West End Public School District, RE-2


West End Public Schools
225 W. 4th Ave

Nucla, CO 81424
Phone (970)864-7350


Deliver 1 electronic copy via email + 5 Original Copies to:

Thomas Taucher
225 W. 4th Ave

Nucla, CO 81424
Phone (970)864-7350

All official communication with Candidates and questions regarding this RFQ/P will be via email to the Owner Contact listed above. No inquiries will be accepted after the clarification deadline as indicated in the project schedule.

All Candidate inquiries will be responded to at the same time which will be after the “Clarification Deadline”. Responses to clarification will be made available October 23, 2012 on the Owner website where the RFQ/P is posted. Candidates should not rely on any other statements, either written or oral, that alter any specification or other term or condition of the RFQ/P during the open solicitation period. Candidates should not contact any team members or any individual associated with the Owner or the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) regarding this RFQ or this project.



Preliminary PK-12 Project Schedule

Issue RFQ/P for Owner’s representative 10|10|2012

Optional Site visit………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………10|17|2012 at 1:00 p.m.

RSVP to Tom Taucher by 10|15|12 at 5:00 p.m.

Notify district of intent to submit………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10|19|2012

Clarification questions due………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10|22|2012

Clarification responses provided………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10|23|2012

Responses due back on RFQ/P 10|25|2012

Notify shortlist for interviews 10|31|2012

Interviews for Owner’s Representative 11|13|2012

Select Owner’s Representative 11|14|2012

Contract negotiation 11|14|2012

OR to meet with district to discuss pros/cons of each delivery method………………………………………..wk of 11|19|2012

The following dates are provided for reference. The O/R will assist the district first in determining a delivery method, and in confirming dates for the RFQ/P for the design team. While the term ‘Design Team’ is referenced, in addition to a Design-Bid-Build or CM/GC approach, a Design-Build approach could also be selected, so the reference is not meant to exclude a delivery method from consideration.

Issue RFQ/P for Design Team 11|28|2012

Responses due back on RFQ/P 12|12|2012

Notify shortlist for interviews 12|19|2012

Interviews for Design Team wk of 01|07|2013

Select Design Team 01|10|2013

Contract negotiation wk of 01|14|2013

Kick-off Design meeting 01|21|2013

Completion of Design and Construction Documentation (16 wks) 05|20|2013

Submit for Building Permit 05|20|2013

Construction start 07|20|2013

Completion/occupancy (16 months) 12|15|2014


Owner Background

West End Public Schools: The West End School District RE-2 is located in Southwestern Colorado and covers approximately 1000 square miles. The present district enrollment is 293 students.

An elementary/middle school consisting of PK-8 is located in Naturita. The high school consisting of grades 9-12 is located in Nucla. The administration office is located in Nucla High School. Paradox Valley Charter School is located in Paradox, thirty miles southwest of Naturita.

Project Description

PK-12 School Replacement. The West End Public Schools PK-12 School Replacement project will consist of consolidation of Naturita Elementary/middle School to a new PK-12 school in Nucla. The existing high school building will be replaced with the new PK-12 school building on the existing High School site. The district administrative facilities will be relocated from the existing high school to the historic stone building which will be blended into the new PK-12 facility. As part of the project, the historic stone building will be remodeled in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.

West End Public Schools applied for and successfully secured a BEST grant for the PK-12 school replacement project. Coordination with West End Public Schools and CDE staff will be required from design through construction completion. The total Grant award for this project including both soft and hard cost is$21,911,111. Of this amount, $1,043,386 are reserve dollars which can only be used for unforeseen conditions.

West End Public Schools PK-12 School replacement project is contingent on passage of Ballot issue 3A, November 6, 2012, and upon successful BEST financing currently scheduled to close in December of 2012. If the ballot issue fails, the interviews will be cancelled.


The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit a Qualified Owner Representative (Candidate) to contract with the Owner and also work closely with the CDE to provide customary owner’s representative services for the pre-construction, construction, closeout, and post-occupancy phases of the project.


