Van Zile Hall Governing Board

September 19, 2004

Roll Call

President Lorna Blasche called the meeting to order at 8:03p. Camilla Jones was excused, Ashley Sanders was late and Eric Carter was unexcused.


West Hall Vice-President

Westival Sept. 28 from 6-7:30p. There will be face painting, relay races and prizes available.

Goodnow Hall Exec member

Jaws will be presented on Sept. 25 at 5:14p in Goodnow

Laura from UP Until Dawn

Campus Wide philanthropy goes to St. Judd’s Hospital. Teams of 6-8 people try to reach a goal of $750. There is a letter writing party In late Oct., Cards are sent around the holiday season and in the spring, is the Up Until Dawn event at the rec. There is a $50 fee per group and over 100 teams signed up last year. You can register at

Reps from Acacia/Alpha of Clovia

Pillow War 2004- trying to break world record. There is a suggested donation of $3.00. All proceeds fund leadership program for Manhattan/Ogden school district. Registration is from 9:30-10:30a and starts at 11:00a

Minutes Approval

Minutes were approved as presented

Officer Reports

Vice-President: Will be pricing vacuum filters this week

Treasurer: We have $1348.12 in our budget right now. Ledgers were created for each expense account

Historian: Wal-Mart has two cameras available: a Vivitar (3.0 MP) for $98 and a Samsung (3.2 MP) for $118. Jeremy Thornbrugh moved that we let Lauren buy either camera. Judd second the motion. The motion was passed

ARH: Try to come the ARH meetings on Wednesday 9p

Intramural: Those playing soccer with west hall have won all of their games, so Congrats! Email Jeremy if you want to play mini-golf or wrestle.

Environmental: Recycling will be on Wed. at 2:30p. If you didn’t make a box, just set them outside your door.

Multicultural: The event on Saturday Sept. 25 has been moved to the Boyd lobby. Also, J-Board had a meeting and will be starting up soon.

SCC: SCC will try to do one complex activity every other week. The first activity will be Texas Holdem. There’ll be three tables (Beginner, Intermediate, Advance). As of now there is no time or date.

Advisor Reports

Camilla: A card reader for the NE door will cost $2500.00. Therefore, we will not be getting a card reader.

New Business

Shirts: We need to get shirts for the hall. We will have a design contest among VZ residents that will run from Wed. to Wed. We will review the designs and let residents vote on their favorite next week. Jeremy will handle the contest and printing of the shirts

Budget: Next meeting we will have a budget ready for approval.

CC Authorization: If you need to use the CC, fill out the form. Also make sure you tell the checker the purchase is tax-exempt BEFORE they ring you up.

Old Business

Yearbook Pictures: Our appointment is Tuesday at 8:15p in the Union Courtyard. Wear a K-State related T-shirt.

Homecoming: On Monday Sept. 20 is a mandatory meeting at 6:30p. Gavin will go and pick up our packet. Wednesday Sept. 22 is a follow-up meeting for residence halls at 7:30p. Location TBA

Bulletin Board: It’s ready to have items put on it.

Vacuum Cleaner: Housing vacuums are $200+ and these are the only ones that Housing and dining will fix if it needs repairs. We can do some research on other vacuums

Binders: Binders are almost complete. Lorna will give HGB members their binder individually

DVD Box: Maintenance is backed up so we should look into buying a box they could just mount on the wall for us. Lorna will look around to see what is available.


CSI night- Thursday nights, at the big screen, 8p

Sci-Fi night- Friday nights, at the big screen, 8p


Meeting was adjourned at 8:50p