1. Competition

April 23rd – 24th 2016to be held in Cardiff Talybont LC.

  1. Events

The event is a two day tournament consisting of a team event on the Saturday and individual event on the Sunday. Both days must include singles, level doubles and mixed doubles events.

  1. Eligibility

To enter you will need to be:

  • Affiliated to Badminton Wales as a University.
  • A current student studying at a Welsh University.

Note: You will need to quote your Universities BW affiliation number on the entry form.

If you are not affiliated, please contact Carissa Turner (s) with an application form. Annual affiliation for a University costs £100. The affiliation form can be found on the Badminton Wales website, under ‘membership.’

  1. Entries

The BW Events Officer is responsible for accepting entries and submitting them into the draw. Please email Carissa Turner (s) to submit your entry.

  • The closing date for entries is 14 days before the event.
  • Entries must be submitted in the appropriate format with the correct fee.
  • Once an entry has been submitted and accepted by the BW Events Officer, the entrant is liable for the entry fee.
  • In the Team Event, each University must enter a minimum of 2 male and 2 female players but this is restricted to a maximum of 4 male and 4 female players.
  • In the Individual Event each University can enter as many players per event as they please.

Late entries will only be accepted at the BW Events Officers discretion and if numbers permit.

  1. Entry Forms and Fees

A single entry form will be produced by the BW Events Officer and will be emailed to participating Universities before the event.

The entry fee for the Team Event for each University will be £200.

The entry fee for the Individual Event will be £__ per event per player.

The fee must be paid at least 7 days before the event in order to enter, via BACS transfer or cheque.

Refunds will not be provided unless there are exceptional circumstances.

  1. Competition Format

The first day of the event will consist of a ‘Team Competition.’ The second day of the event will consist of an ‘Individual Competition.’ If time permits after the team event, the individual event can be started that day at the Tournament Organisers discretion.

  • Team: The team competition will be played on a group basis, with a minimum of 2 Universities in each group. The winner and runner up of each group will proceed to knockout stages. Each match within the group will consist of 5 games:
  • 1 men’s singles
  • 1 ladies singles
  • 1 men’s doubles
  • 1 ladies doubles
  • 1 mixed doubles

Each player can play a maximum of 2 games. Not all competitors must play a game.

In the event of a semi-final, once a University has won 3 out of the 5 games the match is considered an automatic win and that University will proceed to the next stage, or in the case of a final; win the competition.

  • Individual: The individual competition will be played on a group basis, with a minimum of 3 competitors in each group. The winner and runner up of each group will proceed to knockout stages. In cases deemed appropriate by the tournament organiser, Universities can combine players for doubles matches if no other partner is available from that University.

For each event (MS, LS, MD, LD, XD) Universities can enter as many players per event as they please. The players to be entered into each event must be stated in order of ranking on the entry form beforehand.

For each match, a score sheet must be recorded by both teams and submitted after the match to the Tournament Organiser. Both University teams will be responsible for ensuring that a correct result sheet is handed in after every match. Score sheets will be available at the event.

  1. Scoring

Each game will be best of 3 to 21 (rally scoring), with extended play to 30.

  1. Coaching

Coaching is allowed between matches. Players will have a maximum of a one minute break between each match for coaching.

  1. Officials

The Tournament Organiser will take on the role of referee if no other is appointed. One umpire to be present all day to assist organisers, if required.

  1. Shuttles

Feather shuttles will be provided and used throughout the event.

  1. Trophies

A trophy will be awarded to the winner of the team event. Medals and prizes will be awarded to winners and runners up of the individual event.

  1. Clothing and Advertising

BW encourages the use of suitable badminton clothing at all events and supports the education of players about clothing regulations.

  1. Photography

In line with Badminton Wales’ Photographic/Recorded Images Policy, any person wishing to engage in any photography or videoing should complete a Photography and Video Recording Registration Form (Appendix 1) and hand it in to the Tournament Organiser before any photography/video is undertaken. Any unauthorised photographer who will not agree to these conditions may be reported to the appropriate authority.

Photographs/videos will be taken at the regional & national finals and Badminton Wales may use these photographs/videos for purposes including (but not restricted to) news items (both online and newspaper), marketing materials/outlets, education and training, player analysis, performance, development, selection and event promotion. If schools have any concerns with their pupils being photographed at our events please complete the Photography/Video Refusal of Consent Form, which can be found at the end of these conditions (Appendix 2). This form must be handed to the Tournament Organiser on arrival.