Board to reconsider sewer in Houck Manor. The residents would be grateful if this area was not sewered. The residents are happy with the septic systems.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Mr. Steinmeier reported the following fund balances:

A. Fund Balances (Fund balances are presented for reference only.)

General Fund Balance as of October 13, 2017 $3,651,201.87

Liquid Fuels Balance as of October 13, 2017 $516,930.99

Capital Reserve Fund Balance as of November 3, 2017 $649,301.65

B. Deposit Activity since October 17, 2017 $166,016.96

Mr. Steinmeier reported the gross payroll of October 17, 2017 totaled $36,183.95. Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mrs. Zimmerman to approve the payroll of October 17, 2017 in the amount of $36,183.95. Motion passed 4-0.

Mr. Steinmeier reported the vouchers prepaid to meet due dates were zero.

Mrs. Zimmerman questioned the voucher for Bailey Landscaping in the amount of $1600 and Best Buy Equipment in the amount $1,350. Is this something the landscaper did not do?

Mr. Holmes, Park and Recreation Director, stated that the rental of the equipment was for Public Works. The bobcat was too heavy and was sticking in the mud. Bailey Landscaping is upgrading the baseball fields because there are a lot of drainage issues which is outside of the contract for mowing.

Mrs. Zimmerman asked why Mr. Green could not fill in the holes.

Mr. Holmes stated that Mr. Green is more of a maintenance person. Stone had to be put down for drainage. The dugout were washing away and the masonry grout work needed done. The Baseball Association is going to repair the block.

Mr. Steinmeier reported the total for the vouchers to be approved is $69,989.34.

MOTION: Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the vouchers in the amount of $69,989.34. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Steinmeier reported the total for the vouchers to be approved and paid from Fire Tax is $1,182.45.

MOTION: Mrs. Zimmerman moved, seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the vouchers to be paid from Fire Tax in the amount of $1,182.45. Motion passed unanimously.



A.  Discussion- Townes at Hershey Road, Stormwater and Road Issues- Mr. Yost stated that they have not heard by from HRG to obtain information from DEP on the retention basin. Part of the research to get bonding company to make payment.

Mr. Mark Chiles, Townes of Hershey Road HOA stated that he noticed that the concrete that needs replaced has been marked.

B.  Lexington Woods Fire Hydrant Tax – Tabled. Mr. Rosario said PSAB met this week and are still researching the fire hydrant location to get an inventory to get back to the board at a later date.


A.  Motion – Consent Items: Section 607.(4) – None

B.  Motion – 2018 BOS & Office Holiday Dates

Mr. Rosario stated that currently have the employees currently get Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Holiday, and New Year’s Day off. He included in the Board packet the state holidays. With the budget being balanced, if Board wants to change holidays he would encourage the Board to consider adding Friday after Christmas and Friday after Thanksgiving and maybe give the employees their birthday as a thank you for serving the taxpayers.

Mrs. Zimmerman stated that next year Christmas is on Tuesday. You don’t mean you want off that Friday you want off Wednesday. Just want the day after the holiday. That’s how that should be worded

Mr. Klein stated that he will not be on the board in 2018 but as a taxpayer he thinks it is a ridiculous proposal. He stopped getting special treatment on his birthday when he was 7 years old. Adults are here to work. If they don’t want to work, they can find another job. They have an expansive holiday package. They almost have every holiday off plus some. They get Columbus Day off that no one gets, they get Election Day off that no one gets. Want people here that wants to work.

Mrs. Zimmerman said they don’t get Election Day off.

Mr. Rosario said what you have there is the state holidays.

Mr. Klein stated that all the employees are doing is hurting the residents. If they want the day off they should find another job. The employees are getting plenty of holidays off. If the employees want to take birthday off go back to 2nd grade. Anything more is ripping off tax payers. The employees get plenty holidays off, more than private sector and more than 75% of employees in government gets. If an employee doesn’t like the holidays, they are free to get another job.

Mr. Steinmeier stated looking at 12 holidays. The employees get 9 holidays now.

Mr. Rosario stated that he is not asking for 12 holidays. He is just asking for the day after Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas off. Keep in mind, the employees are not getting a salary increase. Also, the cost of insurance went up that the employees had to pay for. He is just saying that additional days off is something to consider.

Mr. Steinmeier stated that the average business gets 6 holidays a year. The proposal for days off is at least 11 days.

Mr. Rosario stated that putting the request in context, the employees are not getting a salary increase. This request is not coming from the employees, it is coming from the Township Manager.

