
Cat Drinkard, President

Leslie Nield-Anderson, Vice-President

Kathy Martin, Treasurer

Larry Kehlenbeck, Member at Large

Ken Krupp, Member at Large

Absent: Carol Cuthbertson, Member at Large

Kelley Dryden, Member at Large. Has resigned from the BOD

20 members in attendance of this first open BOD meeting.


Approval of Minutes from last meeting; Ken Krupp Motioned to accept. Leslie Nield-Anderson 2nd, passed


Treasurer: Kathy Martin states we have a balance of $5,857.65

Courts Update: John Robek presented, Aurora Civil engineering is working with the county to get permits. There will have enough information to present a Budget to the REFC hopefully by October. They are working with SWFWM to get approval. County Review Department comments due 9/29. The 2nd round with the county will move faster. Expect Mid October – Mid November for Approval. It is expected that there will be no issues with the septic field for the bathrooms.

501 c 7 status: Leslie has been working very hard on this and has completed her part. Just waiting for the financial section to be completed.

Unfinished Business: The website will be up and running by the first part of November. It will be accessible from the VESTA website. There will be a member’s only area. A Webmaster will be needed to maintain the site and I believe we have a candidate.

Mission Statement: The Mission Statement that was posted in the Newsletter was approved. Leslie Nield-Anderson motioned to accept it and Ken Krupp seconded. All were in favor.

Discussion on a permanent sign to be hung at the courts that basically says: KPPBC pays for all supplies. If you play more than 3 times we ask that you support the club by joining or giving a donation towards balls. BOD will follow through with these thoughts.

Discussion about nonresident memberships. The BOD will come up with a criteria taken from the suggestions presented. We will start with 5 openings and see how it goes.


Courts 2 & 3 will be closed Oct. 1 and 2 to repair the cracks. With curing time they will probably not open until sometime on Saturday. Please do not start using until Vesta announces they are ready. Courts 1 and 4 will be available for use.

We have been given permission to hang a practice board in court 1. Ken motioned to proceed with this. Larry seconded and it was passed. Larry and Troy Drinkard will get it hung. Please, when you are using this board, use the container of orange and yellow balls marked practice balls. This will help save our better balls for games.

Also, please only take 1 or 2 balls out to the court as you are playing. The heat and humidity ruin the balls. Better yet just take a ball out each time you go out to play.

There was discussion about a 2016 Membership dues increase. Our dues are by far the cheapest we have found by quite a bit. The feeling was that we should increase to $15 pp this year. Kathy motioned and Cat seconded. All were in favor. Each member needs to fill out new waivers which are available in the cabinet at the courts. Please print clearly as this is our means of communication and if we cannot read it you may not get notices. Payment should be by check made out to KPPBC. You can either drop it off at Kathy’s house (address on waiver) or put it in the suggestion slot at the courts.

With the coming of Day Light savings time and the earlier onset of dusk, it was decided to start our winter schedule. Monday and Wednesday at 3:00 until dusk will be beginner player times. The more established players will continue to play Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays from 3 until dusk. Reminder that the courts are open for play anytime. This is just a way that different levels can find a group they are comfortable playing with.

The BOD is trying to establish Introduction to Pickleball/beginner Clinics. We would like to have a pool of names to draw from of those interested in working with these workshops. The idea is to have this pool to draw from, have new players sign up and then arrange a time to meet. If we get a few names of helpers you should only have to work 1 or 2 clinics. You can contact Cat Drinkard to put your name in.

We have candidates for our opening BOD positions. There is still time to enter your name or someone else’s. The BOD will discuss and vote on October 12 to see who will be filling these 2 positions. They will be presented to the membership at our October 15 BOD meeting. Thank you to everyone who has stepped forward or even inquired about the positions. Whether it worked out or not, it is truly appreciated.

A thank you to all of the members who attended this meeting. Your input is greatly appreciated. I hope we answered your questions.

Meeting adjourned at 4:02

Respectfully submitted by Cat Drinkard


A date change for our Annual Banquet to Saturday March 5, 2016

We are working on having a Golf Cart Poker Run on St Patty’s Day. Details to follow

There will be a Welcome Back Pot Luck at the N. Club Gazebo on November 5. Details to follow

As the snowbirds return please observe the court rules. Use the sign up board. You must be off the court in order to put your name down. If you have a group of 4 waiting to play together and the next box is not full, skip a box before writing down your names. If more than 5 groups are waiting for an open court please limit your games to 9 points winning by 1. This is a self-governing rule and will help move court usage along. Return to normal scoring as the crowd thins.

Thank you.

See you on the courts