Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2015

The wellness meeting started at 9:47 a.m. Present at the meeting were Meredith Bailey, Melissa Ray,

Jeff Jackson, Dan O’Neil, Melissa Ray, Malinda Valenti, Ann Valeski, Melanie Garee, Dianne Haney, Elizabeth Rozich, Kristina Shearer, and Dianne Bohaychick.

Attending members were introduced. The new members are Dan O’Neil-Athletic Director, Dianne Haney-retired teacher/community member, Elizabeth Rozich, and Kristina Shearer-student reps. Unable to attend were the new athletic trainers, Brooke Trowbridge and Matt Crivaro.

The Wellness Committee reviewed and approved the minutes from the April 9, 2015 meeting.

Old Business


·  Billion Dollar Race Melinda Valenti applied for and received a grant for pedometers. This came out of the 100 Mile Club from the Fuel Up to Play 60 program. Meredith will talk to Betty Brdar regarding applying for additional pedometers for the rest of the district. Ann stated that she thinks the students would be more excited and competitive with pedometers.

New Business

·  Wellness Committee’s Purpose Meredith reiterated the purpose of the Wellness Committee as a support of the KASD Student Wellness Policy No. 246.

·  Nutrition Club Meredith started a Nutrition Club. She chose our new student reps, Elizabeth and Kristina, from the club after seeing their interest in nutrition and well being.

·  Elementary Field Days Jeff Jackson said the elementary schools will be doing a Field Day. Since Melanie Garee helps with North Primary, Meredith suggested that she get placed on the agenda for the principal’s meeting to arrange to help with the other elementary schools.

·  Intermediate Field Day Malinda said that the Intermediate School had their Field Day in September and it included all students.

·  High School Wellness Event The date for the Wellness Event is Thursday, April 28 with a rain date of Friday, April 29, periods 1through 4. This date is set by the high school. Discussion took place as to the time of year. The end of May is preferred, but Ann Valeski stated that there is a lot to fit in at the end of the year. Dianne H. stated that students said last year that there were teachers that didn’t let their morning classes participate since the afternoon classes didn’t have that opportunity. Dianne also stated that three phys. ed. teachers have agreed to help with the upcoming event. Melissa said that early may be better as far as the heat is concerned. Kristina would like to see the racquetball, tennis, and volleyball events stay a part of the Wellness Event.

·  Billion Dollar Race Malinda explained that this is basically a walking activity where the students keep track of miles walked and then the teacher keeps track of the miles per student. This can be done with pedometers. It can be competitive between schools and districts. Dianne H. suggested that every building participate. She will talk to the teachers. Ann stated that this could be done during QRT at the high school. Melissa suggested that a day every other week possibly a pep assembly schedule could be done and the Billion Dollar Race could be done at that time. She has noticeably less early dismissals on those days, but Ann stated that overall there are more early dismissals on those days.

·  Grab and Go Breakfast Meredith has secured a grant through the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Assn. for the Grab and Go Breakfast. Elizabeth and Kristina both love the Grab and Go Breakfast and said the students like it and are taking advantage of it. Meredith stated that she is going to

a presentation on breakfast and the brain. It will be put on the website.

·  Y-USA Diabetes Prevention Program Melanie Garee gave an update on the program designed for pre-diabetics to prevent the onset of diabetes. A cohort is made up of 8-15 people. It is a year-long process. Weeks 1-16 you meet weekly, weeks 17-25 bi-weekly, and week 26 through the rest of the year you meet monthly. For those that follow it and come to the meetings, it is showing great success. You can expect a 7% weight loss in 16 weeks. You do not need a doctor’s prescription or visit to be eligible. There is a questionnaire on the pamphlet on the website that would let you know if this program is for you. Elizabeth stated that the group has provided friendship among the members according to her mom who works at the Y.

Round Table

·  Meredith noted that a segment on Good Morning America showed a school in Britain who had students start walking/running a mile a day. They noticed a significant decrease in obesity.

·  Melanie said the Y is still free for 7th graders.

·  Meredith gave a short overview of the Foundation for Wellness Professionals. It is a paid program for wellness in the workplace. She will investigate this further and possibly take it to the KAEF for financial support.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:17 a.m.

Future Meeting Date for the Wellness Committee Meeting

The next meeting will be Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 9:45 a.m. in the Board Room.

Respectfully submitted,

Dianne Bohaychick
