We are please that you are planning to be married at Wesley Church. The following guidelines are provided to assist you in your planning:

1. All weddings performed at Wesley United Methodist Church, Georgetown, Delaware will be conducted under the direct supervision of the pastor of the church.

2.Other Participating Clergy:

If you wish to have another minister participate in your wedding, this must be arranged in advance with the pastor of Wesley Church, whose personal invitation to the other minister shall be required. Such a request should be made to the pastor at the time of your initial contact to arrange your wedding.

3.Scheduling for Weddings and Premarital Counseling:

Dates for weddings should be arranged well in advance by calling the pastor, who will arrange an appointment with the couple to discuss wedding plans and premarital counseling. The pastor will want to meet with the couple prior to the wedding for 4 premarital counseling sessions.

4.Legal Requirements:

All those desiring to be married must comply with the laws of the State of Delaware. Requirements for obtaining a marriage license may be obtained from the Sussex County, Clerk of Peace. If both parties to be married are nonresidents of the state, they must obtain a marriage license issued at least 96 hours prior to the time of the ceremony. A marriage license issued to residents of the State of Delaware entitles the parties to marry after 24 hours. The license is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance. It is recommended that the license be obtained at least one week prior to the wedding. You are asked to bring the license to the church office when you get it, or at least by the Monday before the wedding.

5.Flower, Decorations, and Use of the Sanctuary:

The florist of your choice is welcome to visit the church before deciding on appropriate arrangements. We discourage the use of aisle runners, as they present a safety hazard. It is the florist’s responsibility to remove all flowers and decorations following the ceremony. Please do not use tacks or nails in the woodwork, and be sure that any tape or gum used to attach decoration is completely removed. It is important to leave the sanctuary the way it was found. If you wish to leave your wedding flowers in the sanctuary for the Sunday morning service, please contact the church office so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

6.Photography and Videotaping:

The Service of Marriage is a service of worship, where the taking of flash photographs would be most inappropriate. No flash photographs are to be taken during the ceremony (after the Processional or before the Recessional). These policies apply to professional photographers, as well as family members and guests. Pictures maybe posed before or after the ceremony.

7Rice, Confetti, and Birdseed:

The throwing of rice or confetti is not permitted. The use of birdseed since it is a “useable resource” after it is thrown or bubbles are encouraged.

8.Guidelines for Dressing and Storage of Valuables:

The bride and attendants are welcome to dress in the Margarett Henderson Room. The groom attendants are welcome to dress in the Choir Room. All purses and other valuables can be locked in the Margarett Henderson Room or the Choir Room during the ceremony. The use of these rooms for your wedding party can be arranged by calling the church office. A good rule of thumb is – bring only what is necessary.

9.Rental and Use of Jones Hall:

Jones Hall is available for your wedding reception. It should be reserved well in advance of thedate of the wedding by calling the church office. No smoking or Alcoholic beverages permitted. You will need to make private arrangements for catering and food preparation. Those using the hall are responsible for seeing that it is returned to the condition in which it was found immediately follow the reception. As the hall is not available the night before your wedding, when planning for your reception, you will need to allow time for decorating the hall, setting up chairs and/or tables on the day of your wedding. (Please see room rental form for fees and further information)


The Service of Marriage is a service of Christian worship, and music selected, played and sung is to be selected with this in mind.

11.Use of Soloists and Other Musicians:

The church organist is in charge of music for every wedding. Any request for another organist or any other musicians must be first made through the pastor and then the organist. If another organist is requested, the church organist must give approval, to insure that any preset organ stops are not disrupted. The organis has the right to refuse to allow any musician to play the organ if that person is not qualified or trained Soloists can be arranged by making a request to the pastor, or can be provided by the bride and groom. Once the soloist is requested, the soloist must arrange a rehearsal with the organist. Soloists may rehearse with the organist before or after a wedding rehearsal, but not during the rehearsal.

12.Sound Equipment Use Policy:

No Group or organization will be allowed to use the sound equipment without signing a written agreement with Wesley church board of Trustees or their designee. A representative of the church competent in the use of the sound equipment will be on site to monitor its use and to insure it is left in a useable manner after the group or organization is finished with its use. There will be a fee paid by the group or organization to compensate the church designee for their time monitoring the equipment. The fee schedule will be $50.00 for ½ day (4 hours maximum) and $100.00 for a fullday (8 hour maximum).