West Frederick Middle School Chorus

515 W. Patrick Street

Frederick, Maryland 21701

Phone: 240-236-4100

2016-2017 Chorus Syllabus

Kristofer Roberson – Teacher

Phone: 240-236-4133


Introduction: Welcome to Chorus, where we will sing and learn about music. The Chorus curriculum is designed to enable students to enhance skills needed to be a successful singer/vocalist and member of a performance ensemble. Students will be learning various vocal exercises and techniques to strengthen their singing, improve their pitch/intonation, and develop the ability to perform selected songs in a small group. Students will also be instructed infundamental music concepts such as rhythmic identification, note reading and basic terminology. In addition, students will be taught about the social and historical importance of music in relation to specific time periods and events.

Grading Policy: Students will be evaluated frequently in Chorus on their knowledge, skill and performance using a variety of methods. All evaluations compiled for grading will fall into one of three categories: Participation, Classwork &Rehearsals and Written & PerformanceAssessment. Grades will be posted weekly to Pinnacle for parents and students to review.

Participation (20% of the term grade): Students will be assessed daily on participation in the Chorus classroom. Participation expectations are routinely reviewed and posted in the classroom for all students to see. At the end of each week, participation points will be totaled into a cumulative grade. Students will be graded for participation based upon five criteria:

1.Be actively engaged in class by singing, listening and performing.

2.Complete all tasks to the best of your ability.

3. Use materials (i.e. music and instruments) responsibly and appropriately.

4.Be prepared for learning and singing.

5. Follow P.R.I.D.E. at all times.

Classwork Rehearsals (30% of the term grade): Classwork consists of various activities and assignments performed during the day that are directly related to the concept being taught during Chorus. Classwork will be comprised of performance activities and skill building techniques, as well as knowledge-based tasks and written assignments. During the class rehearsals, students will be graded on their ability to perform as a singer, a member of an ensemble, and on their understanding of musical concepts.

Written Performance Assessments (50% of the term grade): Students will be assessed formally on both knowledge and performance skills using a variety of methods. Knowledge-based assessments will measure a student’s comprehension on specific topics and lessons, while performance-based assessments will measure the student’s ability to apply and perform such tasks personally. Informal or non-graded assessments will happen daily, and be used to gauge student success and lesson effectiveness. Informal assessments will determine when the concept has been mastered by the class and formal graded assessments may be administered. Pretests and other informal assessments may be noted on Pinnacle but will not be weighted, thus not affecting the final grade.

*Concerts: Chorus is a performance based class with the purpose of rehearsing performing music in

front ofan audience as the culminating event. Since the purpose of Chorus is to instruct students in

the artof performance, a minimum of two concerts are required as part of class. Each concert is a one-hundred (100) pointassessment grade. Students who fail to participate in a concert will have points deducted from the concert assessment grade.

Positive Behavior Supports: While in class, students will be expected to conduct themselves in a positive, polite and well-behaved manner. Students will be expected to follow the WFMS P.R.I.D.E. rules at all times. Students demonstrating positive behavior will be acknowledged. In the rare occasion that a student chooses not to follow directions, various methods of redirection will be attempted. Should the student continue to be off task, he or she will then be given a consequence. Consequences will be issued in the following order: verbal warning, classroom reflection, parent contact, lunch detention(s) andoffice referral.

Attendance: The Chorus class is like any other ensemble. Each student is a valued and important part of the whole group. Every student brings specific skills, talents or knowledge to the class. Therefore, attendance in class is very important to successful learning. Students who are absent miss the opportunity to acquire new skills, enhance existing techniques and refine their performance abilities. In class, much emphasis is placed on being involved in the ensemble, very similar to the emphasis placed upon attendance and involvement on a sports team.

Because such emphasis is placed upon attendance, students are expected to arrive to class on time, ready with materials and prepared to learn. Should tardiness to class become an issue, several steps will be implemented to correct the behavior. Students who arrive lateunexcused twice to Chorus will be given a lunch detention. Upon the third unexcused tardy, parent contact will be made and appropriate consequences will be administered.

Communication: Personal reminders and information concerning Theatre Arts activities will be communicated via Twitter and remind.com announcements. Parents and students are encouraged to follow the Performing Arts Department on Twitter @WFMSarts. Additionally, parents and students will be given the opportunity to receive text and/or email announcements using the site remind.com. Information regarding remind.com will be sent home during the first week of school.

Open Door Policy: Concerns, questions and comments from students and parents are always welcomed in this classroom. Students are encouraged to ask questions and bring comments and concerns to the teacher as they arise. Answers can only be given once a question has been asked. Parents are encouraged to contact myself via email (the most efficient way) or telephone to inquire about the Chorus curriculum or their student’s learning and classroom life.