Minutes of the Full Governing Body

held Wednesday 12th July 2017

at Warblington School

Warblington School – FGB – 12th July 2017 Page 1 of 6

Signed ………………………………………………………………Date …………………………………..

Chair of Full Governing Body


NB – Nicholas Bennett (Co-opted Governor)

CB – Claire Blundell (Co-opted Governor) *

CC – Cara Chambers (Staff Governor) *

IC – Ian Crabtree (Co-opted Governor and Chair)

DD – David Dowland (Co-opted Governor)

PF – Philip Freed (Co-opted Governor)

KG - Kathy Gunn (Co-opted Governor)

HCM – Campbell McMurray (Co-opted Governor)

MN – Marcia Nguyen (Local Authority Governor)

RP – Robert Page (Co-opted Governor)

MR – Matthew Russell (Parent Governor)

DS – Daniel Stroud (Co-opted Governor)

TV – Tracy Vear (Parent Governor)

JV – Julia Vincent (Headteacher) *

LW – Louise Warren (Parent Governor)



In attendance:

SA – Sean Aldridge (Assistant Headteacher) *

JF – Jane Fletcher (Assistant Headteacher) *

JL – Jackie Lowe (Assistant Headteacher) *

VM – Vanessa Meyer (Assistant Headteacher) *

MT – Mike Turner (LA Clerk)

EW – Ed Whiffin (Assistant Headteacher) *

JW – Jane Wood (Assistant Headteacher) *

Warblington School – FGB – 12th July 2017 Page 1 of 6

Signed ………………………………………………………………Date …………………………………..

Chair of Full Governing Body

* member of staff

Quorum is 8 Governors (half appointed Governors, rounded up)

Meeting opened at 5:16 pm and quorate.

F6.1Welcome and apologies.

ICwelcomed everyone to the meeting; it was noted NB, DSand MN were delayed due to traffic, meaning there were no apologies for absence.

F6.2Declaration of pecuniary interests.

No new declarations were made.

DS joined the meeting at 5:18 pm

F6.3Previous meeting minutes.

  1. Agreement. Acceptance of the minutes of the meeting on the 23rd May 2017 were proposed by RP, seconded by CB and agreed.
  2. Action report.
  • Re F5.3b – CCTV. It was noted that, following advice, CCTV registration was not required as it overlooks public space, not private land.
  • Other matters arising. No other matters were brought to the meeting,


  1. Correspondence with another school. IC confirmed he has been in correspondence with the Chair of Governors at a local school following several members of staff moving to them. They advise that all these appointments were made in the regular course of school business and fully in line with LA guidance. While this disagrees with the evidence held by this school it was noted that the other school advised they had investigated the matter. It was agreed not to take further action at the present time as it is hoped that the other school accept and acknowledge the concerns raised.
  2. Mr L Fisher. IC advised he had been in correspondence with Mr Fisher, thanking him for his agreement to defer moving away from the area and therefore remain Head of Humanities for another Term.

F6.5Committee reports (Minutes circulated with agenda).

  1. Staffing and Professional Development (12th June 2017).

HCM commented on the sustained hard work by staff, and the efforts to ensure they were fully supported, painting an overall positive picture of the teaching quality around the school despite the amount of staff turbulence and the concerns covered within correspondence above (Item F6.4a).

NB and MN joined the meeting at 5:28 pm

Late staff resignations also impacted on planning for 2017-18, but successful steps have been taken to secure teaching.

He added that, along with other smaller secondary schools, funding remains an issue (this was also covered in more detail within the Headteachers Report) but IC and JV alongside colleagues from other similarly impacted schools will be meeting the Hampshire Executive Member for Education.

The meeting reviewed their areas of monitoring responsibility for the SIP and provided thoughts and advice for the 2017-18 SIP.

Finally he invited Governor attendance at the CPL meeting (2:00 pm on 18th July 2017).

  1. Curriculum and Achievement (20th June 2017).

TV and NB commented on the valuable update on inclusion work around the school led by VM. It was pleasing to see that, while it still requires close monitoring, persistent absence is falling. It was also noted that the school has a substantial number of pupils recorded as “young carers” and their consequential increased pastoral support needs.

QUESTION: What was the view of the Committee regarding pupils with complex needs? ANSWER (NB): While acknowledging funding difficulties, the Committee considered these pupils and their increased needs, some of which were noted as requirements if that individual is to achieve.