Mr. Klein stated that the employees get a generous benefit package and a generous pension package. If employees feel they are being treated unfairly, they are free to get another job. It is a slap in the face to the taxpayers. That is the way he feels.

Mr. Steinmeier agrees with Mr. Klein. The employees have 9 holidays this year. He is counting 13 holidays.

Mr. Rosario said that the 13 holidays Mr. Steinmeier is counting are the state holidays. He gave the state holidays to the Board to show what the state holidays are.

Mr. Rosario stated that in 2014, the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas stopped for some reason.

Mr. Steinmeier thinks 9 holidays are good enough. He is not in favor of 11 holidays.

Mrs. Zimmerman stated that if the staff are not happy, no one is happy.

Mr. Steinmeier stated that the Board is here to work for the taxpayers. The benefits the employees get – insurance, sick leave, vacation, holidays runs about $10,000 a year per employee in benefits. There are a lot of businesses out there that don’t pay anything. The trend in the private sector is to do away with benefits; not add on. He agrees with Mr. Klein. He wants to stick with 9.

Mrs. Zimmerman stated that the decision will be made in January, 2018.

C.  Motion – Resolution 2017-43, Advertisement of 2018 Budget.

Mr. Klein stated the budget is balanced. The budget is a very lien budget with no tax increases. It is not easy to do with unfunded mandates from the state.

MOTION: Mr. Klein moved to advertise the budget and prepare to adopt the budget on December 4, 2017 meeting, seconded by Mr. Miller. The motion passed unanimously.

D.  Motion – Piketown Road Guide Rail

Mr. Klein stated that Mr. Harmon received three quotes for installation of 175 feet of guiderail for Piketown Road restoration project. The lowest bid is $6,210.

Mr. Rosario informed the board that this is the last piece of the project to be completed where the concrete barriers and lights were. The Beaver Creek work is completed. The last thing to do is to put a guiderail up. There are some unique things that the road crew felt they did not have equipment to handle it so that’s why it was bid out.

MOTION: Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Zimmerman to award the bid of $6,210. The motion passed with Mr. Miller voting no.


A.  Renewal of electric wattage usage.

Mr. Rosario stated that it’s that time again for renewal of electric usage broker. On Demand Energy.com is PSATS recommended broker. On Demand Energy has done their due diligence as Our Township Broker. The current rate is .086666 kilowatts per hour. The next renewal is a 36-month extension with a rate of .06086 kilowatts per hour which would encompass all our buildings. The rate is fully fixed and locked in for 36 months.

MOTION: Mr. Steinmeier moved, seconded by Mrs. Zimmerman to renew three-year fixed rate electrical supplier as recommended by On Demand Energy. The motion passed unanimously


Mr. Richard Enck, 7112 Hillside Road Mr. Enck stated that there are a lot of residents that do not know that people soliciting an area in the Township needs to have a permit. He had to kick a guy out of his neighborhood that did not have a permit that was selling electric and not telling the residents the downside.

Mr. Kline stated that it was put in the newsletter previously.

Mr. Enck asked if there is any signs that can be put up in the neighborhood.

Mr. Klein stated that he is free to put up a sign in his neighborhood.

Mrs. Marilyn Mullens, 7206 Linglestown Road stated that she asks that the Board have an open mind with the holidays for the employees. She manages a huge high rise and she loves that the employees at Harrisburg University is off the day after Thanksgiving because she saves huge on the energy costs. You may want to save money by changing some holiday’s around so the days are together and take away the ones that will not save energy. She is not saying to add Holidays. Maybe take away Columbus Day that don’t give you the benefit of saving energy.

Mr. Steinmeier stated that the more holidays they add on in the winter months, the road crew would get triple time on Christmas day and the day after. Getting paid for the holiday and double time. Which is roughly an average of $35 per hour per man.

Mrs. Mullens stated that she is not saying the day after Christmas. She gets her Christmas holiday if lands on Friday they get Thursday, if it lands on Monday they get Tuesday. The chances of getting a snow storm after Thanksgiving is minuscule. She is saying to be opened minded for the employees.

Mr. Steinmeier said that they did that. They took day after Thanksgiving to give them Veterans Day.

Mrs. Mullens stated that she is just saying that maybe the Board may want to juggle some holidays which would be a win win for the taxpayers and the employees.


Mrs. Zimmerman asked if the special needs signs were put up on Rider Lane; and stop sign on Fairville Avenue.