You have been sent this survey because you work or come into contact with children within City and Hackney. The City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Board (CHSCB) is responsible for coordinating safeguarding activity and ensuring its effectiveness. As part of its work, the CHSCB would like to hear from you to help measure confidence in practice, learning from case reviews and knowledge of local priorities.
Please note that this survey is confidential; we ask for your name and organisation to validate responses. The survey should take five to ten minutes to complete and I would like to personally thank you for your cooperation.
Jim Gamble, Independent Chair of City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Board
Your nameAgency/ organisation
Where do you work? / City of London / Hackney / Across both Local areas
1. Please circle or mark one answer per row:
Do you work directly or come into contact with children? / Yes / NoI am happy to be contacted for a short conversation on my survey responses. / Yes / No
I would like to be invited to a ‘Meet the Independent Chair’ event to share my experiences further. / Yes / No
2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
· If you work in Hackney only, please answer statements A, B, C, E and G.
· If you work in City only, please answer statements A, B, D, F and G.
· If you work across both Hackney and City please answer all statements!
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagreeA / I consider that my workload is manageable.
B / I have access to good quality supervision or professional support when I am involved in safeguarding or child protection cases.
C / Answer if you work in HACKNEY or ACROSS BOTH LOCAL AREAS. If you only work in City leave blank.
I know how to access and use the Hackney Child Wellbeing Framework.
D / Answer if you work in CITY or ACROSS BOTH LOCAL AREAS. If you only work in Hackney leave blank.
I know how to access and use the City of London Thresholds of Need tool.
E / Answer if you work in HACKNEY or ACROSS BOTH LOCAL AREAS If you only work in City leave blank.
I am clear about when a referral to Children’s Social Care (Hackney) is necessary.
F / Answer if you work in CITY or ACROSS BOTH LOCAL AREAS. If you only work in Hackney leave blank.
I am clear about when a referral to the Children and Families Team (City of London) is necessary.
G / I am confident that I know what to do if I disagree with another professional about their actions or decisions.
3. Please indicate your level of confidence with ALL of the following statements:
Extremely confident / Very confident / Moderately confident / Slightly confident / Not at all confidentHow confident are you that you would know what to do if you were concerned about the behaviour of a professional working with or having access to children and young people?
How confident are you in identifying the risks for children and young people associated with neglect?
How confident are you in identifying the risks for children and young people associated with Domestic Violence or abuse?
How confident are you in identifying the risks for children and young people associated with Female Genital Mutilation?
How confident are you in identifying the risks for children and young people associated with Child Sexual Exploitation?
How confident are you in identifying the risks for children and young people associated with Radicalisation?
How confident are you in identifying the risks for children and young people associated with social media and technology?
How confident are you in knowing about how and when to share information with other professionals?
How confident are you that you would be able to identify a child living in a Private Fostering arrangement?
4. Are you aware of the CHSCB training programme?
Yes / No4b. If yes, how do you receive updates on the CHSCB training offer? (please select one or more options below)
· CHSCB Website
· CHSCB ‘Things You Should Know’ Briefings
· Your agencies communications highlights CHSCB training
· Other (please specify): …………………………………………………
4c. If yes, does your organisation encourage you to participate in CHSCB training?
Yes / No5. CHSCB regularly emails out the ‘Things You Should Know’ (TUSK) briefing; do you receive a copy each month?
Yes / No5a. If you DO NOT receive the TUSK briefing and you would like to be added to the CHSCB mailing list, please confirm your email address below. You will then receive updates on CHSCB training and also our monthly 'Things You Should Know' briefing
5b. If you DO receive the TUSK briefing, how do you receive it? (please select one or more options below)
· I am on the CHSCB mailing list.
· I receive an email/paper copy from my organisation.
· I visit the CHSCB website.
· Other (please specify): …………………………………………………
Please return this survey to Sandra Reid, Business and Performance Manager, City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Board, 4th Floor, Hackney Learning Trust, 1 Reading Lane, Hackney, E8 1GQ