QUESTION: So are there concerns about what we have, or what we need? ANSWER (NB): What we currently have is able to hold the position, but there are concerns that financial pressures could impact on this work, potentially including reduction in pastoral and/or support staffing levels. These will be difficult decisions to make and agree.

QUESTION: Turing to the number of young carers – how high is this number? ANSWER (JV): We have almost 40 pupils who have shared with staff the support they have to provide within their home life, which is a much higher percentage of pupils than elsewhere. It is also important to link this with the other factors affecting pupils here with pupil premium eligibility remaining over 30% of all pupils and high levels of recorded SEN.

QUESTION: Have we been able to secure the correct levels of LA support to these pupils? ANSWER (JV): We understand they have no plans to change levels of support for 2017-18.

F6.6Headteachers report. (This had been circulated with other meeting papers).

JV led Governors through the main areas of her report, observing that teaching of computer science continues to cause an issue following the resignation of staff. The syllabus is not one covered by all schools, meaning it is proving very hard to find a replacement teacher. After much searching and discussion two final possibilities remain, but they are not within the control of the school as they would require some form of agreed secondment or placement from their existing employer. Regretfully if these are unsuccessful the only option is to cancel the course and help the pupils move to different GCSE options which are obviously not desirable.

QUESTION: How many pupils would be affected? ANSWER (JV): The course was originally for about 30 pupils but about 1/3 were finding the syllabus difficult so are already switching to other options. That means it would impact on about 20 pupils.

The LLP Report (circulated with the Headteachers Report) contains many positives, but also highlights some of our known risks (including finance, inconsistencies within some aspects of teaching, expectations for SEN pupils). JV confirmed this Report was shared with staff today.

QUESTION: Can you comment further on the comments around consistency? ANSWER (JV): There is a need to ensure all staff are consistent in their processes – marking for example. This is being raised with individuals and groups as necessary so this is corrected and fully supported.

JV commented on the financial concerns and the meeting with senior staff from other smaller secondary schools within Hampshire which confirmed that the reduced priority to deprivation could result in a significant reduction in income for these schools. Decisions are being taken nationally as well as at County level between September and March which will clarify the matter; however all that schools, together with concerned governors and local residents, can do is to highlight the potential impact on local education. It was noted that there is a strong probability of significant debate when the budget is reviewed in November.

JV reminded Governors that the school should always be ready for Ofsted, but that the three year “window” opens in September making an Autumn Term inspection a strong probability.

QUESTION: Can you update on the catering plans for the new Term? ANSWER (JV): We have just completed the recruitment process and have appointed our sous chef. They are new to education and need to complete employment requirements but should be able to join us on 1st August for initial induction. The new kitchen remains on schedule to be available from December.

QUESTION: The LLP commented on the condition of some school text books – is this an issue we need to monitor? ANSWER (JV): This is within the budget allocation so sits with the Heads of Departments.

In considering this point it was agreed JV should report back to FGB in the Autumn Term.

QUESTION: Can you confirm the latest position with reference to the apprenticeship levy? ANSWER (JV): Our Finance Manager is tracking this issue; together with all public services, all LA schools are required to allocate from their annual budgets so this has been included within our 2017-18 budget.

F6.7Routine / cycle of business matters.

  1. Governing Body membership.

It was noted that the re-election of MR as Parent Governor in May had not been formally recorded at the last meeting, so was affirmed at this meeting. With TV resigning this leaves two further Parent Governor vacancies which will be advertised in September.

  1. Meeting dates. These had been circulated with other papers; MN proposed and KG seconded agreement.
  2. Cycle of Business. IC advised the circulated draft 2017-18 Cycle of Business will provide the core for meetings and visits next year. A final version will be shared after the first Strategy Committee meeting in September which will link key topics for each Term and ensure the cycle fits with the new 2017-18 SIP.
  3. Training feedback. It was confirmed DD will assume the role of DTG from September. Updates from training were invited:
  • Disadvantaged pupil workshop. MR and IC described this as a helpful session to better understand the funding and uses of SEN and Pupil Premium monies.
  • Local Governor Conference. IC led Governors through the main seminar learning from the annual conference. He also commented on the positive opportunities to meet and share with Governors from other schools.
  • Data and curriculum masterclass. This session restated the quality of data analysis at this school and the valued training given by them to Governors here, meaning that it became a reinforcement of learned skills. The curriculum masterclass similarly reflected the strong discussions held in the Curriculum and Achievement Committee.
  1. Skills audit. MN advised that she has received additional responses from Governors so will update before sharing the latest detail. It is expected that this will facilitate analysis of individual and corporate governor learning needs.

