Orlando Chapter of IFMA

Board of Directors July 2013 Meeting Minutes


Date: July 10, 2013

Location of Meeting: 2315 Lynx Ave., Orlando, Florida


Orlando Chapter of IFMA’s Mission Statement

The Orlando Chapter of IFMA is an organization dedicated to developing the professional growth of our members through education, networking, certification, and promotion of the facility management Profession.

Board Members in attendance:

President: Steve Mathes / X / Grace Cubarrubia – Director, Membership Chair / X
Vice President: Darlene King / X / Lisa Cloud-Kelly- Director, Education Chair / X
Treasurer: Amie Erickson / X / Phil Keller – Director, Social Chair / X
Secretary: Ramona Livingston / X / Ramona Livingston-Director, Community Chair / X
Past President: David Dunn / X / Alan Fickett – Director, Sponsorship Chair / X
Gerie Vogt – Director, Program Chair / X
Renee Ponik – Director, Newsletter/Webpage Chair

Committee members/Others’ in attendance:

Renee Perrin - Chapter Administration / X
Ben Paredes – Membership Co-Chair / X
Fred Livingston – Education Co-Chair
Charles Davidson – CenturyLink / X
Andrea Marzullo – Exec Director, USGBC Central Florida / X
Kim Frith, Alto Sustainability, USGBC Central Florida / X

Meeting Called to Order by Steve at 11:45 a.m.

·  Steve asked everyone to review the June Minutes.

·  Steve asked for a motion that the June Minutes be accepted; Alan made a motion, Amie seconded. Steve asked for a vote, motion was approved unanimously.

President’s Report

·  Steve welcomed Andrea & Kim from USGBC Central Florida. USGBC is interested in partnering with us for future programs. Specifically the Nemours Hospital tour and the Reverse Trade Show. Trade Show – they may want to have a table there and invite their members, vendors, contractors, etc. to come through. USGBC members pay our member rate when they attend our events and vise versa. This is an agreement between USGBC and IFMA national. Steve would like to see USGBC events advertised on our calendar, emails, etc. as well. www.USGBC-cf.org is their website. Their current membership is 215. Amie shared Valencia SFP and FMP class information. Steve would like to see our two groups work together on programs in 2014. Average of 20 people typically attend their events.

·  Reviewed how people are registering for tables/lunch at the Reverse Trade Show. Renee will include a spot for those who register to add guests they will be bringing to the event.

·  Steve needs to put down a 50% deposit for Incredible Edibles, who will be catering the lunch and after hours drinks for the Reverse Trade Show event. We have three sponsors confirmed for the event thus far. Please encourage everyone you know/work with to register!

Treasurer’s Report

·  Amie will email it out within the next week.

Education – Lisa

·  A webinar on Leadership was held yesterday (July 9, 2013), presented by Kathy Nelson of KSC. Two people total in attendance. There is too much material in the new books to be covered in one hour. Lisa is looking into how long the webinars need to be in the future. We may need to deliver one competency in two sessions, as there is just too much material to cover in one session. Kathy Nelson will present the second half of Leadership in August. David will present the two new competencies beginning in October and November. Lisa will work with her committee to review the new materials and how we want to move forward in the future.

·  IFMA national does provide a volume discount for purchasing CFM exam review materials. Encourage members to submit a scholarship application if they would like assistance.

·  Board reviewed the three scholarship applications which were received. Ben left the room during this review. Alan made a motion to award applicant A $1725, applicant B $930 and applicant C $1725. Motion died on the floor as no second was given. Steve made a motion to award Ben Paredes of Tecta America $1725 which includes the online course fee and the application fee and to table all other applications for further review at the August board meeting, Phil seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Lisa will revise the scholarship application and email it to the board members for review.

Programs – Gerie

·  Florida Hospital Orlando employee, Dennis L. Beatty, Colonel, will be the speaker for the July 25th program luncheon. He will speak on being an FM in Iraq.

·  Gerie handed out the program schedule for the remainder of 2013. Nemours tour in August. September panel discussion on HVAC, possibly at UCF. More will be discussed with Larry. IKEA tour November 15, 2013.

·  Alan made motion to tip KSC food at 15%, Grace seconded. Passed unanimously. Amie will send them a check for that amount.

Social – Phil

·  Wednesday, August 7, 2013 bowling event at Colonial Lanes. This location has been in operation from 1952, so we’re going with a 50s theme. Awards for best costume. FMs attend at no charge, $25 for associate members. Two games of bowling, food, two drink tickets, chance to win raffle prizes included with registration. Teams will be mixed as registration is received rather than pre-selected teams as we did last year.

·  Grace will contact Prodigy about becoming a member, as they want to give a raffle prize for the August bowling event.

Membership – Grace

·  Currently at 188 members. Grace and Ben will work together on contacting new/renewing members.

Sponsorship – Alan

·  Gave platinum sponsor banner to Renee for safe keeping.

Community Involvement – Ramona

·  None


·  None

Old Business

·  Darlene is working with Veith Consulting on our new website design. Final layout should be emailed to board in the next week.

·  Renee Ponik and the strategic planning committee met regarding the balanced scorecard at Empire Office on Friday, June 21st. Committee members in attendance were: Renee Ponik, Allan Fickett, Kathy Nelson, Darlene King and Grace Gubarrubia. More details to come.

·  Board members need to review our sponsorship levels and be prepared to discuss in August. What benefits should be included at the platinum level???

Steve asked for a motion to adjourn, Lisa made a motion, Gerie seconded; Steve asked for a vote and the motion was approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:23 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Ramona Livingston, CFM, MIS