Organize your RFQ/P response using the following outline. Please separate each section with dividers or tabs using the appropriate section labels. No fees shall be included in the RFQ Submittal.


A maximum two page letter of interest that includes a synopsis of the firm, business principals, distinguishing characteristics, approach to completing this project, primary contact information, and signed by the principal-in-charge.


Please address each criterion listed below as it relates to your firms relevant experience and qualifications.

1.  Identify the individual who will be the main point of contact and the team responsible for providing services for the duration of the project. Consultant shall not change or substitute these individuals without prior approval. The Owner reserves the right to determine the acceptability of these individuals.

2.  Provide all team members experience and responsibilities, including resumes. Provide background information including education, professional titles, related qualifications, specific roles in past projects.

3.  Describe your firms past experience with providing Owner’s Representation, highlighting any projects with similar size and scope to the proposed project.

4.  Provide your firms project organization structure and responsibilities.

5.  How does your firm provide an in-depth cost evaluation of proposals, fees and budgets?

6.  Show your ability/approach to organize, develop and maintain project schedules.

7.  The project intends to use a multidisciplinary collaboration project approach. Describe your firm’s knowledge with an integrated design process.

8.  Describe your firm’s knowledge of LEED & CO-CHPS criteria and program requirements.

9.  Describe your firm’s understanding of commissioning, measurement and verification.

10.  Describe your firm’s understanding of the Owner, its organization and leadership.

11.  Based on your current workforce and staffing in addition to the number of projects your firm currently has under contract or in negotiation does your firm have the capacity to complete this project? What percentage of your firm is currently involved in other projects?

12.  This project requires the Candidate to carry, at a minimum, general liability insurance and workers compensation according to State laws. Please provide the type and limits of coverage your firm carries.

13.  Ability to manage and develop a master budget and maintain it throughout the project to ensure a quality project is delivered within budget.

14.  Demonstrate a working knowledge in some or all disciplines including architectural design, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, roof design and maintenance, construction cost estimating, facility management and maintenance, information technology (word, excel, accounting). Indicate which disciplines you are knowledgeable and have expertise and/or experience.

15.  Provide description of any lawsuits or claims including status and resolutions.

16.  Understanding of all Bonding, Permitting and Insurance requirements for school construction.

17.  Identify any other unique challenges/ approaches that you have experienced that will assist the Owner with a successful project.

18.  Describe your firm’s process for minimizing Owner’s risk thought a project.

19.  What does your firm do to ensure a safe construction site?

20.  Demonstrate experience and understanding of different delivery methods. Note what delivery method you prefer.


The Owner’s Representative is expected to act on the owner’s behalf in overseeing the project through completion and into occupancy. The candidate’s proposed scope of services should include, but is not limited to, each item listed below. Please provide a narrative of your approach to providing the services below, and explicitly identify any additions or exclusions. When appropriate include the number of meetings, site visits, etc., and any other pertinent descriptions that clearly identify services included in the proposal.

1.  Owner’s Representative Services

Complete the Scope of Services Matrix provided as Exhibit A. The Candidate must validate each line in the exhibit by marking either provided or excluded.


It is expected that your firm has the current capabilities and capacity to complete the project by the date listed in the project schedule. Provide a detailed schedule, including milestones, from the notice to proceed date through post-occupancy services. Provide reasoning, in this section, for any modifications or alterations your firm wishes to make to the recommended project schedule. Please note that this project is intended to provide the district with all of the services noted within the RFQ/P for one not-to-exceed lump fee. There are no change orders anticipated due to additional time requirements. It is the responsibility of the Owner’s Representative to assist the district by effectively managing the schedule to a timely completion.


This project will occur in a remote part of Colorado. Please provide your experience working as an Owner’s Representative in remote locations. Please explain how you anticipate working with the challenge of reaching our location for both yourself and for consultants, contractors, vendors, etc. traveling to our location.