F6.8Governor visits & monitoring.

  1. Visits.
  • Learning walk. MN commented on the her learning walk with JV following the HTPM meeting. There were many similar thoughts to those expressed by the LLP during her visit, but it was noticeable how receptive staff and pupils were to unannounced in-class visits, with pupils appearing relaxed and comfortable with relative strangers.
  • Preparations for Ofsted. RP and TV reflected on their visit and meeting with senior staff which concentrated on curriculum and SMSE. Similar to other reports they noted the issues between offering a diverse curriculum when set against financial constraints. TV added that the school is moving towards RRR (Rights Respecting School) status.

They also noted agreement with a former pupil where they will help current pupils develop new banners and posters.

QUESTION: What is the longer term plan for these? ANSWER (JL): The intention is for them to be placed throughout the school.

  • Leaders. DS and IC commented on their meeting with JV which largely covered matters covered elsewhere, but in greater detail. This ensured there was a shared awareness and maximized support.

COMMENT: Although not a formal visit, can I congratulate everyone involved in what was an excellent sports day, a great advert for the qualities of this school.

  • Behaviour. NB and LW reported on this meeting with SA. They found it very beneficial to see how the policies, often discussed at length in and before Committee meetings, impacted on this issue.
  • Staffing and SIP. HCM and MN commented on their visit which included a premises walk. They noted the significant improvements made such as the Reading Room, describing this as a superb space that should assist pupils.

QUESTION: Is it possible this space could be used for some of our meetings, provided it would not conflict with pupils. ANSWER (JV): We will look to see if this can be scheduled.

  1. SIP. IC thanked JV and her colleagues for getting the SIP to this level; JV then led Governors through the main five strands within the new SIP, explaining that SLT and staff will meet early in the Autumn Term to finalise ready to share with Governors. The meeting then broke into small groups to look at the draft SIP and provide initial feedback.

COMMENT: I find this a simple, well laid out document I look forward to using.

QUESTION: For clarity I presume the intention is for more comment and other boxes to be filled shortly, then gradually complete them all during the term of the SIP? ANSWER (SA): Yes – for example we are still finalising prefects for next year so the section on page 5 will evolve once they are in place.

  1. Ofsted preparation. IC observed that matters and planning for the expected visit will initially be passed to the Committee Chairs to disseminate and develop using known Governor skills. The school is also looking at options including an official “trial” inspection visit early next Term.

QUESTION: Who is picking up SEN responsibility from TV?

COMMENT (PF): I would like to take on this responsibility, with support from others.

This was agreed.


Social Media Policy. This had been circulated; it was suggested that, under Section 5.1 there should be reference to the designated people/position(s). It was agreed this should sit with the SLT. With this agreed acceptance of the policy was proposed by RP seconded by MN and agreed unanimously.

In discussing this Policy, and as shared by emails prior to this meeting, the changes to data protection laws which are scheduled to come into effect next year were noted. With her professional knowledge of these changes, MN offered to liaise with EW as necessary.

F6.10Matters from the Chair.

  1. Pupil events. Inviting attendance, JV reminded Governors of the exhibition tomorrow and performance next week.
  2. IC took this opportunity to thank TV and VM for their work and support for this school for the last few years.

Responding TV thanked everyone for their determination to help pupils achieve to their ability, adding that she felt privileged and proud to have been part of the journey for the last 8 years. She also asked staff present to take back to their colleagues her thanks for the support her children had received while learning at the school.

VM also thanked everyone for their support to the school, something that she appreciated every day, adding that she had enjoyed working with valued colleagues and volunteers.

F6.11Next meeting matters.

It was agreed pupil premium should be an agenda item for the meeting scheduled for 27th September 2017.

Dates for 2017-18 (as agreed above) were noted.

The meeting closed at 6:46 pm.


Re F6.6 – Headteachers Report. JV should report back to FGB in the Autumn Term regarding LLP comments about text books.

Re F6.7a – Governing Body Membership. MT to ensure the re-election of MR is updated with Governor Services.

Re F6.7c – Cycle of Business. MT to ensure this is placed on the September Strategic Committee and FGB meeting agendas.

Re F6.7e – Skills audit. Updated audit to be finalised by MN and shared, ready for FGB review.

Re F6.8b – SIP. Updated version (post SLT and staff discussion in September) to be sent to all Governors.

Warblington School – FGB – 12th July 2017 Page 1 of 6

Signed ………………………………………………………………Date …………………………………..

Chair of Full Governing Body