Provide a comprehensive list of ALL school projects completed or begun within the last 5 years, with contact information, along with a project description. Identify in the reference list which projects this team has performed collectively.


The selection process consists of two phases, followed by negotiations with the apparent winner.

Phase 1 – RFQ Review

The Owner’s Selection Committee will evaluate and score the RFQ submittals based on the selection criteria listed below:

Selection Criteria / Max Point Possible
Section 1: Letter of Interest. How complete and concise was the letter of interest and RFQ/P response? Was the RFQ/P well organized, with complete information responding to all of the submittal criteria? / 10 points
Section 2: Experience and Qualifications Provided a comprehensive and insightful experience and qualifications package which highlighted key personnel in addition to other items as stated. / 30 points
Section 3: Scope of Services. Candidate has affirmed each of the Owners requirements for this project and demonstrates a clear understanding of Owner's needs and clear direction toward completing scope of work. / 30 points
Section 4: Schedule. Ability to complete the tasks within the timeframe needed. Submitted complete & understandable schedule. / 25 points
Section 5: Rural Experience. Demonstrated ability in assisting district’s in remote/rural locations. / 20 points
Section 6: References. Candidate has provided a comprehensive project list with contact information for projects completed over the last five years. / 10 points
Total Points / 125 points

Phase 2 – Interview

An interview invitation will be sent out to the three Candidates with the highest RFQ/P submittal scores on the date noted in the project schedule. The invitation will explain the interview requirements and provide the time and location. The purpose of the interview is to ensure a full understanding of the RFQ/P responses and to introduce key members of the O/R team.

The interviews will consist of a short presentation followed by a longer period for questions and answers. During the short presentation, the lead consultant for the project should be identified along with members of the O/R team. Please note team members that will not be directly working on the project are not invited to the oral interviews.

The apparent winner will be determined based on their interview score, which is separate from their RFQ/P submittal score.

Interview Scoring Criteria / Max Point Possible
1.  Presentation: Did applicant read interview letter and respond to the items requested? / 25 points
2.  Interview: Applicant’s response to scored interview questions (approximately 10 – 12 questions). / 35 points
3.  Fee Proposal: Does applicant’s fee proposal address all of the items requested? Is fee proposal competitive both the anticipated budget and with the other candidates? / 30 points
4.  References / 10 points
Total Points / 100 points


Shortlisted Candidates shall prepare a detailed fee proposal as outlined below. The fee proposal is to be submitted in a sealed envelope prior to the start of their interview. Failure to provide a fee proposal which addresses each of the items listed below may result in disqualification from the RFQ/P process.

Detailed fee proposals shall include the following:

ü  Lump sum fee;

ü  Detailed statement of work;

ü  Confirmation that all scope items from the original RFQ/P will be addressed;

ü  Any exclusions with explanations;

ü  # of hours;

ü  # of people;

ü  Other resources;

ü  How the resources are to be used;

ü  Breakout of anticipated reimbursables included in the fee proposal;

ü  Hourly rates for all personnel involved in the project;

ü  Number of site visits anticipated to complete the work;

ü  Breakout of fees for any non-required scope proposed;

The negotiated fee is anticipated to include all costs including reimbursables for the project resulting in a "not to exceed" format contract.

Candidates are requested to submit Exhibit A with the initial response and Exhibit B only for short-listed candidates (this will be forwarded with the interview invitation). For short-listed candidates, Exhibit B should accompany the candidate’s fee proposal in the sealed envelope.

Fee proposals will be requested only for the short-listed candidates. Fee proposals will not be opened until all of the interview scoring has been completed, and will be scored at that time to provide a complete score for the interview portion.

If the apparent winner’s fee exceeds the Owners budget and if subsequent negotiations with the apparent winner are unsuccessful, the Owner reserves the right to negotiate with the next highest-scoring Candidate.

VII. Acceptance and Rejection

After the final selection has been made, the Owner will provide a summary of scores and a decision memorandum to each of the RFQ/P Candidates.